Monday, April 20, 2009

I like a Miley Cyrus song......


Well it's official.....I like the new song from the Miley Cyrus movie. I heard it yesterday when we drove to Des Moines. I doubt I'll admit this to many people. The main line in the chorus basically says "It's not what's on the other side of the's the climb". It's one of those songs that talks about the importance of the journey rather than the destination. I found the message applicable to many things in my life. I'm not downplaying my destinations (graduating, finishing the thesis, losing weight, etc.) but I really do need to stop and appreciate the process that is helping me accomplish my goals. I have to value the difficult days as much as the great days because everything contributes to me finishing school or changing my lifestyle for the better.

Gavin and I went to Des Moines so I could participate in my "last supper" prior to kicking my lifestyle changes back into gear this week. We went to Ruby Tuesdays so I could have my bison bacon burger and their glorious salad bar. I actually didn't eat much there but the 2/3rds of my burger was delicious. Gavin even tried the burger and loved it. His best quote of the evening was "I didn't know an extinct animal tasted like this." He and I had a very productive and busy weekend. He and I attended VEISHEA activities on Saturday with my aunt Shirley. I also attended a baby shower and cleaned a little bit in the apartment. Sunday was a great cleaning day because it gave me an opportunity to go through all the closets and dressers. My abundance of tshirts has been problematic lately so a fair amount was donated to Good Will. Like I mentioned in a comment for LeAnn's blog, I've been watching "What Not to Wear" on TLC and I'm trying to improve my sense of fashion by not always dressing in tshirts and hooded sweatshirts. I was also running out of room in my closet because of all of the stupid tshirts hanging there. I was pleased when looking through Gavin's clothing because he has a suitable amount of clothes for the summer. I also tossed some of his favorite (both old and grungy) tshirts so he's more inclined to wear the new clothing I've recently purchased from Old Navy. felt really great yesterday to be constantly busy and occupied. I had to move alot of storage bins and boxes in and out of closets so the day constituted as a functional fitness day. So many of my weekends have been blah this year and I get very lazy on those days off. I seriously think the weather had a lot to do with my energy this weekend (even though a lot of it was rainy). It's so nice to wake up now and see sunlight and enjoy that same sunlight until after 8pm.

Wishing you all happy eating and exercising this week!


Nicole said...

whoa...Miley Cyrus?!?!?

I'm glad that you and Gavin had such a great weekend and I hope that getting back into the lifestyle change goes smoothly today. Andy yes, Stacie and Clinton are very anti t-shirts and hoodies. While I don't think you have to take it to their extreme with no hoodies and T's mixing it up every once in a while is're a beautiful girl and you might as well flaunt whatchya got!!

LeAnn said...

Well, I won't be too critical of the Miley Cyrus because I like one of her songs too, not the same one as you. One of her older songs has a good beat/rhythm that I like. I am stilled annoyed and displeased with the girl, but the song isn't half bad. I've seen "What Not to Wear" and while their participants are often in denial, I like what I wear. I wear clothes that are comfortable, it just so happens that t-shirts and hooded sweatshirts are most comfy. I will shake it up here and there and wear fancier stuff. There are several clothing items that I refuse to get rid of because I feel like I will someday be able to wear them again. The nicer, warmer weather does motivate me to be productive, active, and happier. At the same time it is hard to be inside working when you know it's beautiful outside. I'm a little tired of the wind and rain but it makes it easier to stay indoors. Anywho, I have class and a busy day ahead of me. I believe I am up-to-date on the blogging and commenting. HA! *Step - bump - step - bump, bump!*