Sunday, December 21, 2008

In 5,4,3,2,1...

CHRISTMAS!!! Wow, it's pretty much official now, I'm a nerd! Ladies, this week has not been my shining moment as far as this lifestyle change is concerned. I am unhappy to report that I even ate out (on Friday they bought Chinese take-out for those of us who drug our asses into work). I've been eating too much and not eating the healthiest of things. Unfortunately my holiday spirit is interfering with the spirit of our mission. I'll admit it, at first this really, REALLY bothered me. I was doing so well and then the holidays hit and I fell off of the bandwagon. What's wrong with me?!?!? As I pondered that question it dawned on me. I don't think there is anything wrong with me, or you Jenny or you Leann. We are still learning. We can't take a lifetime of questionable/bad eating and health choices and do a complete 180 in 3.5 months. If we expect perfection out of ourselves or eachother, we're just setting ourselves up for failure and disappointment. Now, don't get me wrong. I'm not saying this because I'm giving up or want either of you to give up yoursleves or let me off the hook for doing poorly. I'm just saying that we're still amatures and need to have goals that are realistic for our current situation. I've already been dreading my trip back home because I know I won't be perfect but it stops today. I barely get to see my family and I refuse to spend the whole time beating myself up because of the fact that I over eat or make less than healthy choices at times. My Christmas goal has shifted. I'm going to try to spend my holiday focusing on the good choices that I make instead of the mistakes I make. Only eating one dessert...yay! Eating too many tortilla ham wraps, not wise but something to work on. I read this article yesterday about how heavy eaters feel more pressure, like they're being judged when they eat in social situations, especially at the holdiays and it's true. I already feel like my eating habits are being scrutinized by everybody else, I don't need to become my own worst critic.

Now, in order to compensate for the increased calorie content, I play to kick up the physical activity. I have already promised my nephew that we would go sledding everyday that we're together...that is some serious exercise, lugging myself, 2 kids and at least 2 sleds up a hill all day. My sister has also promised to walk with me while we're at our parents house. They live in the country so a quick jaunt around the block is over 2 miles! I know this doesn't negate the fact that I over eat but it helps keep things in balance!

Ok ladies...I have to get to my breakfast, laundry and caramel corn (I'm giving it all away!) so I should go. Once I leave home I won't have access to the internet, or at least I don't think I will, so if I don't talk to you before then, have a very merry Christmas!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

T-Minus 7 days til Christmas

Hey ladies:

Well I almost didn't go to Weight Watcher's today. But I talked myself out of that line of thinking since I won't be attending any meetings until January. I'm excused from attending meetings because they take place on Thursdays and the next two Thursdays are holidays. I might attend a meeting in Decorah on the 30th though just to keep myself in check. I was unhappy with my eating but managed to only gain 0.4 lb since last week. I tried to fix things the last couple days so I think that helped a lot.

So my next topic today is....popcorn. I really wish I liked it more. Gavin and I have made it the past two nights. I wanted something to fill me up and tide me over so I wouldn't snack all night. The thing is, I really don't enjoy popcorn that much. I know a lot of people that love it but I practically have to force myself to eat a bowl. We don't put butter on it (to keep it healthy plus I hate butter). I have Macaroni and Cheese topping for it and its decent.

So the main topic for WW today was "plan for holiday success". You need to meet, move, eat, and think over the holidays. Obviously meeting refers to WW meetings but I think it could also pertain to our communications over this blog. The one that stands out to me is thinking. I really need to think before I eat massive meals and Christmas goodies. Will I truly be hungry when I'm consuming that food? Or will I eat it simply because it's there on the table?

They actually shared a good recipe today too. If you like Almond Joy candy bars ( I love them), then you should like this:

Almond Joy Pudding

1 package of fat-free, sugar-free instant fudge pudding
2 cups of skim milk
1 cup quick oats (not cooked)
1 tsp coconut extract
1/2 tsp almond extract

Mix pudding and milk together until smooth. Add uncooked oats. Add extracts. Chill. Enjoy
Makes 4 servings....only 2 points for Weight Watchers.

