Thursday, December 11, 2008

T'was a good day at Weight Watchers.....

The computers were working correctly!!! I am down 1.8 lbs. I guess I was 269.8 lbs last week so I'm right at 268 labs. I would like to be at 260 lbs in the middle of January. My next weight goal is is to be at 260 lbs by January 15th.

Weight Watchers is adopting a new program, the Millennium Program. Things aren't much different from the previous program. Stuff just looks fancier and there are a few changes with Point values and food choices. I am starting to develop some worry about eating around the holidays. I do really well in Ames where I control what's in my apartment. My mom usually has a stash of chips or other goodies so I give into temptation more often at her home. The buffet style meals at family gatherings can also be troublesome. If I would just track what I ate, I think I'd be ok. But it's so easy to discard that habit when I'm at home and forget about it while I'm enjoying time with family. I guess I should think positive and not assume that I'll fail. I really want to lose each week....even if it's 0.1 lbs I'll be happy. The 2.6 lbs I gained over Thanksgiving really irritates me.

I made an interesting observation today. Ever since I've adopted the way of WW, I've been doing less dishes. I must have been eating exteme amounts of food months ago because I'd have a lot of pots and pans each night. Housekeeping in the kitchen has been much easier. Not too significant but damn nice.

I started pricing treadmills today too. I believe I will buy one on credit in January and then completely pay it off when I get my tax refund. 2nd Wind Equipment in Ankeny and Des Moines has some decent models that I can afford. Best of all, those models are foldable and have an appropriate weight limit. I just hope delivery is simple, cheap, or even free. I feel somewhat guilty for spending that much money on myself but it's for my health. I guess I will condone it like I condoned buying my bike this year.

Anyway...I hope things turn around and improve this weekend Nicole. I know it's easier said than done but it's mind over matter. Just have to tell yourself that you can do it and persevere. I'm holding you to your goal of getting below 3o0.

Ok, that's enough for now. Happy and Healthy Eating!

1 comment:

LeAnn said...

Congrats on losing weight. I can relate to the eating issue while home. It can get back in Indy too, they eat fancy dinners. But being around his family usually keeps me from pigging out. I'll probably intake more calories by drinking than eating. I am willing to slap your hand if I see you overeating while I am home and at the Smith Family X-Mas party. Just no hitting back. :)