Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Stress Galore!

Hey all-

Well my anxiety and stress levels are rather high. Things at work are really crashing down on me. I have so many things to do before I leave town on Thursday. My boss is working on my thesis down in Texas so each day I get questions or data sent back to me via email. I have so many emails to sort through and organize. I often don't understand what the results mean because I didn't see how she computed the numbers so it's also hard to write the results. It's also bothering me now that she's just cranking out all the work down there...it's going to suck when I can't understand or explain how things were analyzed during my defense. I just know one of my committee members is going to drill me too. (Paddy)

We also start a grueling 2.5 week research venture the day after spring break. We go to a different school district each day to evaluate school lunch, vending, and PE. My coworker and I are still trying to organize and schedule PE classes to watch but the principals and PE teachers are so slow to respond. I will have limited access to internet in the next week so it's annoying that I'll have to worry about that. I'll probably be asking to use your computer more than I want to or should Nicole.

I've been so busy lately that I'm not even ready to pack for my trip home or to Michigan. I usually take days to pack to ensure that I'm organized and not forgetful. I haven't had time or energy to do this yet. I just know I'm going to forget something crucial. My landlord also started to show our apartment so things always have to be straightened up and clean. I usually let the mess pile up during the work week but can't really do that anymore. My kitchen is horrible right now though. I haven't done dishes in a long time but they'll just have to deal with it if they show my place today.

I was retarded last month and agreed to teach a CPR/AED class tonight. I taught one this weekend too. Last month I thought "oooo, I'll make some extra money!" Right now I'm wishing I had passed up the opportunity because my time seems to be more valuable. Tonight's class will be the last one I teach until May.

I'm still not sleeping well either. I thought the time change would make me more tired at night but no such luck. I'm still up til about 1:30am most nights and getting up is horrible now. I was so slow moving this morning.

And I'm not exercising anymore either. I stopped running last week when my ovarian cyst hurt so bad. I could (and should have) started running on Sunday. Now I've let other days slip past and I can tell my energy level is down. Part of this change is mental....I know I'm not getting weighed this week at Weight Watchers. I've been eating worse and not exercising because part of my brain is saying "just let yourself go a little this week and enjoy some food and rest". I really want to be under 270 lbs next week when I am weighed. I'm not going to accomplish that if I gain a little this week. Why is it so hard to do the right thing and do those right things every day?


project.100.gone said...

ACK!! I think break is coming at just the right time for you and for your sister. I cannot wait to have you here and you can imerse (emerse???) yourself in some serious girl time therapy! Don't stress yourself about getting off track, you have enough stress in your life outside of this. You'll get back on track. You'll find a way...I know you will!

LeAnn said...

I hear/heard you on that note. With midterms and the final stuff due in the next month I am feeling a bit overwhelmed and stressed. On Thursday I lost money, important tutoring stuff, got a parking ticket, forgot my lesson plan for tutoring, among other little dilemmas. Stressed was an understatement. The only thing going for me is that I was so busy and tired that I never overate or oversnacked. I can tell that I have dropped a few pounds. I really hope I can keep them off too. I can relate to a lot of what you said but since I am so late in my commenting it wouldn't be helpful or interesting to go into depth. I hope the rest Spring Break doesn't mean needless snacking and laziness. See you soon. How did you do in Michigan with eating and such??