Saturday, November 7, 2009

Jingle-bell Rock...

I know that this is an odd title considering that we just celebrated Halloween and I feel strongly about not celebrating Christmas until after Thanksgiving but I just got quite a shock. So, my downstairs neighbor, you know...the 20 something Marines vet who listens to hard rock and rap all of the time??? I think I've mentioned him before with his smoke wafting up to my place. Anyway, our apartments are not terribly sound-proof and when we play music a little loud I can hear his and I'm sure he can hear mine. I woke up around 6:20 this morning but wouldn't let myself get out of bed. I was just thinking that falling back to sleep would be impossible (at 7:00) when all of the sudden I heard some seriously loud Christmas music coming from the apartment below me. He was not only listening to Christmas music but he was pulling out some of the classics. The first song was none other than Bing Crosby...BING! I love it! I didn't know that anybody else in my age category listened to Bing (I have his holiday album and it's amazing)! Needless to say once Jingle-bell Rock came on I was a goner and had to get up. I thought I was the only person who liked listening to Christmas music this early...apparently my neighbor shares my affinity for the holiday stuff (which is good as that is ALL I listen to from thanksgiving to Christmas)!

Anyway, I didn't really know much more today. I'm anxious to read Jenny's blog when she get's it up and will probably have some real blogging to do tomorrow. I just wanted to share my early morning surprise with you! Have a great day ladies!


project.100.gone said...

A) Did not know a thing about the guy that lives below you....I don't recall you mentioning him.

B)Even though he was playing very good Christmas music, I still think it's a crime when it's played before Thanksgiving. I'm already cringing now that Christmas commercials are on TV and I hear holiday music at stores.

C) I wish I could get up that early on a weekend. I had intentions of getting up today at 9am but I stayed up reading into the wee hours so I slept longer than desired.

LeAnn said...

A) Ditto Jenny's A).

B) It sounds like it was an early morning regardless of the nice surprise.

C) I have a Christmas song that I purposely leave on my iPod and it's always nice when it pops on even though it's at random times of the year.

D) I just felt like copying Jenny's A, B, C -style.

project.100.gone said...

yeah, it is a bit early but I love Christmas music...and I listen to it before Thanksgiving. Not usually this early but give me a few weeks!

Being able to get up early is nice but it's bad too because I have all of these intentions of catching up on sleep and it never happens. I could go to bed at 10 and 3 and still wake up wide-eyed and bushy-tailed at 7. It's nice to have a whole day but then Monday morning rolls around and it's bad! Oh well...I shall survive!