Saturday, December 6, 2008

Getting back on track....

Well Weight Watchers was interesting this week. They are using a computer system now for signing in and measurement. I stepped on the scale and the lady announced "Wow, you lost 2.4 lbs!" I didn't believe it and looked closer at my weight. I think it said 268.9 which is more than what I weighed before Thanksgiving (267.2 lbs I think). They kept my paperwork so I don't have my usual pamplet to check for my weights. I guess the computer was registering gains as loses. Not cool because for a split gave me some hope. But hey, I could have gained a lot more. I had expected to be 270 or more.

I did somewhat binge last night though. They had fancy licorice on sale at Hy-Vee (the kind from Australia) so I indulged. I also got a small portion of the cheesy potatoes from the deli. Ever since I attended our church's Christmas program my mood has been down. I'm not horribly sad or depressed but I'm thinking about my fiance a lot and trying to fix that with food. I made a batch of vegetarian chili today though that will help me with my snacking. A serving is 2 points and I added in an extra kind of beans (black beans) so it's very filling. I also did some much needed cleaning and got the rest of the decorations up for the holidays.

I really wish I had more motivation to exercise. I'm so paranoid about walking outside now thanks to ice. I wish treadmills cost a nickel. LOL I'm also starting to worry about the goodies that I enjoy around Christmas. Gavin is anxious to make our cornflake wreaths and they are so good! My only strategy is to make only half the amount as last year so we get our fix but don't over do it. Or I could just give away half the regular batch. I've been buying Lite Eggnog so that's cut back on the fat and it still tastes good too. My family will make popcorn balls when we are home but I'm not so worried about those. I'll eat one or two and be good for the season. They aren't my favorite. Any holiday goodies that worry you ladies? I guess homemade fudge is also a worry of mine but I'm rarely exposed to it.

Until the next blog....

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