Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Tis the season...

Happy Wednesday ladies! I am happy to report that I have fully recovered from the most horrid drive back to Michigan on Sunday. My entire 550 mile trip was rainy/slushy/snowy with crappy visibility. The trip took 4 hours longer than usual and I was mentally exhuasted when I got home. I'm feeling refreshed now and I'm not nearly as moody...go me! What hasn't recovered is my eating habits. I was doing so well before I left and I actually wasn't terribly naughty over the holiday but since Monday I have been ravenous. I'm getting back on track but it's a work in progress. My shoulder is still killing me so I haven't had any motivation to work out but I plan on checking out the 'gym' here at my apartment once I'm feeling up to it. I'd write more tonight but quite frankly I feel lazy so I will have to end here.

Good luck with the rest of your week ladies!

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