Tuesday, June 30, 2009

The art of change

I decided to hold back on writing an entry until after my meeting with the chairperson in the Kinesiology Department at ISU. I was hoping this would be an entry with good news but unfortunately most of my questions about employment were not answered because the budget still hasn't been discussed and finalized!!! I thought they'd know more about numbers and the feasibility of hiring new people but I was sadly mistaken. They have great plans for the PE department but nothing is concrete. My next course of action is to contact the chairperson next week to see if anything has changed. Bleh.

With that being said, I still don't know what to do about my housing. I am wanted by the department but until I see something in writing, I am very leery to sign a year long lease in Ames. I still my have options for shorter term leases that I need to check into. All I can do now is continue to pack and get organized and brace myself for the end of the month.

So onto the title of this entry...."the art of change". I've had people question why I gave up my apartment in the first place. It's a big place and is affordable. Fact of the matter is, I'm finishing my thesis and graduating again so I feel its the right time to change my residence. We've lived here for a long time and I think I've unconsciously hung onto it because of my life here with Michael. It's time to move on and start fresh somewhere new. Maybe it will be a new place in Ames, maybe it will be in a different city or state. The start of a new career and change of residence also wants me to make big changes with my health and lifestyle. It's advised to not change too much at once but I think starting new habits in a new environment will be good for me. It's promising that some apartments in Ames have gyms in their buildings so I'd have better access to weight training equipment.

Anyway....so I'm frustrated about things I cannot control, worried about my future, and excited for possible changes that will be implemented soon. July is going to pass by way too fast!


Nicole said...

I think moving, even if you stay in Ames, is a very wise choice. You are done with school. You are starting a new phase in your life. I think that by staying in your current apartment, as great as it is, you will be holding on to the life that you have right now (even if it's subconscious). I think a new start in a new home is just the ticket for you! It will probably be hard to say good-bye to the place but remember, it's just an apartment. You still have Gavin and all of the wonderful memories that you, me and Michael shared as a family!

Nicole said...

and by me, I meant he (as in Gavin)!

LeAnn said...

There are definitely pros and cons to staying or moving. I think you've made your decision (to move) so now charge ahead and don't give in to hindsight. It is obviously stressful but there are fun things to look ahead to - starting anew, getting to unpack and rearrange at a new place, and whatnot. I think Nicole is right about always having the memories of Michael and not necessarily needing the apt for those memories. It'd be nice if you could find a place with a work-out center and whatnot, definitely a pro. Sounds like it'll be a fresh start!