Monday, August 31, 2009

Crock Pot Heaven

Hey ladies-

My scalloped potatoes and ham were a success! Oh my gosh the apartment smelled so good when I got home from work this afternoon. Gavin even tried it....he's a weird child. He didn't really care for the moist, delicious potatoes but he was all about the ham. I was really pleased by Hy-Vee because they offered pre-cooked, cubed ham in 2 oz packages and it was very affordable. I didn't have to buy ham and dice it up myself. I only had to peel and cut up potatoes.

Here is the recipe I used for my scalloped potatoes & ham:

6 peeled potatoes that are cubed
1 medium onion chopped/diced into small pieces
1/2 a pound of cubed, precooked ham

You layer those ingredients in the crock pot so they are evenly distributed.

4 tbs of butter/margarine
4 tbs of flour
2 cups of milk
1.5-2 cups of shredded cheddar cheese
(I also used a water-corn starch concoction to thicken up the cheese sauce a little bit)

Melt the butter in a saucepan and gradually add flour to it. Stir to keep it smooth. Gradually add milk to saucepan. The ingredients should start to thicken. They didn't thicken well for me so I made a cornstarch/water concoction and it helped a lot. Cheddar cheese is added to the saucepan and quickly melts.

Pour the cheese sauce over the ham, potatoes, and onions and be sure to stir very well. Cook on high for 3-4 hours or low for 6-7 hours in the good 'ol crock pot.

Makes 6-8 servings.

When and if you have the time Nicole, I'd love to see any recipes you have for the crock pot. My goal is to make a pot roast next week since Gavin likes beef and I'll eat it if it's lean.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Bring on September!

Hey ladies-

Well I'm fine with August leaving...I also am a lover of fall. I love the crisp air, changing leaves, and the approaching time of Halloween. I did appreciate that the summer wasn't as hot, humid, and stifling as usual because I hate when I sweat like a pig when barely doing anything.

I don't have anything diet/exercise related to blog about...I'm here to merely ramble. I'm procrastinating for another hour before I do some prep work for the week. I've spent a lot of time just laying around today (it is the day of rest right?) and reading for pleasure.

Things I've realized now that we're in our new home:

-- the unpacking process takes forever! We are living comfortably but I still have boxes in each room that need to be unpacked. Since we have no issues working around the boxes, my motivation to unpack them keeps dwindling.

--I do miss having a desk or work area in the apartment. I'm currently using the dining room table which provides great space but I'd rather be using the space for meals only. After a couple months of employment, I plan on buying a new laptop so that should help free up more space when and if I get rid of my PC. It's not functioning horribly well and it's not worth fixing.

--I really love living in a building that has more security. I no longer have any apprehension when I leave town for the weekend. It's also brought me a lot of piece of mind when Gavin comes home on his own after school some days.

--I do admit that dishwashers are great inventions. I alternate between washing dishes in the sink and using the dishwasher. Some evenings its nice to just load the machine and let it do its work. I honestly didn't think I'd use it very often when I moved in...I thought it would provide extra storage space. I have plenty of cupboard space though (still have empty cupboards).

--I still miss having a linen closet though. It drives me nuts that I have to venture into one of Gavin's closets to get a bathroom towel, dish rag for the kitchen, or toilet paper. But at least he had an extra closet to spare...I'd really be going nuts if I didn't have a closet or space to put any of that stuff.

So last night I finally got over myself and signed up for an online dating site. I'm using and I don't feel 100% about it. I've thought about using a dating site for months and now that life is more stable I figured I'd start working on one of my personal goals: find my prince charming. I was encouraged to use either or E-harmony for a couple reasons. Supposedly more professionals use these kind of sites, rather than me being matched with college boys. Secondly, the sites require you to pay. I used a free site in 2007 and was very disappointed. Everyone just wanted sex. There was no focus on a relationship and it was depressing. I'm hoping that by paying the quality of men will improve and their priorities will match mine.

Hopefully I have luck with it but I do anticipate disappointments or frustrations. I mean, it's a dating site for Pete's sake so it can't all be rainbows, positivity, etc. I just need to make sure I allow myself time to go on dates. I've gotten into the nasty habit of spending my Friday and Saturday nights with Gavin. I don't like asking my family or friends to watch Gavin for me because I always feel like I'm intruding. Not sure I know of any babysitters right now either.

I keep thinking about turning 27 in November and I really wish I could get my romantic life back on track. I know I'm still young, blah, blah, blah but I miss having companionship. I'm sure you'll hear a lot about my trials and tribulations in the world of hehe.

Hope you all have a good start to this new week. Good luck to you Nicole and I hope you get some resolution at work. Good luck to your first full week of contact with students LeAnn.

Is it August or October?!?!?