I also received my January issue of Reader's Digest and it's main story is "13 Things No One Ever Tells You About Weight Loss". Here are the 13 things...I'll probably expand my thoughts on some of them later in a different blog entry.

1. Being overweight IS genetic (the FTO genome marker is related to type 2 diabetes and fat mass)
2. Some people just have more fat cells than others
3. You CAN change your metabolism
4. Stress fattens you up
5. Your mom's pregnancy affects your weight
6. Sleep More, Lose More
7. Your spouse (or significant other's) weight matters
8. A virus can cause obesity (this one seems crazy!)
9. Cookies (and other junk foods) really are addictive
10. Ear infections can taint your taste buds
11. Antioxidants are also anti-fat
12. Pick a diet, any diet (they all seem to have the same 4 rules: consume carbs in the form of whole grains and fiber, avoid trans fat and saturated fat, eat lean protein, and fill up on vegetables and fruits).
13. You can be fit and fat (I love this thesis pertains to this point)

Hey Nicole....Steven Blair was a big influence in this article...are you familiar with him?

Ok ladies, that's enough for now!

Monday, December 15, 2008

Butternut Squash is Grrrrrrrreat!

Well not to be pessimistic, but the last two days haven't been so hot. Nothing has triggered my poor eating....I'm just in a lazy, "oh well" kind of mood. I haven't counted my points very well at all. I really wanted to lose enough weight to reach the 15 pound point at Weight Watchers so I'd have a nice even weight to maintain over the holidays. Hopefully I can make a difference by being wise tomorrow and Wednesday.

My boss had a dinner tonight for her grad students. The food was so good! The roasted vegetables were the best. She had the best combination of onions, tomatoes, and butternut squash. She also fixed a pork roast and a great salad. The dessert was so rich....turtle pie. It was my first turtle pie and I couldn't believe she made it herself. The dessert probably didn't help my diet LOL.

Anyway, I felt like tattling on myself. I've been eating when I'm not truly hungry. My physical activity is still rather low. And like I said before, I'm not counting my daily point values. I woudn't be horribly worried about that except I'm not listening to my hunger and not making wise choices. I've purposely been keeping non-appealing junk food in the house that only Gavin likes...but now I find myself eating it even though I don't care for it much. Little Debbie cakes are the main culprit. I hate those things. Occasionally I like Star Crunches but the rest of the stuff isn't that great. I've also been eating normal food in inappropriate portions. Blah. Alright, enough tattling for now....I hope you are having better luck than me!

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Bah humbug...

I suck! Obviously not in general, I feel as though I am a delightful friend and companion but when it comes to keeping on track I must say...not good. I feel like I was doing so well. I was at 301.5 the morning before I left for my thanksgiving sojourn to Iowa and I am officially back to 307.4 as I type. Humbug I say...sorry, I watched my favorite Christmas movie Thursday night and I have Scrooge in my head! I have no excuse except for the fact that I am sucking right now. I'm lazy, unmotivated, bored, lazy, homesick...did I mention lazy?!?!? I too have made Jenny's discovery that I've been doing fewer dishes this past week. However, my dish decrease is coming from the fact that I cooked one night this week, ONE, and ate out (well technically in) the rest of the week...double humbug! My physical activity has consisted of me walking up and down my steps to get to my car or apartment and walking down the hill to work and back up the hill to the bus. At this rate I should honestly forget my goal of 300 0r less by new years and just pray the God that I'm not back at 321 when 2009 rolls around!

