Wednesday, April 22, 2009

The Devil and a turtle singing Roy Orbison...

Ladies, we need to talk...and by we need to talk I mean I need to write something and then I need for you to reply and help me figure out an answer to my damn problem! I am having one hell of a time sticking to my lifestyle goals. Now don't get me wrong, my physical activity is going well...actually it's freakin' fantastic. I've been on the treadmill 3 days a week and supplementing those workouts with my dance DVD and weights. My eating, on the other hand, isn't where I want it to be. I haven't been cheating horribly but I just cannot seem to stay on top of this piece of the puzzle. So, here is my dilemma...I have never been able to get both components of my lifestyle change on the same path. I either seem to do really well with eating and suck at the exercise or vice versa. I need to find a way to keep up with both. I'm in a really good swing with the exercise and don't see that dropping off in the near future. I do my treadmill workouts after work so I have some accountability there because Corey asks me every M-W-F if I'm going to workout and would know if I'm skipping. I feel pretty confident in the fact that I am sticking to this. So, what I really need to do, is figure out a way to keep up with the food end of things. As much as I hate the thought of doing it, I feel like journaling what I eat would be beneficial. I think I am going to start tomorrow and see how it goes. I am really serious about making this work and I think this will help me get back on track. Now, I am willing to entertain any suggestions that you fine ladies might have concerning my have great minds and I value your opinions so let me know what you're thinking.

Well, the business part of this blog is complete now onto the title. First let me say this, Pizza Bob's is the DEVIL!!! On Wednesday's our department orders from Pizza Bob's. It's a standard pizza sandwich shop that makes lots of really tasty and bad for you things. I generally don't order because it's a little on the spendy side and I tend to bring my own lunch. Well, today I forgot my lunch. Thankfully it was Pizza Bob's day, however, while my lunch was yummy, Pizza Bob's is the Devil! I had a whole wheat chapati (it's a salad in a whole wheat pizza dough pocket) with tuna salad. It was amazing but I don't want to think of how many calories it was. Now, if I had been doing well with my eating in general this moment of weakness wouldn't bother me so much but seems how my diet in general has been in the toilet I am feeling more guilty about my Pizza Bob's indulgence...oh well, I'm going to move beyond this!

Now, don't you kids worry, I have no intentions of leaving this blog before I explain the turtle. I was very bored at work today and decided to look for a video of Andrea Bocelli singing Con te Partiro. While I found the video that I was looking for and was able to enjoy it thoroughly...the man is a genius, I also struck a bored girl at work goldmine...Terry Fator. I don't know how one goes from a flawless tenor to a man who has a turtle who sings Roy Orbison but the wonder of youtube is that just this thing happened to me today. It's amazing how this video instantly made me smile and turned my day from boring to entertaining. I have attached it here for your viewing pleasure. So, if you're feeling down and out or just a little blue, watch the greatest ventriloquist to ever walk the won't regret it!

Alright, I've rambled on for long enough. Have a great night ladies, stay strong and press on!!!


project.100.gone said...

Ah yes....the balance of a healthy diet and an active lifestyle....has anyone every mastered it? No. And are those that think they've mastered it truly eating and exercising so it's a normal part of their life?

I also struggle with both aspects of our desired lifestyle change. I've had a rare week here and there where my eating has been fabulous and my exercise levels high. Fact of the matter is that it's a lot of work! I spent so much of my day working hard on other things: parenting, thesis preparation, etc. It seems almost impossible to work hard on something else when I wake up early or get home late.

I thought about suggesting the journal idea before you even mentioned it but it does get sickening when you do it for an extended amount of time. Another tactic I plan to start is tracking my food groups. If I'm consciously tracking my fruits, veggies, whole grains, dairy....I'm hoping I'll be more likely to make smarter choices so I meet all those dietary requirements each day. Not only do I watch the quantity that I eat, but I watch the quality of my food.

LeAnn said...

I think your dilemma is a common one. It's challenging and stressful enough to do one or the other but at the same time only doing one (exercise or healthy eating) is not enough. I think we all know this. It seems like the obvious thing to say: keep only healthy foods available, bring your meals, etc. However, that gets boring and it's easy to cheat. So my suggestion is this: keep up your high physical activity and do your best to get healthy food and healthy portions. If you are craving something like pizza or fast-food or something high in calories save it for a reward. Maybe you run/jog three days in a row - treat yourself. For me it has become intrinsic to eat healthy for several days so when an opportunity for a truly delicious (yet unhealthy) meal comes I don't feel guilty and I can enjoy it. Then I return to the cycle. I'm not saying this plan is fool-proof or the answer to your dilemma but it is one idea.
Both sides, exercising and eating, have been not great. I'm stressing and busy with final papers, projects, etc. I'm very much looking forward to jogging everyday this summer. Get outside, pump up my music, and just enjoy the sun. I'm trying to not let my eating go to hell though. Sometimes I have to ask myself, are you really hungry or are you looking for something to do while watching TV? It helps that my refrigerator and cupboards are pretty bare but there are good meals available for when I am actually hungry.
I don't have sound on my work computer so I'll have to check out the youtube video later. Ok, well have a good weekend and good luck with getting your eating under control. I know you can do it, you just have to find a routine or a program that works best for you. Journaling may very well be the ideal method for you. :)