Friday, May 6, 2011

Bittersweet celebrations

Happy Friday ladies! Once again the week has come and gone and we're so close to a wonderful two-day respite from the hustle and bustle of our busy, weekday work lives. This week is a good week. First and foremost, my amazing sister-in-law graduates from nursing school today!! She has worked so hard these last two years, raising 4 children and going to school is no easy task, especially considering she's a single parent Monday-Friday half of the year. Her accomplishment is even more amazing when you take in to account the fact that Tasha is a high school drop out with a very rough past. However, through hard work, dedication and an immense amount of will power she has turned her life around 180 degrees over the last 7 years! It's an amazing inspiration to think of how far she has come in this life.

Everybody is so proud of Tasha and we are all in a celebratory mood but there is a bittersweet feel to the happiness. I have had many calls from Tasha in the last few weeks as her graduation, Mother's Day and Karla's bridal shower have been approaching, where one of us or both of us end up in tears (it's usually both). Do you think the sadness that my mom isn't here for these types of events will ever go away? Everyday life has been getting easier but every time these big events roll around it's like we're going through losing her all over again. I literally woke up in tears this morning. Who does that?!?! Anyway, we're trying really hard to focus on the happy and once we get through Karla's wedding, where we'll be needing lots and lots of waterproof make-up, we should be good on big events for a while.

Speaking of happier thoughts, I have started to move in the right direction with my weight loss again! I stepped on the scale this morning, a little apprehensively because our going out for margaritas last night turned into margaritas and dinner, and I've officially lost 49.8 close! I was hoping to hit the 50 pound mark before I head back to Iowa and I will certainly accomplish that goal! Bonus, my 50 pound earrings are in the process of being made as we speak!!

When my mom passed away Karla inherited the pearls we bought her: a very long strand of ivory pearls. Karla is going to wear them for her wedding but I'm having a woman I work with restring them into a double strand. I'm taking the leftover pearls and having wedding earrings made for Karla (which she doesn't know about!) but I'm also having a pair made for myself. Patti is going to make me white gold hoops with the pearls stringed on the hoops! I am really excited and I think it will be really nice to be able to use my mom's pearls in a way that works for me...I love hoop earrings! Patti just started the work on the necklace and earrings so I don't know if mine will be done by the time I head home, Karla's getting done are the priority as that's my shower gift to her, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed!

OK, I think that's all I have for now. Have a wonderful weekend ladies! Enjoy mother's day and I hope your weather is lovely!

1 comment:

LeAnn said...

I hope you had a lovely weekend. We had pretty ideal weather. Congrats to your sister-in-law graduating from nursing school. It sounds like she was wonder woman with her family and getting through school. It's so nice that you have each other to talk through the teary times. Well, your mom's spirit will always be there for the family celebrations, but I think the sadness will gradually lessen. It's nothing to be ashamed of or worried about. It has to be tough to wake up with tears/crying. Your mom must be weighing heavily on your subconscious as well as conscious. I think it'll get better, but I can't speak from experience. I have woke up with tears, which is unsettling.

Yay, your body has finally beaten the plateau! Congrats!! Your idea for the pearls is really unique and creative. I bet Karla will be surprised and love them. You deserve them too. What a great way to share the pearls and share your mom's memory.

P.S. The recipes for the lemon bars and the blueberry bars sound great. I will be trying those when I have more time. Thanks.