Tuesday, June 9, 2009

More things to share....

Fair warning all those that read this...it may be rather random in nature. First of all, I am having a hell of a time kickstarting my healthy lifestyle initiative. I haven't restarted my running program. I can feel my treadmill staring at me now, wondering if I'll ever set foot on him again. Yes, my treadmill is male. I love walking all over men.....rimshot! I'm also not riding my bike much either. Ugh.

I have created a nasty habit this past week. I plan to start counting points again to get my portions back in control. I keep caving in though and having "last supper" moments. I'll go to Hy-Vee and buy the things that taste good (therefore high in calories and fat) and I tell myself....."this will be the last time I indulge like this....tomorrow I will get back on track with my food groups and healthy diet." I'm still eating out too much as well.

Part of me is angry because I'm not making any changes in my life in regards to losing weight, feeling better, and creating healthy habits. I'm also mad because I wanted to take the time this summer to instill healthy habits for Gavin too. I really want him eating all the food groups and learning how to make wise choices at a young age. All he sees is Mom eating whatever she wants and is probably starting to think that eating out a few times a week is normal. Blah.

I saw the movie "Angels and Demons" and was pretty impressed. I'm a stickler though when a movie is based off a book. I feel some key points were left out of the movie and it irritated me. I believe my next movie will either be "The Hangover" or "Transformers 2". I'd obviously go to Transformers with Gavin. I wanted to see "The Hangover" while he was at camp but I was too tired last night and didn't want to see two movies tonight.

I've been working extra hours at my greenhouse gig. They have me doing the most monotonous work! I sit there in a chair as the grad students measure various parts of young trees. They count the number of roots and the number of leaves. Then they measure the shortest root, the longest root, and the height of the seedling. I sit there for hours writing down numbers. It drives me nuts having to just sit. I tried standing while doing the job but it affects my handwriting. I keep telling myself that it's extra money that I will need at some point so I'll continue to suck it up and work as long as they need me. All this work was supposed to be done in May so they are hurrying to get all the hundreds of trees measured and planted in the field.

I'm also reading "Revolutionary Road" because the movie looks very intriguing. I'm not very impressed by the book and I'm actually forcing myself to finish it. I really hope I enjoy the movie more but it's hard to say considering it will have the same story line.

I am so impressed with Conan O'Brien's transition to the Tonight Show spot. I love that Irish man. I look forward to 10:35pm each week day now. I've created a nice routine of watching most of his show (I only watch the whole thing if the band or comedian is amazing) and then I read for a bit. I try to be asleep before midnight which yes is still late but it's better than 1 or 2am.

Ok, that's enough randomness for the day. Good luck to those of us restarting those healthy habits that are all so important.


Nicole said...

Good luck getting back into the swing of things. I know that you'll get it done. Sorry that your work in the green house is so dull...but you have a good attitude in that it will help you financially when money gets tight with moving. I know when we slip we want to get back on right away but it's like starting over again and remember how hard it was to start in the first place. Give it time and take baby steps. Get either eating or exercise back in control and then add the other. You are a strong woman, you can do this!

LeAnn said...

I hate to admit it but I am in the same gall darn boat. I have all the time, freedom, and whatnot to exercise and eat healthy. It's angering but I have no one to be angry at but myself. At least you're working, I can't even say that. I can understand your wanting Gavin to learn and practice good eating. He's an active boy though that's a huge plus. The summer feels like it's already flying by and I don't want to waste it overeating, sitting on my arse, and regretting the whole damn vacation. I'd rather not. All I can say is best of luck to us both. May the fat on our bodies disappear or turn into muscle. This goes for Nicole too, of course! I wish you both a swell weekend. I'll be seeing you in less than a week Jen Jo.