Although giving up until after Christmas/New Year's seems so easy, I'm not going to do that and I'm not going to forget my goal...that would be ridiculous. I don't need to change my goal I just need to change my path, my way of thinking/acting (much like Scrooge does at the end of the movie...see I can keep this theme going). First and foremost I cannot eat out anymore. I only have 1.5 weeks until I leave for Christmas and it will be home-prepared meals until that day. I also need to start listening to my body again and eating when, and only when my body is truly, phyisiologically hungry. Third, I need to pick up my activity level. I always feel better when I'm doing some sort of exercise. It doesn't have to be a lot but it has to be something. I've been doing really well with drinking water...I make myself drink at least 4, 16 oz. glasses of water each day at work so that's great. I need to make sure I'm drinking as much on the weekends though. And lastly, I need to stop feeling sorry for myself. I knew moving out to Michigan would be hard, and I don't think I've made a good enough effort to enjoy life out here by myself. I whine about being alone but all I do is go to work and sit at home. I need to look into doing something. Joining a church, a community group, a book club...I am so not picky anymore. I just need to do something! No more humbugging for this girl. I am, from here on out happy Scrooge!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

T'was a good day at Weight Watchers.....

The computers were working correctly!!! I am down 1.8 lbs. I guess I was 269.8 lbs last week so I'm right at 268 labs. I would like to be at 260 lbs in the middle of January. My next weight goal is is to be at 260 lbs by January 15th.

Weight Watchers is adopting a new program, the Millennium Program. Things aren't much different from the previous program. Stuff just looks fancier and there are a few changes with Point values and food choices. I am starting to develop some worry about eating around the holidays. I do really well in Ames where I control what's in my apartment. My mom usually has a stash of chips or other goodies so I give into temptation more often at her home. The buffet style meals at family gatherings can also be troublesome. If I would just track what I ate, I think I'd be ok. But it's so easy to discard that habit when I'm at home and forget about it while I'm enjoying time with family. I guess I should think positive and not assume that I'll fail. I really want to lose each week....even if it's 0.1 lbs I'll be happy. The 2.6 lbs I gained over Thanksgiving really irritates me.

I made an interesting observation today. Ever since I've adopted the way of WW, I've been doing less dishes. I must have been eating exteme amounts of food months ago because I'd have a lot of pots and pans each night. Housekeeping in the kitchen has been much easier. Not too significant but damn nice.

I started pricing treadmills today too. I believe I will buy one on credit in January and then completely pay it off when I get my tax refund. 2nd Wind Equipment in Ankeny and Des Moines has some decent models that I can afford. Best of all, those models are foldable and have an appropriate weight limit. I just hope delivery is simple, cheap, or even free. I feel somewhat guilty for spending that much money on myself but it's for my health. I guess I will condone it like I condoned buying my bike this year.

Anyway...I hope things turn around and improve this weekend Nicole. I know it's easier said than done but it's mind over matter. Just have to tell yourself that you can do it and persevere. I'm holding you to your goal of getting below 3o0.

Ok, that's enough for now. Happy and Healthy Eating!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Woohoo Post #71

Howdy Ladies.....

It is now 10:26 in the PM and I'm somewhat bored and trying to avoid my kitchen. I'm tempted to do some unnecessary snacking. I've done a good job with drinking water today...I keep downing my HyVee carbonated water coolers. My poor kidneys and bladder are probably wondering "what the hell?" I'm still unhappy about some of my food choices this week...after the department Christmas party on Saturday I ran Gavin through the drive thru at McDonald's since he was starving and I got myself a couple cheeseburgers. At least I avoided the french fries....those are the devil.

I ate at a restaurant/study spot on campus today and made wise choices. The sandwich I got was rather large though but lower in points than I expected. The sourdough bread was the source of most of the points. The only thing I gave in to was a hot drink. And since Starbucks is located in this place I got a small (12oz) white chocolate mocha. I got it with soy milk but agreed to have whipped cream on it. I wanted it to warm up since the place was freezing and I tell you what....that drink wasn't as great as I expected. I have really noticed that the junk I crave usually doesnt taste that great. The cheeseburgers on Saturday were bad....mind you I still ate them, but they sucked. I am starting to crave healthier food regularly but still slip into an evening of binging if I'm not careful.

