Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Smoother sailing???

Hey all-

I've accomplished quite a bit today at work so I'm taking some time to blog (it also makes me look like I'm still busy at my desk). I sent out a mass email this morning to all the families in the Summer Youth Fitness program and let them know about the pool closure. I've had a mixed reaction. Some parents immediately responded and want their money back. Others have been really understanding and willing to find swimming opportunities elsewhere but still keep their kids in the program. I expect to find more emails in my inbox later today and tomorrow since I've only heard from like 1/5th of the parents. I also broke the news to my boss. I told him that some families are asking for refunds and the budget may get a little funny.

Memorial Day Weekend was very nice. I like not doing much. We went out to eat a few times. I finally went to church (it had been weeks). The church sermon was a ironic. Its focus was happiness and how people attain it. Considering I haven't been especially happy lately, I tried to listen well. One thing I've realized (with the help of Jon) is that I'm still too much of a control freak. I really get stressed and sick when things happen that are out of my control. My mind is almost making me feel like it's my fault the pool is broken. I'm still stressed today but it's a 100 times better than last week. I've even had some less-than-kind people complain to me about it and it didn't get me worked up. Fact of the matter is that I like to do my job well. I want to do an outstanding job this summer since it's my first time directing the program. We can still provide a quality experience to those kiddos even though we don't have a cement hole filled with chlorinated water.

I've been making poor eating choices. You can probably guess that the pool situation led to some emotional eating. I have no idea what my weight is right now. But I do know that I want it to be less. The vicious cycle of poor sleeping and lack of energy is rearing it's ugly face too. I want to get up somewhat early and exercise or do something productive in the morning. Unfortunately, it's all I can do to get my butt out of bed and in the shower. If I slept better, I'd be able to function by 7am. I saw another study on the news the other day that reinforced that good sleep can help weight loss or keep weight in a healthy range. I just cannot fall asleep at night like I want. I even tried to nap this weekend and couldn't fall asleep.

I guess that's all for now. I'm hoping the program starts off without a hitch on Monday. If that's the case, I can start focusing on myself again and strive towards those healthy goals. Hope everyone is doing well!

1 comment:

LeAnn said...

I give you props for dealing with this whole pool issue. I have some experience with upset parents, so you have my sympathy. You seem to handle it just like I would - super stressed at first and it slowly decreases. I can understand how you would think/feel that the whole pool issue is your fault, but it's one of those Murphy's Law type things. It's too bad that it has to screw the program and funding up.

I liked having a low key Memorial Weekend too. I should think about going to church again. I feel like it's quite the commitment though, which is horrible to say. I'm a control freak too. No worries. For me, I think it's ironic that I strive and desire for certain things to make me happy. However, sometimes when I get those things, I'm still not happy. I hope that makes sense.

I've been making poor eating choices too. I hate myself for it. I've been lazy in terms of cooking. I look for easy food choices, which is often unhealthy stuff. I've been craving potato chips and french onion dip - so bad, but oh so goooood. I'm also with you on the sleeping issue. I haven't been sleeping as well as I should. The whole summer schedule has thrown off my sleeping schedule. I hope it doesn't last all summer.

I'm glad you blogged!