Thursday, March 5, 2009

Hello, my name is Nicole and I'm a slacker...

I hear that the first step to overcoming a problem is to admit that a problem does, in fact, exist. So, here I am telling you fine ladies that I am a slacker. I just realized that I have not blogged at all this week...and I was doing so well there for a while! Anyway, I am trying to rectify my slacker ways, not only with this blog but also with my eating and activity level.

I hate to admit that last night was the first time that I have worked out in over a week. I was in a really great groove and then I fell out. I'm getting back on track and hope to keep myself right where I want to be. My eating has been really good all far as I can remember. I've cooked all week and I always forget how much I like to cook when I don't do it. I'm actually really looking forward to this weekend. My brother, his wife, their kids and her mom are all coming to spend the weekend with me and because they're poor and I'm poor we're planning on eating in. I love cooking for other people so much and I rarely get the opportunity out here...I'm pretty jazzed! I'm slightly worried about my activity this weekend, it's not really practical to do my dance DVD with 6 extra people and all of their stuff in my apartment but I'm sure chasing 3 kids under 6 around all weekend will count towards something.

In another attempt to stop slacking I have started a journal that I make myself write in every night. I've only been doing it for 5 nights now but I hope to keep up with it. I've decided that if I have specific tasks to accomplish I tend to get them done. I've decided to use my journal as a personal to do list. Each night before I go to bed I set one or two goals for myself to accomplish the following day. I did one of the dance routines yesterday, which was my goal. Today, my goal is to drink 4 glasses of water at work and do both of the dance workouts on my DVD. I can't wait to get these things accomplished!

Alright ladies, I should get back to work. I don't have anything to scan but apparently I have some MLearning things to do so I can keep working at the hospital! Yay for more blood borne pathogens training and chemical awareness!


project.100.gone said...

I think the natural ebb and flow of life causes everyone to be a slacker every now and then. I tend to have a week(s) where it takes so much effort to do anything positive for my health or weight loss. And some weeks things just come naturally and I have constant energy to stay on track.

I immediately thought that your extra company (especially the young ones) will keep you active this weekend before you even commented on not using your DVDs. I've also very impressed by your journal. I've considered creating a journal to track my points each day, activity minutes, emotional levels, etc. so I can see patterns or pinpoint issues when I don't lose weight. Just one of those things that makes me leery since it requires time, patience, and consistency.

Glad to have you back on the bandwagon too! We need to share this bandwagon by the way....I'm not falling off it this time.

project.100.gone said...

Oh, for sure. I have no intentions of kicking you off! I always find roadtrips more enjoyable when you get to share with someone...and we have a similar taste in music so sharing with you will be easy!

LeAnn said...

I have to agree that a lifestyle change involves some on and off the bandwagon. It would be too easy (and impossible) to be on the bandwagon at all times. I wouldn't label it as slackerish. PLUS I am the one who hasn't blogged in almost a month. I wouldn't call myself a slacker either - I have been trying to keep my head above water in class and work. It's the same with losing weight. There's going to be good days and bad days, otherwise it'd be too hard or too easy. I have confidence in your ability to not only hop back on the bandwagon but yell "Yee haw!" as you do it. :) At the same time I think you bring up a really good point. It's hard to remain active everyday - sometimes we're too busy, too tired, etc. I'm a believer and doer of burning calories doing everyday stuff. Like I walk to work - that helps keep me active when I am not actually taking the time to work out. Anyways, I feel like I got alittle winded on that one. Sorry, I have no idea if I even made sense. It's getting later and I can't think straight. Plus Sex & the City is on so that doesn't help. Hope you and Jenny had fun. I'm sure I'll hear about it Wednesday.