Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Sleepy Tuesday...

I could really use a nap right about now, instead, I will blog! I am having a very hard time waking up this morning and I'm not sure why. I got to bed by 10 last night so I got the recommended 8 hours but I'm just dragging today. I only had 1 Holter to scan so maybe my lack of work has something to do with the lethargicness (yes, that is a word) that I feel.

Anyway, I have a good feeling that the day is going to shape up though. Chris and I are going to work out tonight after work and I might try and convince her that we should take a dip in the pool when we're done. I love, love, LOVE the post-workout shower but I'm willing to bet that a post-workout swim would be even better!

So, I have been trying to keep my pop and coffee consumption down. I'm doing really well but occasionally have to have a jolt. I've started drinking a lot more tea and I think I'm good with the switch. I've decided that I prefer flavored teas (one of my friends had cranberry pomegranate green tea so I brewed a bag...wow! it was pretty amazing) over the natural flavors but I'm starting to get used to the flavor. I'll admit, I still need a cup of coffee every once in a while but the tea is good (fewer calories, less tooth staining and less caffeine)!

Ladies, I have a quandary. I have a wedding labor day weekend. It's a casual wedding but I want to wear a dress...I never dress up and weddings are the only time that I can do so without feeling silly. They have a bunch of really cool maxi dresses at Torrid right now and there is a blue one that I want to buy. I could go down to Toledo this weekend and try it on and buy it but I'm really hoping to be losing a little bit before September. I'm torn because I don't want late August to roll around and not be able to find a summery dress for the wedding. Conversely, if I wait then the summer dresses that are around will be cheaper. Any thoughts? What to do, what to do?

Anyway ladies, I'll stop blabbering on. Have a great day! If you're exercising make sure to take precautions as you're under a heat warning...lots of fluids, light, cotton clothing, take breaks if you have to! SUMMER IS HERE!!!


project.100.gone said...

I love that pomegranate kind of tea! I have a box here at home. I drank a lot of coffee and pop in Oklahoma so I'm also trying to downgrade my caffeine intake now that I'm back home. Sugar-free Kool-Aid is the drink of choice in this household.

You pose a tricky situation in regards to buying a dress for the September wedding. Summer dresses will be cheaper if you get it later in August but the dress selection may also be picked over. I know when I put off buying certain clothes I usually get in trouble because I cannot find my size and the overall inventory sucks so I can't even order it online. I always have a desire to buy clothes a little small so I'd have more motivation to drop weight and fit into them by a certain time. We both know that's kind of dangerous though. It sucks to spend that money and not reach your goal in time. Not sure if I helped with your dilemma but at least I rambled a little bit.

LeAnn said...

I feel happy that I like coffee AND tea. I had some bad experiences with flavored tea but I do like Lipton's Blackberry tea. I think I can easily give up pop but giving up coffee for good is not something I can do. I am with Jenny on the sugar-free Kool-Aid. I recently bought sugar-free Hawaiian Punch (Lemon Berry flavor) drink mixes and now I have a pitcher of it in the frig ready to go so I am not tempted to grab a pop. It's tasty and supposedly not terrible for me. Jason even likes it.
About the dress, I pretty much agree with Jenny. It's not a great idea to wait because (for me) the dress is always not there when I come back. I have wished I would have bought something when I had the chance several times. Rarely, if it all, has it worked to wait. I would suggest buying the dress at the size you are right now or one size smaller for motivation. I say that so you don't waste your money and because I am confident that you can lose enough to be at least one size smaller!!! Good luck!!