Tuesday, June 9, 2009


Let me tell you ladies, my weekend was just a little bit crappy. First, my computer died (however, I'm going to reinstall the operating system tonight and see if that fixes it). While I don't spend that much time surfing online, I feel way cut off from my friends, family and the world when I don't have my computer. I couldn't talk to anybody on messenger, I couldn't look a fun new pics that were posted online, I couldn't check the weather, I couldn't even listen to music because I don't have a radio in my house, I just use my computer. I didn't realize how big a part of my day my computer was until it went missing! Anyway, it will get fixed and all will be right in the world, well, you know what I mean.

Also, the other crappiness comes in the form of a confession. I finally got the nerve to step on the scale this weekend. I haven't weighed myself in a while and let me tell you ladies...it was bad. I'm back to 308 which is simply unacceptable. While it frightened me a little (it's moving in the wrong direction) I also motivated me to get my butt back in gear.

Anyway, I don't have a lot of time to write now but I'll hopefully be back later in the week. I just wanted to touch base and wish you both a good week. Stay strong and enjoy the remaining 2 weeks of spring!!


project.100.gone said...

Good luck with the computer issues Nicole! I know it's disappointing to have gained some of your weight back but you know you can lose it again. Quite frankly I'm scared to weigh myself. I haven't weigh myself since the last time I was at Weight Watchers! It sucks that a number on a scale means so much to a person.

Anyway, we can do this. The weather is gorgeous (most of the time) and fresh produce is everywhere! It's the perfect time to make habits permanent! Yippee!!

LeAnn said...

That sucks about your computer. It's like a cell phone in that when you are forced to be without it, you realize how much you depend on it. I was weighed at my doctor's appt. yesterday and oh I did not like the number I saw. I have gained about 10 pounds. I need to get myself busy and keep myself busy so that I stay active and keep my mind off of food. I know I can do it just like I know ALL THREE of us can do it too! We strong women!! Have a good weekend!