Saturday, April 11, 2009

Fallen off the wagon.....


I've fallen off the wagon and I'm lying on the road half a mile behind it. I let the stress of my thesis ruin my plan. Alas I'm not permanently deterred. I know I can get back on track with my food choices and exercise. I know that running on a regular basis (and hopefully biking too) will actually help keep the stress levels lower too.

I ended my subscription with Weight Watchers. (That sounds so much better than saying that I quit--ha ha.) March was a crazy month and I couldn't attend regularly. I also decided that I don't need to report to an environment that I'm not completely comfortable with. I will miss some of the information but I hear there is something called the Internet so I'm sure I can find tips and weight loss information that is scientifically based. I already appreciate the fact that I'm saving $40 a month. I also have some motivation due to you Nicole. If you can change your lifestyle without reporting to a program each week....I sure the heck can. I'll just let you ladies know about my weight. Accountability at its finest.

In regards to exercise, I plan to start biking to campus on a regular basis. Gavin is also anxious for some bike rides and we should be getting his bike back tomorrow. I'm going to back track to week 3 or 4 on my running program and start that up on Monday.

Here is some information from my glorious "Biggest Loser" daily calendar:

--ounce for ounce, dark chocolate has five times as many antioxidants as blueberries. I hope that doesn't deceive some women to binge on dark chocolate!

--a healthier option for high temperature cooking is grapeseed oil. I guess I've never seen this much but I've never really looked either. I have a suspicion that it may be pricey like olive oil though. The calendar claims it relatively inexpensive though.

--Eat leaner meats. I know this isn't anything new to us. I had to mention it though because the experts associated with this show suggest eating BISON! How great is that Nicole! My love for bison is being reinforced. Happy day.

--Another date on the calendar discussed cultivating an attitude of fun. Once again I know this isn't earth shattering news to us since we are educated. The information had a valid point though. Fit, healthy people typically enjoy the activity for the sake of the activity. I immediately thought of tennis when I read that point. When I think of tennis I associate fun with the sport before I even think of it as exercise. The value of the activity is intrinsic....they don't do it to just trim their waistline. The fact that the activity is good for you should be a secondary reason. I think a lot of people get hung up on the fact that they need to do something that burns a lot of calories or fixes their bodies progressively. The issue with that is burn out and the high occurrence of drop out. I remember when I tried kickboxing because I thought it would tone my legs and help me look better. I hated it. I hated how I felt during it and I hated how I felt afterward. I just flat out did not enjoy that type of exercise and only did it for extrinsic benefits. All of this made me think about my running program. Was I actually trying to fix my aerobic endurance through running? I did used to enjoy it. I would get runner's high in high school and I would feel great for hours after track practice. Even when I was using the program regularly a month ago, I felt amazing afterward. I can confidently say I'm not just running because it burns calories and reduces my body fat. It may hurt sometimes but I love how I feel when I'm done and I seriously look forward to running a 5k.

My overdue blog entry is long enough so I'll sign off here.


project.100.gone said...

yay bison!

yay dark chocolate!

yay runners high!

welcome back friend!

LeAnn said...

I have been slightly off the wagon for less than a week so I am hoping the effects aren't too detrimental. With the stress of my life as of late I have not been paying attention to what I have been eating. I have been walking and such lately which is good. I think with the start of the week and a busy schedule I will be better about my eating. I feel very similar after running. It's a great high and as long as I have someone to talk to or music in my ear it's not horrible. I plan on doing some good jogging on the gravels since I'll (probably) be living with Jason. I'd love to play tennis but it depends on who is around - you and Jason are the only ones who play.
That was an interesting tid bit about dark chocolate - surprising. I haven't been craving chocolate at all lately. For some reason I really want ice cream. I hope things go well now that you are off Weight Watchers. It makes sense though - just make sure you don't use it as an excuse :). I'm sure you can do just as well off the program. Okie.