Monday, December 15, 2008

Butternut Squash is Grrrrrrrreat!

Well not to be pessimistic, but the last two days haven't been so hot. Nothing has triggered my poor eating....I'm just in a lazy, "oh well" kind of mood. I haven't counted my points very well at all. I really wanted to lose enough weight to reach the 15 pound point at Weight Watchers so I'd have a nice even weight to maintain over the holidays. Hopefully I can make a difference by being wise tomorrow and Wednesday.

My boss had a dinner tonight for her grad students. The food was so good! The roasted vegetables were the best. She had the best combination of onions, tomatoes, and butternut squash. She also fixed a pork roast and a great salad. The dessert was so rich....turtle pie. It was my first turtle pie and I couldn't believe she made it herself. The dessert probably didn't help my diet LOL.

Anyway, I felt like tattling on myself. I've been eating when I'm not truly hungry. My physical activity is still rather low. And like I said before, I'm not counting my daily point values. I woudn't be horribly worried about that except I'm not listening to my hunger and not making wise choices. I've purposely been keeping non-appealing junk food in the house that only Gavin likes...but now I find myself eating it even though I don't care for it much. Little Debbie cakes are the main culprit. I hate those things. Occasionally I like Star Crunches but the rest of the stuff isn't that great. I've also been eating normal food in inappropriate portions. Blah. Alright, enough tattling for now....I hope you are having better luck than me!


project.100.gone said...

In addition, I went to the Hy-Vee food court with a friend today and had no so good foods. I did eat salad but also had two helpings of Wisconsin Cheese soup, oreo fluff, and hot cocoa. I don't know why I get hot cocoa from those dispensers by capachino because it ends up being way too sweet and gross. I feel gross now and actually sick to my stomach. Boo!

project.100.gone said...

I'm sorry that you're struggeling. This is such a hard time of the year to behave. This is the time when we eat richer foods, have more big meals and want warm/calorie laden beverages (cocoa, eggnog). Keep a positive attitude Jenny! We all struggle. We cannot be perfect all of the time! Even ignoring one naughty impulse/craving is a small victory! Success really is a lot of small victories added up!