Saturday, December 13, 2008

Bah humbug...

I suck! Obviously not in general, I feel as though I am a delightful friend and companion but when it comes to keeping on track I must say...not good. I feel like I was doing so well. I was at 301.5 the morning before I left for my thanksgiving sojourn to Iowa and I am officially back to 307.4 as I type. Humbug I say...sorry, I watched my favorite Christmas movie Thursday night and I have Scrooge in my head! I have no excuse except for the fact that I am sucking right now. I'm lazy, unmotivated, bored, lazy, homesick...did I mention lazy?!?!? I too have made Jenny's discovery that I've been doing fewer dishes this past week. However, my dish decrease is coming from the fact that I cooked one night this week, ONE, and ate out (well technically in) the rest of the week...double humbug! My physical activity has consisted of me walking up and down my steps to get to my car or apartment and walking down the hill to work and back up the hill to the bus. At this rate I should honestly forget my goal of 300 0r less by new years and just pray the God that I'm not back at 321 when 2009 rolls around!

Although giving up until after Christmas/New Year's seems so easy, I'm not going to do that and I'm not going to forget my goal...that would be ridiculous. I don't need to change my goal I just need to change my path, my way of thinking/acting (much like Scrooge does at the end of the movie...see I can keep this theme going). First and foremost I cannot eat out anymore. I only have 1.5 weeks until I leave for Christmas and it will be home-prepared meals until that day. I also need to start listening to my body again and eating when, and only when my body is truly, phyisiologically hungry. Third, I need to pick up my activity level. I always feel better when I'm doing some sort of exercise. It doesn't have to be a lot but it has to be something. I've been doing really well with drinking water...I make myself drink at least 4, 16 oz. glasses of water each day at work so that's great. I need to make sure I'm drinking as much on the weekends though. And lastly, I need to stop feeling sorry for myself. I knew moving out to Michigan would be hard, and I don't think I've made a good enough effort to enjoy life out here by myself. I whine about being alone but all I do is go to work and sit at home. I need to look into doing something. Joining a church, a community group, a book club...I am so not picky anymore. I just need to do something! No more humbugging for this girl. I am, from here on out happy Scrooge!


project.100.gone said...

Post 73!!! That is the family football number...cousins, and most recently my baby brother! Sorry, I'm a nerd!

project.100.gone said...

I really like the goal you've made of not eating out the next week before you leave for the holidays. I also feel myself starting to slip (especially after making those cornflake wreaths tonight). I just know that I'm going to start to condone myself to eat more sweets and junk just because it's the holidays. We have to stick with it! Lifestyle changes don't take a break for holidays, birthdays, etc. so we shouldn't take breaks or validate poor choices either. Go us!

LeAnn said...

Ok, Miss Scrooge, I can understand the shittiness of gaining weight. I have been going up and down the past two weeks and it's driving me crazy. While I think losing weight is always fun to find out about, maintaining weight is also something to be proud of. So if you can either lose or maintain your weight through the difficult eating errr . . . holiday season, then you deserve a pat on the back or butt - whichever you prefer. It's never too late to make some good decisions so I second Jenny's commending your goal to not eat out. And go you for drinking lots of water. Anyway, back to writing my 12-15 page paper for finals week. Ta ta!