Happy Sunday! This morning I find myself sitting here in sweats and still being a bit chilly wondering if it's summer or fall. Don't get me wrong, autumn is my favorite season and a prolonged fall is never a bad thing in my book. However, to be honest, I always hope for the extension of my favorite season to be on the winter end of things, not the summer. I'm not going to complain, I'd rather have cooler than stifling hot weather but it looks like some of my outdoor plans for my trip home are going to have to swimming in a rock quarry when it's only 70 degrees...brrrr!

I promised Jenny that I would blog this morning but I'm having a difficult time coming up with topics. I've been eating in (trying to get rid of my perishables before I take off) and getting some exercise. Probably not enough but I've had a lot going on with my trip back home. Huh, that sounds like an excuse....interesting. Anyway, seems how I don't have any harrowing stories of defeat or uplifting stories of victory for you, let me just share some random thoughts with you this morning!

1) I watched Watchmen last night and really enjoyed it. It was a bit slow in certain spots, but all in all I was entertained thoroughly. I also love it when movies let you come up with your own conclusions about how things are going to turn out in the end and let's just say that this movie left me wondering...excellent! I also would love, love LOVE to thank Bob Dylan for writing the song Desolation Row so that years later My Chemical Romance could perform it during the credits of this movie. As soon as the song started I was up rocking out...I some times think that I'm quirky, but I like it!

2)My new downstairs neighbor might hate me already...oops! As I was cleaning yesterday I stumbled across 2 half loaves of bread, I only thought I had 1. I knew that I would never be able to eat both half loaves before I left and I hate what happens to sandwich bread when you freeze and thaw it. The only logical conclusion for me was that I should feed it to the ducks! It went over like gang busters!! They loved the bread. However, when the bread was gone they didn't leave...all day! They just stood outside of my downstairs neighbor's patio and were like, "what the hell??? where's the bread." Suffice it to say I feel bad because as far as I can tell he's not a bad neighbor. Oh well, ducks will be ducks!

3)When it rains it pours and that goes for maintenance requests also. One of my cupboard doors fell off the other day and I've been meaning to call maintenance for it. However, in the interim I have also had the following issues occur:

-dropped an egg yolk down the side of my stove and cant get the stove pulled out. I need them to come move it so I can clean up.

-Toilet won't stop running. Beyond jiggling the handle I have no idea how to solve this problem and the jiggle method doesn't work.

-The battery in my thermostat needs replacing and I am apparently not intelligent enough to figure out how to replace it.

yep...I should really get them in here to take care of this stuff.

4) My nephew turned 2 yesterday...where the hell does the time go??? It seems like only yesterday he was just turning one.

5) I'm meeting with my boss to talk about the issues with the bitchy co-worker on Tuesday. I hope that things get taken care of and we can resolve this problem before it drives everybody crazy...wish me luck!

Ok ladies, I can here the sirene call of a warm shower. I hope that your both have lovely Sundays and that your week goes by smashingly!

Friday, August 28, 2009


Dear blog friends,

I don't have time to properly blog but I wanted to touch base (in proper English, no less) and give you a few updates. Before I do my list I just want to promise that I will blog properly before the weekend is out!

1: My bitchy co-worker is getting worse. I'm setting up a meeting with my boss next week before I leave to discuss the situation. It's time to take some real action. She's also not calibrating still...I will make this a real issue this time!

2: My mom had her arteriogram today and they found that the blockage in her leg is actually 2 blockages. They're going ahead today and are going to place her stents. If all goes well she should be discharged tomorrow. However, thats when the hard part starts. She has been smoking, not a lot but she still does and she HAS to stop. She has a vascular condition and it will literally kill her if she doesn't stop, and not in the sense that smoking will eventually kill everyone who smokes. So, she's got some rough days ahead.

3: I cannot wait for my trip home. I am getting some books on CD this weekend from the Library so that I have some entertainment for my trip! I cannot wait to get back to Iowa and see everyone!

4: My nose is not was a very scary close call. I think it's even forgiven me for smacking it around!

OK...have a great day!!!


Hey all...

Bizarre title I know, but I wanted to comment on the jeans I recently purchased from Lane Bryant. I bought trouser jeans. They are denim, hence the jean part, but they look very sophisticated due to the style, color, etc so they are deemed more work appropriate. I wore them yesterday and really liked how comfortable they were. Pair them with a dressy shirt and you look quite professional. Since I couldn't find any khakis to buy, these jeans sort of saved me.

Glad to hear from you Nicole even if it is a series of sounds made by a stressed out person. I had wondered if you were having a trying week or something. Maybe you can relax in the fact that today is FRIDAY and you get time to yourself this weekend without tests, long hours, and coworkers that cause you un-needed stress.