My exercise has been non-existant. I've been very busy and productive with work but I can't find the ambition to bring exercise clothes to work and do cardio for 30 minutes. It's sad. I'd see much faster results if I'd just get my butt moving. Grrrr!

Alright, enough rambling for now.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Getting back on track II...

Good morning! Today is the first day since I've been back from thanksgiving that I stepped on the scale (and followed the same routine that I usually do for weighing myself). I have had a terrible, TERRIBLE week and I have no excuse except for my own laziness and lack of self-discipline. I was afraid to step on the scale for fear of what it might say, however, that fear was unfounded. Although I ate like crap all week I was at 304.5 today. Granted, it's 2.5 pounds higher than my weight the morning I left for home but I thought it would be SO much higher. I am trying to get myself back on track like Jenny but this weekend was a little hard for me. My dad and step mom had their Christmas this weekend and I didn't realize how much missing it was going to affect me. While we may not always see eye-to-eye I do love them very much and the whole family was there but me. As soon as I was on the phone with my dad last night I was in tears. Now, Leann you might not believe me as I have written in this blog at least twice before that I called home in tears, but I swear to God that I'm not really a mushy/crying type of girl...not that there's anything wrong with it but it's just not me. I was better by the time that we ended the call but I was in a slightly depressed mood the rest of the evening. This is not good when one is trying to not be an emotional eater. BLAH!

Anyway, I am doing much better today. First, it is sunny and I haven't seen the sun since before my miserable drive back to Michigan. Second, all of my Christmas presents are wrapped and my mom's memory/scrapbook is 99% complete...I still don't like the page I did for my brother so I might redo it. Third, last, and most importantly, I get to come home again in 16 days!!!!

Now onto Jenny's question. There are 3 things that I find very difficult to behave around--

1. Almond bark pretzels, especially if they're the thin pretzels. I think it's that whole sweet and salty thing.

2. My homemade caramel corn. It is amazing! Well, I think it's amazing. It's a combination of the best aspects of my mom and step-mom's caramel corns. My mom's caramel recipe poured over puff corn instead of regular pop-corn! It is divine!

3. Chocolate covered cherries...and no, I'm not talking about the Queen Anne's Cherries that you get in the store. I am talking about my step-mom's homemade cherries. They are quite possibly the greatest thing I have ever put in my mouth. I always eat way too many at the family Christmas (which I don't have the worry about this year, which as far as losing weight goes is a good thing) and then she makes goodie trays for us each year and puts 3 on there.

I am going to try my damnedest (don't know if that's actually a word) to behave myself around these goodies this holiday season. The cherries are a self-limiting threat as there will only be three. I simply will not make any pretzels and hope that my mom doesn't either. There will be a handful of them on my goodie tray from Shirley so I'll get to indulge a little there. The caramel corn is the bigger issue. I'm making a big batch of it now and will probably make one more before I head for home. It's inexpensive and a great gift idea for co-workers and the like. I just have to keep it out of sight once it's made. I will keep a small bag of it out for me and try your idea Jenny, marking a date that it has to last until. It worked well with the chocolates I bought 3 weeks ago (which I marked with today's date and I still have 2 left!) so I'll see if it works with baked goods as well. As for your homemade fudge issue Jenny, I have never had that problem. Even now with my heightened sweet tooth, I still cannot eat fudge. It is just too rich for me. Shirley always puts way more fudge on our trays than anything else. It's good but it's bad. It's good because I never eat it but I feel bad that she goes to the work to make it for us.

Well, sorry about the long really random blog entry today. I hope that the Christmas spirit touches us all and lifts our moods. I am getting back to work and still hoping to reach my goal of 300 by new years! My shoulder is back to 100%, I least there are no stabbing pains with instant headaches anymore so I'm going to not only get back to eating well but I'll also be adding exercise back in! Good luck with your week ladies!

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Getting back on track....

