Saturday, November 21, 2009

Whew...what a Friday!

Happy Saturday ladies! I know that my blog title is about Friday but I simply didn't get a chance to blog yesterday. What a crazy day yesterday! Let me tell you, if every Friday started with a 5 a.m. wake-up call announcing the arrival of a new little niece or nephew, it would be so much easier to get out of bed. Needless to say, I have a new niece! Brooklyn Marie was born yesterday morning @ 3:42 in Charles City. She is 9lb 6oz and measures in at 22 inches. She has what I would consider an above average head of black hair and is doing wonderfully. She is very long legged and has the chubbiest cheeks. I think she looks like an alien, because all new-born babies do, but she is going to be very beautiful in two weeks when I finally get to see her! I guess all of the other kids are very happy to see her. Hailee is especially elated that she has a pink baby, not a blue baby. She really wanted a little sister. I guess she told Grandma that when Brooklyn gets bigger, 'she's going to be just like me, but with black hair!' I can't wait to meet her ladies!!

While there was happy baby news on the home front, there was sad baby news on the work front. I mean, not really sad, Sheena and her baby are both doing alright, but Sheena's doctor called her yesterday and told her that her urine test showed elevated protein (stress to the kidneys)so yesterday was her last day. I was very sad because I really like Sheena and I'm going to miss her when she's gone on maternity. I'm glad that her doctor finally put her off, she's been struggling for a few weeks now but it was very sudden. On the plus side, it won't be long until we have another baby! You know, for someone who doesn't want any babies of her own, I sure do like babies!!!

Speaking of me liking babies and kids in general, I had a very interesting/uncomfortable conversation at work yesterday. So, the day was winding down and we were all in funny moods because of the baby craziness, when Ryan, one of the nurses in our cath lab came in. He's a good guy and we all get along with him really well. Anyway, he asked me if I was going to see Brooklyn this weekend and I told him no because she was in Iowa when he suddenly says, 'oh yeah, that reminds me that we were talking about you this weekend.' WHAT? I tend to get very uncomfortable when people start talking about me. So I asked him what was said to know if it was an innocent or scary we were talking about you. Apparently when he was hunting with his buddies Todd and Paul last week his friend asked if he knew any single girls at work. He said that everyone he worked with was married except for Staci and he wouldn't do that to his friend. I guess then they started talking about hunting in Iowa and all of the sudden Ryan was like, 'Oh shit. Nicole is single.' AHHHHH!!! So he told his friend about me and while he was apparently interested he needed to know if I liked kids or not as he has three. I was still trying to decide if I was OK with Ryan trying to hook me up with his buddy, when Julie's all, "She likes kids, just doesn't want any of her own." So Ryan gets all excited to tell his friend that I like kids. He starts telling me this guys life story and when he starts talking about the kids, he tells me that one of them is 14. At that point I told Ryan to put the brakes old is this dude? I guess he's in his mid 30s, Ryan didn't know his exact age. I'm not opposed to seeing someone in his 30s but a 14 year old might be interesting. Anyway, I told Ryan the the idea of a blind date appalls me and if he's serious about me meeting his friend then he better come up with something that we can do in a group so that I can meet this guy before a date would even be considered. Of course at this point Julie jumps in and says that I was just talking about never having seen a hockey game and that would be the perfect set-up...why do I get the feeling my co-workers thing I need a man?!?!? Anyway, nothing was decided yesterday but Ryan was all 'we'll keep in touch!' Thanks.

OK, here are my concerns with this idea:

1) I am super private about my personal life. I don't reveal much to those outside of my close friends/family. If we should meet and it should progress, I don't know that I like the fact that one of my co-workers is buddies with the dude I'm seeing. I know guys talk to their friends about stuff, so do girls and I would never get upset by that but I just am really uncomfortable with the fact that Ryan might know things. However, I have no concern at all that he would ever say anything to anybody at work. I trust him to be discreet.

2) I'm afriad that my ego might get hurt. I don't know what Ryan told him about me specifically but I've found the most men are not neccessarily thrilled to find out that their blind date is a big girl. Now, if Ryan told him and he was cool with that it's not an issue. But how do I ask Ryan if he told the dude I was fat. AHHH!

I guess those are my only real concerns at the present. What are your thoughts ladies?!?!? I'm interested in your opinions.

OK, that's it for now. I have to get hopping to get all of my stuff done today. Have a great day and I'll chat with you later!


project.100.gone said...

Well first of all..congrats on the new addition to your family.

I know how you feel about the blind date deal. I had the same fears back when I was set up on a blind date a couple years ago. I did ask the person that set us up if she had told him about my physique and she had...but I was still nervous.

Even though my picture is up on, I still feel like some men didn't realize how 'full figured' I was. I still think of that as a blind date of sorts because pictures are deceiving sometimes too.

I don't blame you for being cautious about your personal life considering your location in Michigan. I really like your idea of doing something in a group setting so it's more comfortable. Hopefully that can be worked out. Regardless of the worries though...congrats!! Always exciting to have the opportunity to meet a nice guy. 14 year olds aren't that scary either...

LeAnn said...

Before I actually comment on your blog, I wanted to say that it was slightly, if not highly, refreshing to read something other than weight loss. No offense as that is our goal/purpose. We all can offer our expertise on matters other than weight loss so it was nice to read about something else.
Moving on, I think getting to know this possible date is a healthy idea. You know the old adage, "get out there!" If it doesn't work out romantically, you still have met someone new and step outside of your comfort zone. Preferring a group setting for the first meeting was very wise. I wouldn't get too caught up with the kids thing . . . yet. It definitely "throws a wrench" into the mix, but there are a whole lot of other things that need to be considered first, such as: do you even like the guy?
My guess/suggestion is to casually ask Ryan something along the lines of "So how much did you tell (insert name) about me? Anything about my appearance?" It's an unsaid assumption that appearance is important in the beginning, before personalities are known. Not the best advice, but I'm younger, my experiences are limited. Keep us updated though!!
P.S. Congrats on a the newest addition to your family. She sounds like a big baby. How many nieces and nephews do you have?