I found out yesterday that I don't have to work all day Saturday at the Red Cross. The babysitting course I was scheduled to teach has been canceled and I'm very happy about that. I need the entire weekend to do some prep work, clean, and have fun with Gavin. He has a bowling alley gift certificate that is burning a hole in his pocket so we'll probably use that tomorrow. I'm sure I can still clean with a sore wrist. I also want to use my crock pot next week so it's time to scour the recipe books and find a tasty dish to make that both Gavin and I will eat. His pickiness is diminishing so it's becoming easier to make meals that we'll both eat.

Need to blow my hair and stuff prior to going to Des Moines for a meeting so I better get a move on! Enjoy this Friday and the weekend!

Thursday, August 27, 2009



I'll be back later!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Whew what a week!!

I am so glad I'm a somewhat organized human being. If I wasn't, I'm sure I would have had a nervous breakdown by Tuesday this week (hehe). The new job is proving to be stressful but I'm not horribly shocked by that. I knew I'd be busy, especially this first week of class. I'm trying to utilize my time well in classes so I don't let students leave early. I have discovered that most of my PE students in my Outdoor Team Sport course do not know how to write a lesson plan....we're supposed to start teaching a week from today (Wednesday) and many of the kids are very overwhelmed now that they know my expectations. My lesson today rocked though as I taught a floor hockey lesson to show them the flow of teaching. I gave them all a copy of my lesson and let them see my organization. We went through the lesson, they asked questions, and I really broke things down for them so they understood how to teach in a basic sense.

Gavin successfully rode the bus to and from school today. He got home around 2:30pm and I didn't get home until 3:20pm due to my teaching schedule. He did fine thank god with walking home, entering the code to get into our building, and letting himself into our apartment. I'm glad he's responsible because everything was fine when I got home. He was watching tv and just hanging out. There's one less thing to worry about. :)

I really love my PE Curriculum class. It is only for seniors so the discussions are more in depth and more exciting. I have also included a component that discusses the issues surrounding PE now a days so they think critically about challenges and barriers they may face since PE is being cut and reduced in some school districts. It's so exciting to plan my lectures.

PE student teaching supervision has added some stress to my life. I had to schedule a preliminary meeting with those student teachers and their cooperating teachers this week and finding the time was tough. It worked out though...I had 2 of the 3 meetings today and the last one takes place on Friday. I'll visit them 2-3 times to evaluate their teaching and have one final meeting during the 8th week to discuss their evaluation before they move to secondary student teaching for PE. Next semester I have double the number of student teachers so I'm glad I have low numbers now so I get used to this part of my job.

The other class I'm organizing is the observation course for PE teachers. They have to observe 40 hours of secondary PE this semester to fulfill requirements for PE licensure in Iowa. I have to make contacts with principals first to ensure students can enter the schools. Then I have to make contacts with the PE teachers to get their permission as well. PE teachers aren't great about checking email...neither are some of the principals. So it's a slow process and I won't have as much information as I'd like by Friday.

My Individual Sport class begins in the middle of the semester when Outdoor Team Sport ends. I'm not even going to think about the class until October hehe.

I'm also organizing our after school program (starts Sept 15) and will be hiring undergraduate students. Ran into a road block today as Risk Management wants me to do background checks on my new employees. I'm hoping they can be cleared before the 15th especially with the holiday occurring during the waiting period. We have used grad students in the past and apparently we should have been doing background checks then too. Whoops.

I haven't used my treadmill yet....things have been crazy all week and when I get home I have parental stuff to do and prep work for ISU duties. Excuses I know....I just wish life would settle down some so I could start my good exercise habits. Hehe.

Ok, enough info for now! Hope everyone has had a delightful week thus far!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Sleepy Sunday...

Hey ladies, I hope that your weekend has been nice. I didn't get anything accomplished this weekend but it was very, very pleasant. The weather was gorgeous, which is a nice change from the stifling heat and humidity of last week. I also got a chance to hang out with friends yesterday. We celebrated the birthday of one of the ladies I know from work yesterday and it was nice just go out for dinner, have cake and watch a movie. The only negative aspect of this weekend is that I was wide awake at 7:00 this morning. I can never manage to catch up on my sleep on the weekends because I stay up too late and then I can't hardly sleep in. I'm thinking about taking a nap this afternoon but who knows if that will happen.

I managed to get myself to the grocery store today and stayed within my budget which was especially impressive seems how I had to buy shampoo and hair spray. My goal is to not eat out at all until I head back to Iowa. I've been eating out less in general but I like the goal. I also have hopes to be more regular with my workouts this week. I'm going to workout out this afternoon and hope to get in at least 3 or 4 more this week.

Along with my cooking and working out, I have to get things ready for my trip back home. I actually started packing this weekend. I have lots of organizing and cleaning to do. I'm bring a lot of stuff home and really don't want to forget anything. I have clothes for my brother, sister and sister-in-law. I have books and movies and birthday presents galore. I also, of course, have to remember to pack all of the stuff that I'm going to be needing for myself, not to mention I have to have my place spotless before I leave. I HATE coming home to a dirty apartment so I've gotta get my butt in gear.