Well Weight Watchers was interesting this week. They are using a computer system now for signing in and measurement. I stepped on the scale and the lady announced "Wow, you lost 2.4 lbs!" I didn't believe it and looked closer at my weight. I think it said 268.9 which is more than what I weighed before Thanksgiving (267.2 lbs I think). They kept my paperwork so I don't have my usual pamplet to check for my weights. I guess the computer was registering gains as loses. Not cool because for a split gave me some hope. But hey, I could have gained a lot more. I had expected to be 270 or more.

I did somewhat binge last night though. They had fancy licorice on sale at Hy-Vee (the kind from Australia) so I indulged. I also got a small portion of the cheesy potatoes from the deli. Ever since I attended our church's Christmas program my mood has been down. I'm not horribly sad or depressed but I'm thinking about my fiance a lot and trying to fix that with food. I made a batch of vegetarian chili today though that will help me with my snacking. A serving is 2 points and I added in an extra kind of beans (black beans) so it's very filling. I also did some much needed cleaning and got the rest of the decorations up for the holidays.

I really wish I had more motivation to exercise. I'm so paranoid about walking outside now thanks to ice. I wish treadmills cost a nickel. LOL I'm also starting to worry about the goodies that I enjoy around Christmas. Gavin is anxious to make our cornflake wreaths and they are so good! My only strategy is to make only half the amount as last year so we get our fix but don't over do it. Or I could just give away half the regular batch. I've been buying Lite Eggnog so that's cut back on the fat and it still tastes good too. My family will make popcorn balls when we are home but I'm not so worried about those. I'll eat one or two and be good for the season. They aren't my favorite. Any holiday goodies that worry you ladies? I guess homemade fudge is also a worry of mine but I'm rarely exposed to it.

Until the next blog....

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Tis the season...

Happy Wednesday ladies! I am happy to report that I have fully recovered from the most horrid drive back to Michigan on Sunday. My entire 550 mile trip was rainy/slushy/snowy with crappy visibility. The trip took 4 hours longer than usual and I was mentally exhuasted when I got home. I'm feeling refreshed now and I'm not nearly as moody...go me! What hasn't recovered is my eating habits. I was doing so well before I left and I actually wasn't terribly naughty over the holiday but since Monday I have been ravenous. I'm getting back on track but it's a work in progress. My shoulder is still killing me so I haven't had any motivation to work out but I plan on checking out the 'gym' here at my apartment once I'm feeling up to it. I'd write more tonight but quite frankly I feel lazy so I will have to end here.

Good luck with the rest of your week ladies!

Monday, December 1, 2008

Welcome December!

Not exactly sure why I gave my title an exclamation point because I'm not a fan of the upcoming weather. Anyone else drive with idiots on highways and interstates this weekend? I sure did on I35. Oh well, it pays to be a defensive driver.

Well it was fun to hang out and eat some good food in Gunder! The weather back to Waukon was stopped snowing halfway there as we traveled on Highway 9. Hopefully things weren't too yucky for you Nicole and the others.

I am not pleased with my eating since Thursday. I didn't do bad at Thanksgiving. However, I would have done better if my cousin's wife had not made cheesecake! God it was good! I am unhappy with the junk food binge I took part in most nights at my parents. We went through so many bags of chips! And they weren't even chips I liked!!! I also bought snacks when we shopped on Friday so in ingested Combos and cinnamon bears. I forgave myself for my meal at Red Lobster though. I got a big fancy Red Passion Colada that was probably 60 points but dammit it was my birthday and I wanted alcohol. I did better on Saturday and Sunday but still did unnecessary snacking. I really need to keep myself in check during Christmas break. I did what I usually do with weight watchers and let myself slip one day and said "screw it" and let numerous days go by without counting points. In the past, I would quit Weight Watchers now but nope....not gonna do it.

With that being said, I'm scared to see my weight on Thursday. I feel like I gained 5 lbs. Hopefully it's not that bad but it's sad that I've set my self back more from my 20 lbs goal. Needless to say, I'll be kicking myself on Thursday after standing on the scale.

Ok, enough ranting for now....