Tuesday, May 10, 2011

The semester is done....Halleluiah!!!!

Greetings all-

It is so nice not to have to prep for any classes this week! I turned my final grades in for ISU and DMACC on Monday morning. My grade distributions had a wider variety this semester. I still have one task left to complete....have to complete a form for some of the PE majors for their files. It takes some time since I have to reflect on their performance all semester and complete a rubric. It helps to determine if they should be in the Teacher Education Program.

We have a new professor for the fall for the PE program. Thanks to his arrival my workload is changing. I'm actually surprised by how they changed my load but shouldn't be. I am no longer teaching the 400-level classes. I honestly don't mind handing that off. But on the other hand, it's tough to let those classes go since I've put so much time and energy into my presentations and projects. I'll be teaching 200 level classes each semester. Those classes are the fundamental courses PE majors teach so they are competent in all the areas of PE (team sport, aquatics, racquet sports, etc.). I will also be supervising student teachers again. I don't thoroughly enjoy that part of my job since it can be difficult to honestly critique senior PE students. I sometimes have critique the cooperating PE teachers too and that can be awkward too. And on top of that I'm teaching Health Studies 110 (Personal Wellness). It's essentially the same class I teach at DMACC but a different book. And I'm still the Physical Activity Coordinator for the department. They are not giving me as much hours per week to complete that part of my job though....that should be interesting.

I've been working on the summer camp a lot this week. Families are starting to submit their registration packets and pay their fees. It's amazing how paperwork can eat up hours of time. I had my first meeting for the employees too.

I'm seriously considering the idea of riding my bike to work this summer. I still need to get my bike serviced though. I live so close to campus so what the heck? I guess I'm a little paranoid about the security of my bike. I'm probably going to keep it inside our building during the day. I'm also happy about my summer schedule. In theory, I don't have to be to work until 12:30pm so I have my mornings to myself. I would love to get my exercise in each morning so I don't need to worry about it at the end of the day when I'm bushed.

I realize that I suck when it comes to loseit.com. Now that life is less hectic, I hope to make time to document important parts of my weight loss. I'm excited to cook meals and try new recipes. And don't forget about grilling! I've found an amazing cut of meat at Hyvee and am proud to say that I'm eating grilled steak. They provide perfectly portioned filets that are $2.00 and very lean. Our next challenge is to grill fish and grill it well.

I think that's all I have for now. I plan to catch up with some reading soon since I haven't touched any of the magazines in my apartment for months. Maybe I'll have some tidbits to share from my periodicals soon.


project.100.gone said...

Yay for classes being over! I love that you have that stress gone for the next few months. I know you'll have plenty to do with SYF but at least you just have the 1 thing to contend with.

It will be nice, probably, to not have the 400 level classes. I know it sucks when you put so much work into them but hopefully you won't be spread as thin this coming school year.

I think riding your bike to work is a great idea. I don't like riding on busy roads but if I remember correctly the bike trail runs by your place and will get you pretty much to Forker. It's a good way to work some extra exercise into your day. Although you're probably going to be getting a lot of exercise with the camp this summer.

No worries about loseit. It's like anything else, just a tool. If it fits into your life and works, great, if not, don't feel bad. It takes a lot more work at first because you have to get your foods entered in but now that I've been on it for 4 months it's a lot less time consuming.

Yay for the steak! Your body will love the red meat! Do you know what cut of beef it is? Is it similar to a London broil?

Happy reading!

LeAnn said...

I'm jealous (and I probably will be every year) how colleges are done so early. I only have eight days left, so I'm excited about that. It sounds like next year will be interesting, a different schedule and all. You said you'd have to quit at DMACC, right? Your summer schedule sounds feasible. Good luck with the biking. I'm not a biker. I don't foresee it being something I do, like bowling.

I want to try loseit.com too. I have heard of another good website that I want to look into too. I used to buy pork or beef to cook and eat. I haven't done that in forever. I don't own a grill, so that's out. I miss meat. LoL.

I look forward to reading soon too. I think you said you and Jon were grilling last night or today, so I hope that turns/ed out.