Anyway, I think I'm done for now. Have a great Sunday night and an excellent Monday!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Happy Weekend

Hey ladies-

Hope you're having a great weekend with much relaxation. I only have Saturday off and it's nice to just stay home and not worry about errands or other work. I did do some of the necessary cleaning here at the apartment building this morning since my week was too busy to fit it in earlier during a week day.

As you can tell from the photos/videos at the Shinedown concert, we had a good time. I admit I'm old though....I got really tired toward the end of the concert. Gavin had his share of chicken on a stick (really gross if you ask me) and I tried one fair treat. I had a deep fat fried MilkyWay candy bar. Horrible I know....but I've never tried any of that junk food they fry so I wanted to try something. And honestly, it was pretty darn good. I still don't think a fried Twinkie or Ho-Ho would be tasty though.

So ladies, I really need to get my ass in gear this week and work out. I HAVE to make time for running. And when things start becoming more routine, I will also start lifting weights. Not sure if I can use the exercise clinic anymore (Franke has gotten more strict and the lock was changed) and I typically hate using the Rec due to the number of people in that building and the overall atmosphere.

Our eating is better but more improvement is needed. I cannot wait to portion out the casseroles or meals I make and eat them throughout the week instead of Taco John's and other crap. Taco John's is sooooo bad for you but I like it way toooooo much.

I also need to weigh myself and see what the damage is....I haven't been weighed since I quit Weight Watchers and quite frankly, I don't remember when that was. I am repeating the same goals since I was not successfully with them.

1) Gavin and/or I will eat out no more than 2 times next week. My ultimate goal is only once but I thought I'd give myself a buffer.

2) I will use my treadmill and restart my running program for at least 3 days next week. I'd like to run in the morning around 7am or perhaps earlier. It depends on what time Gavin needs to be at the bus stop.

3) I will cook meals with more substance. I plan on making a casserole or that fantastic chicken dish on Monday so I have great home-cooked food to eat throughout the week. I need to start planning menus and organizing myself better so I'm sure I have the proper ingredients and time to cook.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

So busy!!

Hey ladies-

I think I'm starting to lose my mind. The week has been so busy and hectic! I cannot wait until I get into a groove and become more organized with class prep and other ISU related tasks. I have so much to do before Monday and I unfortunately have to take a class through the Red Cross this weekend so it will eat up most of my Sunday. I'm becoming an instructor that can instructor future CPR instructors. That way I can teach future graduate students that need to teach our health studies courses that pertain to CPR and first aid.

I'm hoping I can relax and let loose tonight when we go to the state fair to see our concert. I don't want to sit there listening to great music and worry about what I need to do tomorrow.

Sadly I haven't been working out other than some manual labor at work. I work all day and most of the night lately and then end up going to bed too late. My sleep has suffered too because I wake up a lot during the night and I don't feel rested in the morning. Ugh.

My macaroni salad has been amazing this week though and I really enjoyed the tator tot casserole I made earlier in the week. I'm hoping to make Nicole's chicken recipe this weekend and something else I can portion out to eat during the week. I might make my weird version of lasagna.

I wanted our apartment to be more organized by now too and it's still rather messy. Every room has an area of disarray that I need to fix. I hate not being organized. Also having issues with Gavin's school and the busing system since no one is capable of entering our new address into the computer system for the district. I got all excited last night because the bus people called to give me information but it was information for a bus stop by our old ferndale address...not very helpful. The guy got mad at me and accused me of not informing the district of changes and I gave him an earful. I gave them our new address in the middle of July so it's not my fault that someone isn't doing their job.

Ok, back to making a syllabus.

Thursday, August 13, 2009


I just wanted to share with you ladies that I really, truly, deeply feel that co-workers suck! One of my co-workers (the one who is doing the study with me) has put me in a very difficult position and I don't know what to do. Correction, I know exactly what I have to do but I really, really, really don't want to have to do it! I need opinions from people (especially those who have done research) before I take action. Let me set the scene for you.

At the hospital we are doing a major clinical trial to see if Vit. C improves endothelial function and functional capacity of patients who have undergone a fontan procedure. To quantify functional capacity we are using the metabolic data (VO2 usage, CO2 production etc.) from graded exercise tests on a treadmill. Our equipment, like most metabolic exercise equipment is very good when it's operating normally and calibrated. Unlike certain lab equipment, all metabolic equipment needs to be calibrated at least once per day, ours is no exception. Basically we measure reference gases to verify that the machine is reading the appropriate levels of O2 and CO2. We also measure volume to make sure that when the equipment measures a volume of air, that it's accurate...and reliable...and valid (the hallmark of good data collection).

