Monday, June 22, 2009

My travels to Oklahoma

Gavin and I had a great trip down to Oklahoma this weekend. We rode down with my Aunt Mary so I could help with driving. I don't think my Bonneville would have done too well in the heat and it doesn't have air conditioning so we would have been miserable commuting all over Tulsa. I was surprised by how quickly we arrived in Oklahoma. 8-9 hours go by quickly with good conversation and 75 mph speeds.

It was great to see family again and to meet new members. I haven't seen some of my cousins for 15+ years so I hadn't met spouses or some of their children. The wedding was very beautiful and organized well. I realized a few things during this recent trip away from home.

-- I didn't mind dressing up but wasn't horribly comfortable in a dress while being at this weight. I want to look amazing in a dress so I have another motivator!!!

--I realize that I'm 26, therefore an adult obviously, but it really hit me this weekend that my cousins and I are grown up. I mean, 15-20 years ago or so, it was our parents dealing with naughty and crying kids at weddings and now it's US dealing with it. Sadly I had it much easier than others since I only have Gavin and he's well-behaved. I didn't have to deal with unhappy, crying, tired kids at the wedding dance like some of my other cousins. I was kind of disappointed because I didn't get to converse very much with some of them due to all the youngsters.

--It was really interesting to see how people have changed now that they are married. Some of my cousin's spouses are awesome and so fun to hang out with. Other spouses made it difficult and it bothers me. I really hope I meet a man that loves me for me and lets my personality shine. I don't want to change when I get married. There shouldn't be any reasons a person would change.

--I am really happy that I have a 9 year old. Didn't really need to worry about Gavin being naughty and he did his own thing while at the reception, dance, and at family gatherings. Woohoo!

--I wish our family could get together every year even if it meant for people driving to Tulsa or some other location. Now that I'm older, I realize how fun it is to reunite and catch up with everyone.

--Expensive wedding cake tastes just as good as Hy-Vee wedding cake. Coconut rum is amazing with pineapple juice. I know what I'm buying when it comes to drinking at 4th of July!

--Being that I caught the bouquet, I better start the man hunt huh? I'm still not horribly motivated and I wish I was. Sadly I think I'll be more excited about it when I've reached some of my health-related goals and feel better about my body.

I NEED to exercise this week! The heat has ruined my motivation but I HAVE to get on the treadmill!!! We ate out a few times in Tulsa so we will not be eating out again until maybe Sunday or Monday. Today's weight loss tip on my "Biggest Loser" calendar stressed the importance of planning when it comes to meals and food. I'm attempting to be more organized with our lunches and suppers so hopefully that aids me with portioning and food choices. I realized tonight how truly great the mango is...mangoes rock.

Until next time! Stay cool!


LeAnn said...

I'm sure my blog will be of a similar subject so I'll keep my comment short. Gavin was one of the best behaved children there, points to him for that. It was a swell time. I contend that I was never drunk, just extremely happy to be with family. I definitely had my moments when I felt depressed/jealous because of the whole wedding thing. It's interesting, scary, and weird how cousins change. Seeing who they marry and what they procreate. It seems like Ronnie's kids were so little not that long ago and now there's a whole slew of youngins in Oklahoma. Lisa and Michael will be procreating in the near future too so it's only going to get bigger. I guess it's time for the Iowa cousins to get busy finding mates and marrying. It was getting annoying at the end of the visit how everyone was saying "you're next". I wouldn't mind being next but let's not jump the gun here. You know what I mean. To sum it up - good visit, vacay, and family reunion. Wish we would have taken more pictures.

Nicole said...

I liked your blog...snappy and to the point for the win. Glad you had fun. Weddings are amazing I find! Glad you got to see family and really happy that Gavin was the best kid (not terribly surprising did a very nice job with him). Go go malibu and pineapple juice, I could never drink it without being sick but I'm glad you enjoy it! I just bought my first mango and I'm going to have it tonight...I hope it's good!!!