Wednesday, April 15, 2009

I dreamed a dream

I have been wracking my brain trying to think of something fun, inspirational, uplifting, motivating and appropriate to share with you ladies. It's spring and the winter is behind us (at least I desperately hope it is). I feel like this is the perfect time to renew our interest and energy in this lifestyle change. I know that we have had our ups and down this winter, moments of joy and sadness, victory and defeat, success and setbacks, not only in our attempts at a healthier life but also in school, work, family and relationships. I know that there is a long and bumpy road ahead of is in many areas of our lives but I wanted to share a little something to help us stick to the course and make it to the end of our journey.

I've recently been checking out other weight loss blogs. There are some great inspirational stories out there if we look for them. I've even invited some of the other authors to come to our blog and read. I feel as though our struggles and success can help them in their journeys too! I actually intended on writing about some of the other blogs that I've stumbled across but instead I want to share something with you. This is a story. I happened across this when checking my news stories for the day. Normally I wouldn't click on a link like this but for some reason I did, and I was delighted by what I found!

I don't know how familiar any of you are with American Idol. It is a guilty pleasure of mine and even though I'm not watching it this season I know all about it's most famous judge...Simon Cowell. He is haughty, over opinionated, sometimes tactless but he's generally right. Along with AI, he is also a judge on Britain's Got Talent. Apparently the first episode of the season aired on Saturday. Along with other dancers, musicians, ventriloquists and what have you, there was a woman who would shock the world. If you walked by her on the street she is the type of woman you wouldn't ever remember, probably not even notice unless it was to mock her (not me of course, I've judge on appearances far too many times to do that to others). This woman is Susan Boyle, an unemployed 48-year old, who's never been kissed, but has a burning desire to sing. Now, I don't want to give anything away, you simply must see it to believe it. I am not a gifted enough writer to capture the emotion of her song and the responses she got. It was such a moving performance of a very sad song that it gave me goosebumps and almost brought me to tears.

Now, you may be wondering what this has to do with our blog and weight loss. While it doesn't directly have any connection the moral of this story is very similar to the moral of our stories. How many times have we attempted to lose weight? How many times have we failed? How many times have people thought, they can't do this...look at them, there is no way they have it in them. Well bollocks I say (like the use of British slang??)!! Nobody thought Susan would be able to sing at all (just remember the faces, rolled eyes, snickers from the audience and judges) let alone bring down the house. While I doubt that any of us will be blowing away thousands of people in an auditorium with our musical ability, we can shock the hell out of our friends and family and selves by finally sticking with our plans and making our dreams a reality. Imagine how amazing we will feel when we reach our goals? Think of how Susan felt when she was behind stage after her performance. Think of the elation, the joy, the emotion! What motivation for us. I want that feeling, I want it bad! Let's get to work ladies...victory will be ours!

1 comment:

LeAnn said...

Wow! You did very well with the whole inspirational blog. I watched the video and it did indeed pull my heart-strings. Truth be told, my life has recently/currently been in the toilet. Not only are academic stresses pulling me down but personal life crises have also been making my life hell. I have also had a few lights at the end of the tunnel but right now the stresses are out-weighing the bright moments. It has been a test of my sanity and emotions. Inspiration, movtivation, and optimism are not common elements of my days so the idea of inspiring us all was well timed. I hope that with sleep, time, and accomplished tasks my stresses will lighten. I know the blog centers on weight loss but I have put weight loss on the back burner for the time being. That being said, I am so poor, so busy, and stressed that my eating has been minimal. My refrigerator and cupboards are bare. Yes, my physical activity is lacking but I do not feel as though I am falling behind. I think I have been keeping my weight steady. Anyway, that felt like a journal-entry but oh well. I hope to blog someday soon. That too has been on the back burner. Decided on a puppy yet??