Now, under normal conditions, we are able to calibrate the equipment for the first study of the day and the calibration holds for the remaining tests. Our equipment is really great in that it gives a warning when calibration has expired, that way there is no gray area. Lately, however, I've noticed that when a certain person has a test before me, I always have to calibrate before I do my tests. At first I thought it was a chance occurrence. She had a test at 9:00 a.m. and the next test was one that I did a 3:00 p.m. Perhaps the calibration had expired. It seemed improbable but not impossible. I didn't start to think anything was up until it continued to happen, but only on days when this particular co-worker did the studies prior to mine. There are 3 of us who do tests and when the third girl did studies before mine, I wasn't having to calibrate. Yesterday the issue came to head. My lazy co-worker had a test with a study patient at 9:00 a.m. and I had a clinic patient to exercise immediately after her. When I started my test, lo and behold I had to calibrate. I was pissed! There is NO WAY that she had calibrated before her study, none whatsoever. So, I did it and completed my own test, fuming all the while.

First, let me clarify that it's not the act of calibrating the equipment that makes me angry. It takes all of 5 minutes to calibrate and it's very, very easy. What frustrates me is the fact that she is, in essence, knowingly collecting poor quality data. Who does that? I don't know another researcher who would, without a care at all, decrease the validity of a study. In fact, every other researcher that I've met does the exact opposite. They work as hard as they can to ensure the quality of their data. I knew that her attitude was not compatible for research considering that she doesn't care about about it at all, but this total disregard for the integrity of the study clearly exemplifies that she should NOT be part of our research team. So, my question becomes what do I do. I know that I should first and foremost approach her on the subject. I should ask her flat out if she has or has not been calibrating. However, after having a discussion with another co-worker, who's office space is back in the exercise lab, my assumption has been verified. Yesterday for sure she did not calibrate, and there is a witness. Knowing this, I have 3 roads that I could take.

Road 1: do nothing. I am doing my job why should it matter what she's doing? If I don't confront her then I won't have to deal with the resulting unpleasant attitude that will no doubt follow (she is not the friendliest of girls).

Road 2: approach her. Tell her that I know she hasn't been calibrating and that she is decreasing the efficacy of our study and that it is unacceptable. Let her know that I am aware of what's going on and ideally she will start doing her job properly.

Road 3: take this to the supervisors. Tell Matt (our boss) and Bryan (the fellow who is heading this study) what has happened. Let them know that she is not doing her job and tell them that the quality of the data has possibly been affected. Let them, as superiors, approach her and deal with the outcome. I mean, I'll still get some of the backlash because I'm the only person who could have ratted her out but at least I don't have to approach her myself.

I really don't know what's best here. I can't take road number 1. I would love to but I cannot stand by and let her single handedly ruin this study. Road 2 is an option but I have to deal with her and her reaction alone. She already feels like I'm trying to take over her job and I think she will react very poorly when I approach her. I know it's cowardly of me but I don't want to have to deal with her. Also, if I only go down the 2nd road then neither Matt nor Bryan know what's happened and I feel like they should know. Matt because he has to know that she might not be the best person to assign to research. Bryan should definitely know because it's his data that is being compromised. I do however feel that I owe her the right to explain the situation before I go to the supervisors with my concerns. I know what's happening but I think if I went directly over her head she would see it as a personal attack. Like I said ladies, I'm in a situation here and I'm not very happy that she's put me in it. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated because I need to deal with this sooner rather than later. BAH!

Goal Setting Time

Alright ladies-

Next week is a big week due to the start of my new job and Gavin starting the 4th grade. Now is the time to start goal setting because with all the transitions and changes that will take place.....keeping my health in mind is essential.

1) Gavin and/or I will eat out no more than 2 times next week. My ultimate goal is only once but I thought I'd give myself a buffer.

2) I will use my treadmill and restart my running program for at least 3 days next week. I'd like to run in the morning around 7am or perhaps earlier. It depends on what time Gavin needs to be at the bus stop.

3) I will cook meals with more substance. I plan on making a casserole or that fantastic chicken dish on Monday so I have great home-cooked food to eat throughout the week. I need to start planning menus and organizing myself better so I'm sure I have the proper ingredients and time to cook.

This entry is short and sweet but I wanted to list those before I took off for the weekend. The beauty of Czech Days is that I don't like much of the "junk food" involved with the weekend. I'm anxiously awaiting the opportunity to eat creamed chicken over is so yummy. I don't really care for the desserts, brats, or beer so they won't be a temptation. Unless there is a lot of treats at my Grandma's house, I should be fine.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Macaroni Salad Anyone?

Hey ladies-

Per Nicole's request, I am posting a macaroni salad recipe provided by my friend Marie. It's a large batch so you'll probably want to cut everything in half so you make a smaller amount.

