Sunday, June 14, 2009

From the Mind of Jenny

In a world with so many do you know you're making the correct one? This lovely question can apply to a multitude of things. Did I choose the right career? Do I want the right man? Did I eat the right food for lunch? Do I bike to work or take the car? Do I stay home again on a Saturday night? But let's dig a little deeper when it comes to questions about lifestyle.

Do I purposely take away the foods I love so I can lower my body fat and drop weight? Do I make myself run each day so I feel extreme fatigue and discomfort? Do I attack the psychological aspects of my weight issue and learn some undesirable truths about myself?

The fact of the matter is that I need to restart my lifestyle change process but I can't get over the hump and initiate the changes I want. It's true....nothing of value is ever easy. It's hard to start, it's difficult to maintain change, etc. I don't even know what I weigh currently. I have a crappy scale and haven't gone anywhere to measure myself. Sadly I don't want to know even if I had a state of the art scale at home. The number will not be good. I just want to get in the swing of things and getting into a routine....then I will start checking my weight again. Feeling more energetic, getting better sleep, etc are more important to me now. The number on the scale can screw itself. are some cool points/tips I got from my "Biggest Loser" calendar lately:

--Cut food into small portions, like cutting sandwiches into quarters. It makes you eat your food slower and can sometimes make a person think they are eating more so it helps you mentally feel full. I had to chuckle with this tip because it's the same thing anorexic people due to make it look like they have more food.

--it's always a good idea to sit down and make a list of what you like about yourself. It can be physical attributes, personality quirks, etc. It's especially helpful when you're having a negative week in regards to lifestyle change because you won't focus completely on the negative. Plus its important to realize that a person isn't simply their weight and appearance. I will always stand by the fact that I'm drawn to people's personalities more than appearance. If a person cannot hold a decent conversation or make me laugh then ugh. I don't care if they are attractive then.

--"Biggest Loser" encourages a person to faithfully keep a calorie budget or limit so you learn how to incorporate favorable foods. I don't plan on ever counting calories. I can barely stand counting Weight Watcher points sometimes. I do think it's wise to generate a list of those favorable foods though so I can buy high fiber, nutrient rich foods and keep them on hand when hunger calls.

--My final tidbit is actually a testimonial. The interviewed lady stated that she became tired of being overweight when it came to simple issues like being unable to cross her legs or sit in waiting-room chairs. She wasn't comfortable going through those rotating door entrances and hated public restrooms because the stalls were tiny. I have a similar issue with amusement parks. I want to be able to ride ALL amusement park rides comfortably. Not being able to breathe on a roller coaster or any other thrill ride really takes the thrill out of the experience. Gavin finally has the balls to ride most of those fun things and it pisses me off that I can't comfortably squeeze my caboose into the seats.

Ok this is long enough for now. Have a good week ladies!


LeAnn said...

Interesting and provoking questions. I too like the Biggest Loser tips. I am one of those people though that doesn't think of compliments of myself and I don't accept compliments easily. So it seems hard and unusual for me to write down a list of positives about myself. Anywho, maybe I can do that during one of the many hours on the road to OK. I have done a lot of soul-searching (I don't mean to sound queer) lately and I plan on using the several hours to and from OK to write - fiction and just plain journaling. Anyway I feel like I am totally off subject so I am going to stop. Oops!

project.100.gone said...

ha ha you said queer