Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Yoga in the morning

Happy Wednesday ladies! What an absolutely gorgeous day! We have been really lucky here in southern Michigan these last five days. The weather has been perfect: warm, sunny, breezy...simply amazing. I have to say, I'm actually really glad that we've had our weather and not yours. Don't get me wrong, I want warm weather but I don't think I'm quite ready for 90 degrees yet. I'll keep the milder temperatures as long as I can. God bless the great lakes and their climate controlling properties!

It's been kind of a crazy week so far. I got out of work half an hour late on Monday and last night I didn't' get out of work until almost 6. Many of our doctors were gone last week for conferences so I think they're trying to make up for it now. Too bad that means I have to get overtime. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind the time and a half pay but taking OT is highly frowned upon. Because I have direct patient care it's inevitable at times but it's still never a good thing. Working late last night also lead me to a desperate measures situation for dinner.

I've been planning on making this new macaroni dish and I was going to make it last night. By the time I got home (after visiting the bead store with Patti) it was almost 8 and I was starving, there was no way I was going to cook. Fortunately I had a really good workout yesterday morning because I ordered Jimmy John's and managed to stay within my budget...yay! Oh yeah, I should also mention it was delicious! I don't hardly eat out anymore so I really find it to be a treat when I do. I'm hoping to get out of here on time tonight so I can go home and whip up my old fashioned macaroni with ham and peas...I can't wait!!

Patti and I had success at the bead store last night. I ended up picking up the clasp for Karla's necklace, posts for the earrings and the crystal beads that we're going to use. The metal is all copper and the beads are a rose color. I think it will all look beautiful together when the jewelry is finished. I can't hardly wait for them to get done. I'll post pictures when the project is complete!

I have recently made some changes to my morning routine and I have to say I like it. I've never been the kind of person who can wake up easily during the week. It's especially bad in the winter. However, as the spring progresses, I notice that it's getting easier for me to drag myself out of bed earlier and earlier. Because this is getting easier I've decided that I'm going to try and get up every morning at 4:40-well, during the week that is. I already get up this early on Tuesday and Thursday mornings to do cardio but I'm going to try my hardest to do get up on M-W-F mornings and do yoga. Today is the first morning that I tried and I loved it. By the time I got done with my 50 minute DVD I had plenty of time to make an omlet, eat breakfast, watch some news, shower and get ready for work. I think what I love the most is that I finally have the energy to do something like this. I can't believe how big of a difference losing 50 pounds has made.

Anyway, I should stop writing. Have a great day week!


project.100.gone said...

So Michigan didn't get a heat wave? It was crazy hot in Ames yesterday. We were in the 90s. Sadly I had to give in and turn the AC on.

I can understand why OT is frowned upon but hopefully they are understanding since it's necessary. I wish I got OT...I'd be rolling in $$$.

What sandwich did you get at Jimmy John's? We don't go there very much anymore. The only sandwich I like at that place is the worst one for you. Go figure.

The change in seasons must have an energizing effect on many people. I have found it easier to wake up early too now that the sun is up earlier. I'm not getting up before 5am by any means but there have been some 6:30am mornings that weren't horrible. I am hoping to get up early too so I can work out (hopefully outside) before the sun is high and the temps are unbearable.

Another congrats on reaching that 50 lbs mark! I'm so proud (and a tad bit jealous) :)

LeAnn said...

I'm so dumb. I forgot to copy my comment, before I pushed the published button, so I lost it all. The heat wave killed me. It was so hard to teach in, and when I got home, I felt so sick. Luckily, I have fans and an air conditioner in my bedroom. Without it, there would have been no way for me to sleep.

I wish teachers got OT. Many of us put in more than the standard 40 hours. I hope the OT helps your budget. I've never really taken to Jimmy John's. I'm a Subway girl.

I'm super impressed with your weight loss, workout routine, and dedication. You are doing so well. My sleep is so precious to me that I couldn't get up at 4:40 am. My friend and I have been talking about joining a yoga class. If you like it, maybe I will too.

I'm so happy for you.