Thursday, December 18, 2008

T-Minus 7 days til Christmas

Hey ladies:

Well I almost didn't go to Weight Watcher's today. But I talked myself out of that line of thinking since I won't be attending any meetings until January. I'm excused from attending meetings because they take place on Thursdays and the next two Thursdays are holidays. I might attend a meeting in Decorah on the 30th though just to keep myself in check. I was unhappy with my eating but managed to only gain 0.4 lb since last week. I tried to fix things the last couple days so I think that helped a lot.

So my next topic today is....popcorn. I really wish I liked it more. Gavin and I have made it the past two nights. I wanted something to fill me up and tide me over so I wouldn't snack all night. The thing is, I really don't enjoy popcorn that much. I know a lot of people that love it but I practically have to force myself to eat a bowl. We don't put butter on it (to keep it healthy plus I hate butter). I have Macaroni and Cheese topping for it and its decent.

So the main topic for WW today was "plan for holiday success". You need to meet, move, eat, and think over the holidays. Obviously meeting refers to WW meetings but I think it could also pertain to our communications over this blog. The one that stands out to me is thinking. I really need to think before I eat massive meals and Christmas goodies. Will I truly be hungry when I'm consuming that food? Or will I eat it simply because it's there on the table?

They actually shared a good recipe today too. If you like Almond Joy candy bars ( I love them), then you should like this:

Almond Joy Pudding

1 package of fat-free, sugar-free instant fudge pudding
2 cups of skim milk
1 cup quick oats (not cooked)
1 tsp coconut extract
1/2 tsp almond extract

Mix pudding and milk together until smooth. Add uncooked oats. Add extracts. Chill. Enjoy
Makes 4 servings....only 2 points for Weight Watchers.

I also received my January issue of Reader's Digest and it's main story is "13 Things No One Ever Tells You About Weight Loss". Here are the 13 things...I'll probably expand my thoughts on some of them later in a different blog entry.

1. Being overweight IS genetic (the FTO genome marker is related to type 2 diabetes and fat mass)
2. Some people just have more fat cells than others
3. You CAN change your metabolism
4. Stress fattens you up
5. Your mom's pregnancy affects your weight
6. Sleep More, Lose More
7. Your spouse (or significant other's) weight matters
8. A virus can cause obesity (this one seems crazy!)
9. Cookies (and other junk foods) really are addictive
10. Ear infections can taint your taste buds
11. Antioxidants are also anti-fat
12. Pick a diet, any diet (they all seem to have the same 4 rules: consume carbs in the form of whole grains and fiber, avoid trans fat and saturated fat, eat lean protein, and fill up on vegetables and fruits).
13. You can be fit and fat (I love this thesis pertains to this point)

Hey Nicole....Steven Blair was a big influence in this article...are you familiar with him?

Ok ladies, that's enough for now!

1 comment:

project.100.gone said...

great blog jenny. i'm detoxing from my shitty commute today but will blog tomorrow!