Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Goals, Jokes, Prunes and Recipes...

Happy June ladies! It's hard to believe that the summer is upon us once again but it is. I know I said way back when that fall is my favorite time of year, but living in the moment I have to say that early June is striking my fancy as well! I love the smell of lilacs and other flowers, the rain storms, all of the baby ducks and geese running around my place, fresh veggies, warm days and cool night...I could go on but I think you get the point.

Now, onto business. First, I just have to say that I have not been honest with myself and that means that I probably have not been honest with you either. As far as our lifestyle change has gone, I have not been doing well. I haven't been exercising as regularly as I should (if I even get much at all) and I have been eating out WAY too often and not eating properly when cooking at home. The weight that I worked hard to lose is coming back. I haven't gained it all back but I am at risk of that happening if I don't make some changes. I really would like to get back in the swing of things. I am already off of pop again (really, caffeine in general) and have been working on getting enough water and other hydrating beverages in my diet. I am going back to making a weekly menu and will be sticking to it. I am going to put a concentrated effort into not eating out. While there are things that I like and will get on occasion, I really want to focus on home-cooked meals. I am also getting back into the exercise. I don't know why I ever get off track here. I always feel so much better when I am working out regularly. I sleep better, have more energy and just feel happier...yay for endorphins! I worked out on Sunday night and plan on doing a treadmill workout tonight. I've actually been thinking about asking one of the ladies that I work with if she'd like to work out with me after work. That way I have a little bit more accountability. I'll let you know how that goes!

Onto my random bits of knowledge for today. Did you know that prunes are a wonderful snack idea? I stumbled across an article that showed that prunes are beneficial in many ways including:

1. The polyphenoids can help boost bone density (all girls need help there).
2. They're heart smart: the flavanoids help reduce inflammation in the arteries which will help decrease the risk of cardiovascular disease.
3. They are jam packed with good stuff including iron, potassium, fiber, vits. A, C, E, and B complex.

So yeah, even though you might feel like your grandma, next time you're at the store try grabbing a box of prunes and give 'em a try (assuming that you like prunes...you never know with you Smith girls)!

I do have a recipe for you ladies but as always, I'll post it in another link to keep this novel from getting any longer. This is a recipe starring one of my favorite veggies zucchini!

Now, last but not least, as promised in my title, here are some really bad jokes to brighten your day! Enjoy!!!

What do you get when you cross a cobra tamer and a playwright? William Snakespear.

What do you get when you cross a vampire and a snowman? Frost bite.

Why did the man put cheese on his computer? He wanted to feed the mouse.

What kind of dog can jump higher than a building? Any dog. A building can't jump!

1 comment:

LeAnn said...

Boy, those were some cheesy jokes. Lol. Honestly I don't know if I like prunes or not. Sounds like they might be worth a try.
I haven't been honest with myself either. I have all the opportunity in the world to be active and eat well but I have been lying to myself. I have been eating large portions of unhealthy food and I have even been eating meals after 9 pm. Part of the problem is that I wake up late, eat late, and end up eating three meals at odd times of the day. It's stupid and I need to stop kidding myself. I have some ideas that I want to put into action in the next couple of days. We'll see how that goes. I hope we can both wake up and stop lying to ourselves - we know better.

P.S. I bought the ingredients and I plan on making your scalloped corn recipe in the near future.