1 pound of curly or elbow macaroni
1 green pepper (chopped)
1 small onion (chopped finely)
2-4 carrots shredded
1 bag of frozen peas (optional)
1 can sweetened condensed milk
1 cup sugar
2 cups Miracle Whip
1 tsp pepper and 1 tsp salt
3/4 cup vinegar

Cook macaroni; drain well. Combine sweetened condensed milk, sugar, Miracle Whip, pepper, salt, and vinegar. Add vegetables to mixture. It's best to let it sit in fridge for hours prior to serving so all the flavors mesh well.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

My thoughts on a Tuesday morning!

Happy Tuesday ladies. I hope that you're both having a wonderful day and enjoying the last full month of summer, especially now that we're having some summer type weather. I am having an excellent day to be honest. It's sunny outside (not that I can see it from the basement) but the sun will be waiting for me when I get outside and I've had a very productive morning. I love the feeling of accomplishment, really I do! Anyway, onto the blogging.

So, I read up on Alli and here are my very biased thoughts (as someone who doesn't like the concept of pills for weight loss). First, the fact that is FDA approved gives the Alli pill an advantage. If someone decides to lose weight with the assistance of a pill, at least you know that there has been some research conducted regarding how efficacious the pill actually is. You know when you buy Alli pills that they contain Orlistat (a fat binding enzyme), not crushed dung beetles and sweet tarts. You also have some assurance of the safety of the pill because the FDA conducts safety screening before approving a drug. However, these results must be taken with a grain of salt. Let us all remember how amazing and "SAFE" the weight loss ingredient Fen-phen was before it started causing pulmonary hypertension and valvar heart disease (which can lead to death) in many women who took it.

Another positive that I believe that Alli has going for it, is that the manufacturers know that the pill alone won't safely or effectively help you lose weight. They stress the whole MyAlli plan which includes a reduced fat diet and regular exercise. In fact, one of the questions says that if you're not going to commit to the reduced fat diet and regular exercise, then the pill becomes less effective. Hmmm...ponder, ponder, ponder. Let's face it ladies, eating right and getting regular exercise is an area that we all struggle with. If we are unable to commit to the life style changes while taking Alli, then I guess I can't really see a point, at this juncture at least. Now, because of the way the pill works (fat blocking as opposed to speeding up the CNS) I feel like it could at some point be beneficial to any of us, however, the caveat is thus: we would have to have over come our trials with eating poorly and being sedentary. Until we become habitually active and eat well it doesn't make sense to spend that kind of money on something that we are keeping from working. I guess to recap, it could be helpful if you were really able to maintain a healthy lifestyle in the process.

Alright, speaking of healthy lifestyles I am trying to get back on track. I haven't been on track in a while and I really want to get serious about it again. I've been cooking at home a lot more, partially because I want to get serious again about weight loss and partially because I'm too poor to eat out. While I like to cook I find certain aspects of cooking at home to be frustrating, especially where home-cooked meals and weight loss intersect. I have a very hard time keeping track of the calories that are in my food. I never consciously count calories because it's so much work and it's impossible as far as I'm concerned but I like to have a rough estimate. I've had an epiphany lately and I thought I'd share it with you. I've come to the conclusion that unless I'm making something outrageously unhealthy and huge in proportion, there is a good chance that whatever I'm making and eating at home is going to be healthier for me than anything I'd get if I were eating out. I figure at home, my evening meal will be 500-600 calories max. If I stopped by McDonalds and grabbed a normal sized value meal, I would be consuming a considerably higher number of calories and probably a lot more fat and sodium that I realize. Consider this, a 2 cheeseburger value meal, if get the normal size Whit a 21 oz dt. coke contains:

980 calories
43 grams of fat (67%DV)
14.5 g saturated fat (69%DV)
1600 mg of salt (74%DV) that doesn't include if you add extra salt or any condiments on the fries...eep!

Mind you, this is just a starting point. Some of their meals can get outrageous, and mind you it's not just the McD's, Hardees, Taco Johns and KFC's of the world. Even places like Subway which we often think of as healthier alternatives have sandwiches with over 1000 calories. Now imagine adding on some chips or a cookie...those points can add up in a hurry! Now, I'm not trying to frighten or shock anybody. We all know how bad eating out can be. My point is that I really need to not freak out about what I'm making at home as much. I tend to cook with fresh ingredients and I tend to eat very reasonably when I cook. I was reading an article (nothing scholarly just an editorial or something) where someone made the comment that we don't have to eat super healthy to lose weight (i.e. we can eat more than sprouted mung beans and tofu), we just need to eat less ridiculously. Honestly, I feel like there is some real merit to that thought.

So, I could keep going on for a while but I should really eat lunch before my test gets here...PB and J and green beans, yum! Have a great day ladies and keep up the good work!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Another day, another entry....

I don't have anything profound to say yet...usually I have an idea or two prior to blogging but not today. I'm hoping something will come to me as I continue to ramble through this introduction.

