Thursday, March 26, 2009

It hurts so good...

So I know it's cliche but who says it better than John Melloncamp?!?!? I've done the first 2 workouts of the walk/run program and it has suddenly become painfully obvious just how out of shape I am. Now, don't get me wrong...the workouts are great and I feel fantastic while doing them but my legs are still getting used to the impact of running. It's not a horrible pain but when I stand up or sit down or walk up a hill/stairs my quads are like, remember us?!?!? That's what you get for not using us as we should be for all those years! Yeah I know, my quads are kind of whiny...oh well, I kind of need to keep them around! Anyway, I walked/ran the last 2 nights, will take tonight off so I can get my behind to the grocery store, and will do the 3rd workout tomorrow night after work. I really hope to stick with this program because I think it is a great way to get me where I want/need to be. I still haven't reached my 30 pound loss even though I've been floating in the area for weeks now. I think it was a sign that I needed to get a little more action in. I think this walk/run program is the ticket!

While I'm doing great with my exercising this week, my eating has been mediocre at best. I think my problem was that I wasn't really into the menu that I put together for the week. That lead to poor meals and extra snacking to make up for the lack of my food satisfaction. I am putting my grocery list together today over my lunch and hope to fix that problem. I already have some ideas and Meijer has some good sales on this week!

It's odd, I feel like I am always on in one aspect of this lifestyle change and off in the other. When I do well with food I tend to not be exercising. When I am really active, my eating sucks...I think I should try and rectify this situation.

Anyway, I don't have anything insightful to end with so I figure I'll just share some random tidbits with you...who doesn't love a random tidbit or two!?!? Keep up the good work ladies! Stay strong and press on!

These are all random facts about the human body...

1. A full bladder is roughly the size of a soft ball.
2. Women blink twice as much as men.
3. Men without hair on their chests are more likely to get cirrhosis of the liver than men with hair.
4. There are 10 parts of the human body that can be spelled with just 3 letters (can you name


Nicole said...

Actually I should have asked if you can name them without cheating. I got six and couldn't come up with the last four...good luck!

LeAnn said...

For pete's sakes I am an English major! I don't know anatomy, lol. I have been back and forth with both exercising and eating. I felt a lot more confident earlier in the week with both but now I feel like I failed. I feel better about my eating than exercising. Basically I am saying that I understand how you feel. I know running would be the most beneficial and fruitful but I have yet to make myself do it. When I exercise with my buddy, Shelby, she always wants to walk or do easier stuff. I just don't have the heart to tell her to that I want to pump it up a bit. The semi-ironic thing is I like being sore, like you feel now, because it reminds me of the good exercising I accomplished and it reminds me that I am alive. So go you! I have yet to find my quads, lol. Have a good weekend if I don't talk to you before then! P.S. The recipe is coming soon, I have not forgotten.