Friday, April 17, 2009

Waiting for Bill Cosby to walk thru the door....


I just
finished making some cranberry jello and Jello brand chocolate pudding hence the title to this entry. He was the guy that endorsed Jello products right? I wanted to have some healthier, sweet snack options on hand so I scavenged the cupboards and found various Jellos and a couple pudding mixes. I had an exceptional day even though I only worked and didn't do anything real fun.

I made some good progress with the research project I helped with the past several weeks. It's my job to contact any principals, PE teachers, etc that have neglected to send questionnaires, lesson plans, or other materials back to us. Lots o
f Internet searches for email addresses, lots of faxing, and other secretarial work. It really sucked that I was sitting inside an office today (with no windows!) staring at a computer when it was so beautiful outside.

When I got home
from picking Gavin up from school, I realized that I had forgotten to swing back to campus to water the greenhouses. I have to work there twice a day since temperatures are so much warmer. I don't mind it since more hours = more $$$. Instead of getting back into the car, I decided that it would be best to bike to campus and back. I have been itching to ride my bike since it's sat in my bedroom all winter just staring at me. I need to wear my heart rate monitor next time because I'm interested to see what my heart rate was on some of the hills. I ran a quick errand to Walmart this morning and decided to use my Easter gift card (thanks Mom!) to buy a bike helmet for myself. I always make Gavin wear his helmet and based on some of the driving I've seen in Ames lately....I really should wear one too. Ironically, I didn't wear it on tonight's bike trip because I forgot I bought it this morning. Whoopsie.

I was extremely peppy and energetic when I got home
from the bike ride so Gavin and I did some work outside. I cleaned up my flower garden and planted my wild flower mix that I buy each year. Gavin picked up litter around the apartment building for his Go Green project at school. I then made the pasta dish recipe that Nicole posted on the blog last week because I wanted something tasty and wholesome. Nothing from a can or box for me today!

I really wish I had this energy and attitude every day. This weight loss/li
festyle change would be so much easier for me. I have been in a funk for most of 2009 thanks to my thesis. Instead of thinking about the positives in my life, I have focused on the negatives and stress. No wonder I slept poorly for quite awhile and started getting nasty headaches. (A dental problem may be causing the headaches too. A recent filling is being troublesome.) I really need to look at the brightside, push through the crap, get my thesis done the way I want it, and graduate like a rock star. I really want to move on with my life and do something I love. I DO NOT love grad school anymore.

Here are some goals I am setting
for myself:

1) We will eat out 1-2 times a week. I have become impulsive and it is embarrassing to look back at the last month and see how much we've eaten out. I need to be saving money and eating wholesome
food at home.

2) I will exercise daily. I
f I don't run on the treadmill, Gavin and I will bike. (need to check out the heart rate thing though....)

Ok, that's all I have
for tonight. Have a good weekend ladies!


project.100.gone said...

Yes, Mr. Cosby is your man! Also, I think your goals are very exceptional. With the weather getting nicer it's an excellent time to be doing more outdoor acitivities and biking is excellent exercise. I hope your energy carries over and that you have a wonderful weekend!

LeAnn said...

Yes, Bill Cosby was the Jello man for several years. I actually bought the ingredients for that recipe I posted. I have felt so shitty lately, for reasons you are already familiar with. However, today was something different. I feel tired, depressed, almost sedated. My hope is that going to bed early tonight and sleeping in will result in a productive Saturday. So much to do and so little ambition. Plus as of very recently my eating has gone to shit. I feel stupid admitting it because I just recently commented on Nicole's blog saying that I had my eating under control. It's not a lie but it's just changed for the worse drammatically. Anyway, I am putting that behind me and moving on to healthier lifestyles. I should do more commenting and less blogging. I think you've got good goals set. I think you have the increase in physical activity pretty well planned. I wish we were closer for tennis and what not. By the way, I think it's best you make Nicole's pasta recipe for me once so that I can see it done. While I can read a recipe just fine, I prefer to watch the food item being made. I've been wondering if I should cut 80% of my carbs out of my diet as that has worked for me in the past. Anyway, each day things get done or figured out so I am looking forward to the next being finished, hopefully successfully. Have a swell weekend!