The first point I should make is that I really need to get back on track with both my diet and exercise. My treadmill should be delivered tomorrow afternoon. I also received my teaching schedule for the semester and I should be able to bike to and from work easily without it interfering with Gavin's school schedule. The earliest I teach is 9:30am and I'm usually done around 3pm. There is a great biking trail that leads from my apartment building toward campus.

My second point is my disgruntlement with my new hair cut. I noticed this morning (when my hair was very straight and had no product in it) that my right side was not cut evenly. I can't go back to the beauty school place until tomorrow though so hopefully nobody notices. Blah.

I really need to get back into the swing of cooking and making homemade meals. I've done a pitiful job of grocery shopping lately and I'm not happy with our menu. I plan on going through some cookbooks this week so I can start cooking better food. Fortunately, most of the apartment is unpacked so I'll have time for more household duty stuff like cooking.

Ok, that's all I have. Oh wait....I do want your opinion on something. What do you ladies think about that Alli drug that helps with weight loss?

I'm only asking because I've seen several commercials for it this week. I know it's not cheap.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Random thougths on a hot, hot, hot Sunday...

1) Yesterday was the perfect RAINY day. It was rainy,cool and cloudy all day. It was the kind of day that makes a girl not feel bad for sitting inside and reading/watching movies all day long as opposed to running errands and going grocery shopping!

2) Today is the perfect HOT day! It's in the 90's (feeling like low 100's), clear blue skies as far as the eye can see with intermittent fluffy white clouds, lower humidity, and a cool breeze to keep your brain from cooking itself. It's the kind of day when the only logical thing to do is grab your iPod, a good book, SPF 1000 sunscreen, and head out to the pool (and now that ours is finally open, I did just that)!

3) While I usually enjoy grocery shopping, it's not as much fun when you have a VERY strict budget to work with. Even though it wasn't much fun, I did stick to my budget.

4) The best time to take cans/bottles in for recycling is apparently in the earlyish hours of Sunday morning. I've tried week days, week nights, and I have NEVER been able to waltz in and do my thing without waiting. I need to remember this!

5) I have no self-discipline. I had lots on my to-do list this weekend and I didn't get anything accomplished...I need to work on that.

6) I love reading for pleasure. I'm looking for new books to read and have decided that I need to frequent that library in the near future. I was hoping to get there before my trip home and see if I can find some audio books to entertain me!

7) My cat is about to get her cute little but kicked to the curb. She attacked me because she was angry at a cat outside. I was just laying in bed and she's a good think I had my air on and was using my comforter because her claws would have gone through the sheet that I normally use when it's warm out. She is damn lucky I like her!

8) My nephew starts kindergarten this fall...I can't believe that he's getting so big. It makes me feel old (and yes, I realize that 26 going on 27 isn't old but sometime I feel like it is).

9) I've had an odd desire to watch Jane Austen and John Hughes movies this weekend. Sadly, I only own one Jane Austen and no John Hughes movies...sad.

10) Less than 4 weeks until I come home!!!

Friday, August 7, 2009


Things I've learned, experienced, or observed when moving last weekend.

1) I fit an extraordinary amount of possessions into my Ferndale apartment. I really do own a lot of things even though I've only rented apartments since I've lived in Ames.

2)I had no problem donating and giving away some of my possessions to ensure we fit comfortably into our new place. Our church is having a benefit garage sale for a sick person so hopefully my computer desks, entertainment center, and other random items will raise a lot of money for that individual.

3) Spiders suck. I've always had an agreement with the millipedes in my old apartment but apparently the spiders weren't on board. I got a nasty bite on my upper arm by my arm pit while cleaning my walk-in closet at Ferndale.

4) I'm grateful I have so many friends and family in the area. They helped me get a great deal on a moving truck, helped me physically move my stuff into the truck or into the new apartment, and let me store stuff in their garage. This transition would have been a major pain or much more expensive if I had not had so much help.

5) I am not moving until I either buy a house or absolutely have to leave Ames for some reason. As much as I love having a nicer, more modern place it was really tough getting things out of the old place. It was also horrendous trying to clean the Ferndale place because even though it's pretty clean it looks so run down and old.

6) It's great to know people that can get you free boxes for packing. I'm passing my 50+ boxes onto a family from church. Box karma! You give what you got.

7) Unpacking is fun but really tough this week. I'm coming home each night from 10-12 hour work days so I'm very pooped and unable to concentrate very long on unpacking. We have slightly less space too so it can be frustrating. I've been making "I don't know where to put these things" piles and basically moving the piles from one room to another. Thank goodness Gavin has an extra closet I can use for storage.

8) Moving really provided some good workouts. Manual labor (also known as functional fitness) really works for me. Too bad I wasn't more stringent about my diet, I could have lost some major weight last week.

