Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Passing time...

Hey ladies, I'm sitting here waiting for the mail to come at work so that I have something to do. I was just going to play Bejeweled to pass the 25 minutes, however, epic fail...Bejeweled is currently undergoing maintenance and can't be played. So, instead of playing a mindless game I decided to blog. Now, before you feel offended that you were my second choice for time killing time, take heart. I don't normally like to blog with such limited time. However, today I make an exception!

I don't have much to share since my last blog on Sunday but I was thinking about something concerning goal setting and thought I would run the idea past you to get opinions. When I mentioned my feelings on goal setting in the last blog I was thinking about how I do like short term goals. I've also realized, rather recently, that I also get bored with my goals. This is a problem. So, what's my solution??? I think that random goal generation might be the ticket. Kind of like a random number generator in research. More specifically I want to sit down and write out many goals (10 minutes of stretching per day, 5 fruits and veggies per day, journal every night etc.) and then place them in a hat or a bowl or peanut jar...the vessel isn't that important. Then, on Sunday night I pull out my goal for the week. That way, I have 1 very specific goal to work on for the week. The following Sunday, I get rid of that goal and start working on something else all together. What I like about this idea is that it not only allows me to keep working on fresh goal, this plan can easily progress from one goal per week to multiple. For example the first month I do one goal per week. The second month maybe I'll start with 1 goal, then the following Sunday I'll pick another and do two goals. A week later I get rid of goal 1 and draw a 3rd and work on 2 and 3! I don't know why but I feel very good about this. So, what are your thoughts?

Besides thinking about goal setting, the beginning of my week has been a little slow. We had a lab meeting at work this morning so I had to be here 30 minutes early...ewww! It wouldn't have been so bad but that means I was out the door by 6:40...ick! On the plus side, I did have time to go and get my flu shot today. I feel all protected!! They're also really pushing the H1N1 vaccine here so I might be getting that in the near future. I was reading that it's an inhaled vaccine...icky! I will take a shot any day over an inhaled medicine. Sigh...

Alrighty, I should take off and go get the mail! Have a great day!


LeAnn said...

I really do like your goal idea. I've thought about doing something similar for choosing meals to make for supper. I'd put all my ideas in a bowl/container and then choose the supper meal by picking one out of the bowl/container. It certainly doesn't hurt to give it a try.
I'm going to keep my comment pretty brief because honestly I feel like crap today and I need all my mental and physical energy to finish teaching for the day. It's mostly a headache, but I just want to jump into bed and stay there. Gross.

project.100.gone said...

I also enjoy your goal idea. A goal lottery....that should keep things exciting. Hopefully some of our blogs entries (LeAnn or mine) can inspire to write goals about things you hadn't considered yet.

I got my flu shot the other week. I was told the H1N1 shot was actually a series of two shots. Not sure if I prefer inhaling the stuff or getting via needle. I've been so on alert lately since many students and kids around me have been sick. I just want to hose everyone down with Purell. Ha!

project.100.gone said...

hosing them down with purell...thats a great idea!! We've been really lucky and haven't had anybody in our clinic come in with H1N1 yes. However, we did have a family come in last week, 6 of 7 tested positive for pertussis the day before. Are you freakin' kidding me? Who comes into a cardiology clinic with whooping cough??? The kid was actually admitted because his O2 sat was like 60.