Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Woohoo Post #71

Howdy Ladies.....

It is now 10:26 in the PM and I'm somewhat bored and trying to avoid my kitchen. I'm tempted to do some unnecessary snacking. I've done a good job with drinking water today...I keep downing my HyVee carbonated water coolers. My poor kidneys and bladder are probably wondering "what the hell?" I'm still unhappy about some of my food choices this week...after the department Christmas party on Saturday I ran Gavin through the drive thru at McDonald's since he was starving and I got myself a couple cheeseburgers. At least I avoided the french fries....those are the devil.

I ate at a restaurant/study spot on campus today and made wise choices. The sandwich I got was rather large though but lower in points than I expected. The sourdough bread was the source of most of the points. The only thing I gave in to was a hot drink. And since Starbucks is located in this place I got a small (12oz) white chocolate mocha. I got it with soy milk but agreed to have whipped cream on it. I wanted it to warm up since the place was freezing and I tell you what....that drink wasn't as great as I expected. I have really noticed that the junk I crave usually doesnt taste that great. The cheeseburgers on Saturday were bad....mind you I still ate them, but they sucked. I am starting to crave healthier food regularly but still slip into an evening of binging if I'm not careful.

My exercise has been non-existant. I've been very busy and productive with work but I can't find the ambition to bring exercise clothes to work and do cardio for 30 minutes. It's sad. I'd see much faster results if I'd just get my butt moving. Grrrr!

Alright, enough rambling for now.

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