9) The battle of avoiding junk food at Hy-Vee and breadsticks at Pizza Hut has reared it's ugly head. It's been so tempting to bop over to those places to grab quick convenient food but I've been strong so far and still making meals at home. I was wise and bought some cherries and grapes so it's nice having those around for a quick snack.

10) It's become more apparent that my treadmill will fit nicely in my living room and not be such an obstacle like it was at Ferndale. It has it's own little space along a wall in my living room instead of sitting right in the middle of everything. I just need to get it delivered and put into my apartment. It was accidently locked in my friend's garage this week (they don't have a key to unlock the garage) so I had to wait for them to find another unlocking strategy. One broken window later and I now have access to my treadmill but probably can't get it moved until Tuesday due to my schedule and the mover's schedule.

I just finished a great book titled "Handle with Care" by Jodi Picoult. She is the author that wrote the book that sparked the movie "My Sister's Keeper" that hit the theaters this summer. I didn't want to read "My Sister's Keeper" yet so I tried a different book and LOVED IT. She is a great author. The story is about a family that is struggling due to the youngest child having a brittle bone disease. They decide to sue their OB doctor for not discovering the issue in utero earlier in the pregnancy. The cool thing about her writing in this book is that each chapter is from the perspective of a different character in the book: the mother, the father, the older sister, the doctor being sued, the lawyer, etc. It's really neat. Now that I've basically read all the Nicholas Spark books, I can move onto this author. I'm also still reading the "Left Behind" series that is focused on an end to the world scenario that is bible based yet very modern because it all takes place in this day and age. Reading for pleasure rules.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Run ragged....

I've had intentions to blog ever since I moved into my new place but things have been nuts. I hope to write a structured blog entry this weekend when I have more down time. I thought I had a semi-easy work week but I was wrong. I've been measuring a bunch of children every day, working extra at the Red Cross, working daily at the greenhouse, and I started cleaning the hallways here at the new apartment building. Needless to say I'm pretty pooped every night.

On a happier note, I graduate on Saturday even though I'm not attending the ceremony. Woohoo!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

August already?!?!?

Hello ladies! Sorry that it has taken me so long to blog but my internet wasn't working this week which made blogging impossible. I've also had work to do at work (I strange!) which has hindered my illicit blogging while on the clock at the hospital. Things in my world are much better than the last time I was able to write. While yes, I am still missing my friends and family, I am focusing on the fact that in 4 weeks and about 3 days I will be hitting the road and heading back to see everyone (and yes, I should get to see everybody that I want to on my trip back)!!!

So, who else can't believe that it's August already? I feel like the summer hasn't even started and it's almost coming to an end. The time is flying by so quickly that I'm having a hard time wrapping my mind around it. Right now, my trip in September seems so far away but I know that it will be here before I know it. What I think is really unnerving is that it isn't just this summer that's flying by but time in general. Ladies, I almost hate to admit it but we're growing up. Actually, we're not growing up, we're grown. WHEN DID THAT HAPPEN??? I've been having a minor freak out lately because it seems like everybody around me is so adult and I almost feel like I'm being left behind. I know that it's silly to think, my friends and family will never leave me but I am a little worried that by the time I get back to the Iowa area for good, everybody else will be in a different stage of life than I will be. All of my friends are getting married and buying houses and in no time at all, those who are inclined to do so will be having children. I don't begrudge them any of these things, I am actually very happy for everyone who's lives are playing out the way that they want but I feel so stagnant lately. It's not just the fact that I feel like I'm standing still as time and the world are rushing around me, what really gets me is that I don't know how to get out of this situation. I guess it comes down to the fact that I'm just really tired of being alone but I have no idea how to remedy the fact.

I'm really terrible at meeting people and by people I mean men. I am really awkward in social situations when I don't know anyone so it's hard for me just to go out and meet people. I don't really do the bar scene (just in general and specifically out here because I have nobody to do the bar scene with). I thought about joining a church out here but everyone that I've been too is either comprised of old people or a mixture of older men and women and lots of married young couples. I think it must be law in Michigan that you have be married or at least seriously committed before you turn 21. It's insane, I have never met so few single people in my life (male and female). I also have serious reservations about online dating options. From what I can tell, everyone who does online dating is simply out to get themselves laid, not that there's anything wrong with that but I need a little something before the sex happens. I also have very little trust when it comes to meeting people online. There are too many liars and creeps out there (again, both men and women) and I just don't want to have to deal with that. Sometimes I think my guy friends have it right. They've resigned to a life of celibate bachelorhood, as depressing as that sounds maybe it's the key...I don't know. Like I said, I've had this on my mind for a while and thought I'd share it with you fine ladies.

OK, so I think I'm done rambling for now. I have some laundry to do and I need to clean my kitchen up after making dinner. I hope that you ladies have a great week (LeAnn, I hope the washer is fixed and Jenny I hope that the unpacking goes well)! I wish you success in your goals for the week and promise not to wait so long to blog again!