Tuesday, October 20, 2009

27 candles on my birthday cake...

Actually I don't think I'm going to have a birthday cake this year, but if I were and I wanted to set off the smoke detector I would light those babies up and watch 'em blaze! Maybe it's because I haven't hit that dreaded big 3-0 mark yet but unlike many women, I LOVE getting older! I firmly believe that every year gets better and better. Twenty-six was a good year. While there are certainly things that I would change, mostly the proximity to my loved ones, I have to admit to having many self-discoveries in my 26th year of living. This was the first full year that I have spent away from home. It's almost scary to think that in my 26th year of life I only saw my mom 5 times and my dad twice...TWICE!! I look back on the last year and I had a variety of experiences. I made new friends and lost a loved one. I had times of sadness/homesickness and I had times of elation knowing that I was on my own and life was completely in my hands. I could continue on about year 26 but it is now in the past. I am moving up and on!

I love birthdays because it feels like a chance to start fresh. It's a new year and you have 12 months in which to work on goals and work towards any outcome you can imagine. It's like out 2nd chance to make our new year's resolutions happen! I will honestly admit to not being where I thought I would be at the age of 27. I always thought that by this point I'd be a boring married person. It's silly, I know...when will I ever be boring?!?!? If you had asked me 10 years ago where I thought I would be, I guarantee that I wouldn't even have come close to describing my current life. It's funny how unforeseen things can change your life outcome so much.

Recently, I have spent a lot of time thinking about things in my life that I like and things that I dislike. When I think about the things that I dislike, I realize that half of my major dislikes can be fixed. Obviously, one of my major dislikes is that I have sucked at this lifestyle change. I did really well for about 3 months and then it's been half-hearted attempts. My goal for this coming year is to really hunker down and get back on track. I know that I've said that a lot lately but there have been some things that have happened recently, not even to me or people that I know personally, but I've seen how quickly life can be over. So, after today (you can't focus on lifestyle changes on your birthday) I will be getting back on track. I've been doing well recently and I hope to continue on down the right path! It's now or never ladies. I hear that it gets harder the older you get and let's face it...I'm getting older!!


project.100.gone said...

Very good point about birthdays being sort of a 2nd "new year's resolution". I have always thought about that too. It's not close to my birthday yet but I'm already reflecting on the year and thinking about my goals and desired changes for year 27.

Are you like an official Michiganite now?

I take it my male stripper never made it to you. Rats.

Nicole said...

Actually he did. I hope that you didn't pay too much for him because let me say, he wasn't worth it...I actually offered to double what you payed him to keep his clothes on ;)

LeAnn said...

I too think you're right about birthdays being like New Year's Day. However, I think birthdays are more meaningful because it's easier to face the facts when you are concentrating on your age and your life. I really don't think birthdays should be depressing, but I know that mine sometimes feel that way because I feel like I keep wasting my years. In a non-depressive way, you should think about all that you have accomplished. I know that when my next birthday comes I can say, "Yay! I got my teaching degree this past year!" It'd be cool if I could also say, "Yay, I lost twenty pounds this past year!"

I can't imagine seeing my parents as little as you have, but I'm sure that'll happen eventually. Sorry to hear about your bad stripper. Reminds me of that episode of Friends where Danny Devito is a Phoebe's stripper. Yikes!