Monday, October 19, 2009


Hey Ladies-

I am blogging today so I can tattle on myself. My lifestyle choices have rapidly gone to shit over the last couple months. I need to write out my complaints so they can stare me in the face.

1) I am emotionally eating A LOT. I've been very stressed out with work. Even parenting has gotten a little more difficult with Gavin's schedule and keeping him on track.

2)I'm becoming impulsive. This is related to the emotionally eating. For example, I will be driving home thinking about my day. I'll think about the stress and also start thinking about yummy food. Then I start craving the yummy food and decide to eat it, which makes me temporarily feel better.

3) I messed up my October budget due to eating out too much or buying non-necessities at the grocery store. The checking account is looking rather scary.

4) My treadmill is now a storage unit. I don't run on it. I just set stuff on it so my living room isn't cluttered. At least I'm not hanging clothes on it yet but the situation still really sucks.

5) I want to go back to Weight Watchers but I don't want to repeat history or spend money that I shouldn't be spending.

6) I have no idea how much I weigh and it bothers me. And it scares me.

7) I need to go to the doctor and have a full physical done to see what shape my body truly is in....I'm wondering about my blood sugar again.

8) I am out of shape. You should have heard me when we were hiking at Effigy Mounds and Pike's Peak. Thank god my mom knows CPR.

Okay, that's enough tattling for now. I keep postponing my concerns with my lifestyle and I need to stop doing that. It's all going to catch up with me whether it's going up another clothing size, turning diabetic, or keeling over when walking up a hill. I need to face my issues and really tackle my emotional eating. I need to wrangle that problem pronto so it doesn't escalate further.

Thanks for listening/reading!


Nicole said...

don't you know that you're not supposed to tattle? You clearly were the oldest...younger siblings know that if you tattle you get a butt-whoopin'! However, since you tattled on yourself I'm guessing that you won't have to deal with that!

So, I'm really glad that you're've out of the blogosphere for too long! We missed you (I just assume that LeAnn missed you to)! I think a confession is a good thing every once in a while. When you look at your confession in writing it puts things into very clear perspective.

I know that you do but you don't want to go back to weight watchers. Is there something else in the vicinity that could do that is similar but not actually WW? Maybe join curves (it's right across the road from you) and I hear that curves has a really supportive atmopshere. I wish you luck as you pick up and move on from this point!!

project.100.gone said...

I tried Curves back in the day and didn't like it. I found the workout circuit to be very boring. It didn't help my motivation much.

LeAnn said...

I'm behind in my blogging and blog-commenting so my apologies about that. I am not sure what to tell you or how to comment on it. I guess tattling on yourself is good, but what is the punishment or consequence.

Even though you wrote on the blog, I would suggest writing in a journal-type notebook about it all. I've been doing the goal writing thing with my big paper and it's working. I think once my paper is done I might transfer my goal-writing to my desire to lose weight. I write a few things I need to do and then I write a couple of things I MUST do (goals). I'm no expert but it's one idea and I'm pretty sure Nicole has already mentioned something like it.

It's hard to give you advice because it seems like you've reached a point where the committment, intrinsic motivation needs to come from you. WW has been unsuccessful the past few times so I wouldn't try it again. Even though you want to lose weight, we all know wanting is not enough. Sorry, but that's all I have.

Good luck!