Wednesday, March 9, 2011

I can't believe I'm doing this...

Happy lent ladies! I can hardly believe that this time of year is upon us once again. I have been thinking about what I want to give up for lent for a while now. Last year I was very successful at not eating out but I don't want to do the same thing two years in a row. I thought about the great stand by of giving up pop but I don't really drink that much anymore so it wouldn't be much of a sacrifice. After mulling it over I had a great idea. Well, it might not be such a great idea but it was the winner. This year for lent I am giving up my snooze button.

I used to be really good about setting my alarm and just getting up. I would crawl out of bed and do my morning things. As I got older, I started to rely on that 9 extra glorious minutes of sleep after I hit the snooze button once. However, once became twice, twice became three times and then it got to the point where I was setting my alarm 30 minutes prior to when I needed to get up so I could hit the snooze a handful of times. When you think about it, that's crazy. Why not just get an extra 35 minutes of uninterrupted sleep as opposed to 35 minutes of, whens the alarm going to go off again?!?!

Anywho, because my addiction is headed towards comical levels of craziness, I decided to try and break the habit by quitting it for 40 days, or should I say 40 mornings. I don't know how well this will work out. I'm so attached to my snooze button that I had dreams about it last night...yikes! To help me out, I'm setting my alarm to the point where I have to get out of bed to get to work on time so I don't really have a choice but to get up once it goes off but I still found myself wanting to roll over for another 9 minutes this morning. However, when push came to shove I got up this morning and started my Lenten snooze button fast on the right foot.

Other than that I don't have much else to share. I did try a new recipe this week and it turned out really well. I'll have to post that for you. I'm also happy to report that in just over 48 hours Jenny will be here...yay! I hope that the start of your week was good and that it ends welll.


LeAnn said...

Bless you for blogging. It's been to quiet on the blogosphere (on my end too, of course). Your lenten choice is interesting. It's good that you are choosing something that will actually be challenging and make a difference.

I've gotten somewhat liberal with the snooze button too. I haven't gone past three. It's such a guilty feeling that goes along with pushing it. Mine goes off every five minutes, so it becomes annoying before long.

I hope you and Jenny have fun. Don't do anything I wouldn't do. :-)

project.100.gone said...

I know, I've felt really bad about not blogging. I really enjoy it so there isn't a good reason to skimp on it. I hope you find some time in the future to do your own blogging...I miss knowing what's going on in your life :)

It's too bad you can't come along in Jenny's luggage! I think us three ladies could have a wickedly good time.

Do you get a spring break? I think Taylor must have a break coming up because Cody and Tasha were going to come on a surprise visit this coming weekend until I told them I already had company coming.

LeAnn said...

Yep, next week is Spring Break. Hallelujah. I should have blogged plenty by the time you have time to read a.k.a. after Jenny leaves. One more day and then I am free for almost ten days! I thought it'd be fun to come along, but alas, we didn't think in advance. It's okay. You girls have fun.

project.100.gone said...

Well shoot I didn't realize that Cody and Tasha would consider coming up to see you! I'm going to be selfish though and be grateful that you stuck with me as your guest of choice.

I'll have to give the lent thing some thought....I'm also hooked on the snooze button. The alarm on my new phone is extremely obnoxious so I wouldn't mind using it less.