Thursday, April 30, 2009


I had intended on writing this yesterday but once again got busy and sidetracked. Gavin and I are visiting Waukon this weekend (kind of an early Mother's Day thing since next weekend will be busy with graduation activities). I was trying to pack, tidy up, and organize myself for the trip so I abandoned the computer.

So today is the first of May (didn't find a May basket by my door sadly) and I've decided that this will be the "month of change". The weather should become better and more constant, I'm getting so much closer to the completion of my thesis, and I'm that much closer to figuring out what to do with my future. That being said....I also need to get my lifestyle changes back on track. I'm barely exercising....making poor (convenient) food choices and I have been feeling rather blah for weeks. I wouldn't feel so blah if I ate better and exercised on a daily basis. I know I'd also sleep better if I fixed those areas.

Sadly I cannot take our bikes to Waukon this weekend. I had high hopes of biking with my mom and other family members but I cannot take my bike apart! I have nifty wheels that detach from the bike but I cannot figure out how to remove the brakes correctly. The last thing I want to do is break something on this bike because I know it will cost a fortune to fix. Gavin's bike also proved to be cumbersome and would not fit into the trunk. My uncle got it to fit in their once and I'm confused as to how he did it. It makes me want a truck or SUV type vehicle that much more! I want to be able to transport things easier especially when it comes to biking or camping.

Anyway, the point of this entry is that I need better nutrition in my life and more activity! I have been cooking more at home but I'm not watching my portions and it seems so easy to just grab food on some days. It's quite the chain of events. If things overall improved in my life (diet and exercise) I wouldn't be so tired each day because I'd sleep better. If I wasn't so tired I'd be more energetic about cooking and eating better foods. I'd also be more motivated to exercise. Easy to type into this entry....more difficult to initiate in my life. But I will do it! Bring on my month of change! (Whenever I call it that I also think of menopause---hahaha!)

Here is a great picture to get you ladies into the Mother's Day spirit!


project.100.gone said...

That picture is amazing! Anyway, sorry about the bikes...that really blows. I hope that even without them you and Gavin were able to get some good outdoor time in this weekend. I know you've been too, but let's make may our month of change! Good luck lady!!

LeAnn said...

I'm late in my commenting, but that's nothing new. I feel bad because I haven't been home in quite awhile but honestly, I am moving back very soon so then the guilt melts away. While wanting to take your bikes to Waukon was a smart and healthy idea - it wasn't practical in my opinion. Until you have an Avalanche (really my ideal vehicle), hauling your bikes to Waukon isn't worth it. Heard the fishing went well, can't say I'm sorry I missed that. I just have no desire to fish. I'd rather lay in the sun. I'd have to say my eating is ok, but my physical activity needs to be boosted. I lost like 5-10 pounds a few weeks back and I think I gained it back just from all the sitting in front of the computer. Gross! I'm sure that'll be changing in the next few weeks though. Good luck to us all!

project.100.gone said...

Hauling bikes for exercise is always worth it!