Sunday, March 8, 2009

Love Hunger 15

Howdy all-

I'm sleepy yet I cannot sleep yet. I laid in bed and read some more Love Hunger so it's time
for some more info from that book. I gave myself way too much freedom today and regret some of my choices. We ordered pizza after Gavin's basketball game and I ate way too much taco pizza. It didn't taste as good as I expected either which was sad.

I've been trying to use the Weight Watcher's site more often and discovered some interesting information about equitably lost pounds to a quantity of food. Here is what they listed for a reference:

1 pound of lost weight =4 sticks of butter
5 pounds of lost weight = 1 sack of potatoes
10 pounds of lost weight = 8 medium cantaloupes
25 pounds of lost weight = 3 gallons of milk
The next big section of Love Hunger pertains to eating out.  There are 5
main steps.

1) Like usual...plan ahead

If you can, check out the menu online before you go to the restaurant so
you have a better idea of what your healthy options are. If you aren't sure
about where to eat (with other people), make sure
you have numerous options so you can suggest a healthier restaurant.

How have you been affected (negatively) by others when eating at
restaurants? What has contributed to poor choices? I admit I feel
more entitled to order not-so-healthy food if others order it. I usually
tell myself that "you don't eat out every day so go ahead and get french
fries or cheese balls..." and that junk food usually doesn't taste as good
as it sounds when I order it. If most people eat everything on their plate,
I try to eat most of my food too when I should get a take-out box and
take half the portion home.

2) Do not hesitate to make special requests.

Make simple requests like getting your salad dressing/sauces in a
cup on the side, reduce the butter in your food, be picky about
your cut of meat, and ask for no bread basket.

3) Deal with restaurant portion sizes

Immediately put half your food in a take-out container. Request
child sized portions or senior sized portions. This seems tricky
though because i know many places require you to be under
10 to use the child menu and over 65 to get senior meals.
Go out to eat with someone that will split a meal with
you. I find this tricky too because I typically eat with my son.
He and I have very different tastes and rarely order anything similar.
If portion control is that big of a deal, don't go back to that restaurant.

4) Avoid high calorie drinks and desserts

I rarely get alcohol drinks when I eat out. I do like coffee-based
drinks though and those can be packed with calories. I often
refuse to have whipped cream on top to try and reduce that issue.
I've only been getting my "Cafe Mocha" once a week now. I only get
dessert at that same restaurant. Nicole can totally understand why
desserts are so tempting at The Cafe. I don't eat there much though
so that helps.

5) Do not fall for the extras

Some places have those "extras" that draw people in and appeal
to many because it makes you think you're getting more for your
money. Some places have that free bread basket, free biscuits,
chips/salsa, etc. It's ok to refuse those extras...just because
something is free doesn't mean it has to go in your mouth.


project.100.gone said...

Isn't if funny how you think something is going to be so good and you wait to get it as a treat (like the pizza) and then it's never as good as you built it up to be? Also...yikes with those weight food comparisons.

LeAnn said...

As much as I enjoy eating out it worries me too because I feel like no matter what I order or how much I eat it's horrible for me. I only feel safe ordering food at Subway. I fall for the extras all the time - chips & salsa, bread, etc. I have also learned, now having dated Jason five years, that if you eat out all the time it is less of a treat when you do. It may sound obvious but it's not as obvious as you may believe. Growing up eating out, as you may remember, was a treat. We only did it on special occasions. Jason's family eats out daily and once I started dating him I loved going out to eat all the time. Now it's no longer a treat. I'm 90% sure that's where a lot of my weight gain over the past four years has come from. Eating out with him or his family and lowering my physical activities. It's a shame but true. I have been working towards ordering minimally and healthy - when possible. :) Fighting temptation is when discipline is needed. Good luck us all as I am sure we are not invinsible to fast food.