Tuesday, August 16, 2011

The Semester Quickly Approaches....


I'm taking some time for myself before I wander off to bed It's already after 11pm and I hope to be in a deep slumber before midnight. It's been a hectic week but things have gone well! I'm responsible for the orientation training for the new graduate students that are starting in the Kinesiology Department this fall. I'm sure Nicole has fond memories of that time...I remember feeling quite overwhelmed and stressed. I think the fact that I experienced orientation in 2006 has helped me plan things different so students aren't slammed with too much information each day. Luckily the Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching (CELT) too some work off my shoulders today (and tomorrow) and they are providing critical seminars about classroom issues, grading essentials, initiating student discussion, etc.

I've also gotten a considerable amount of work done too. I've taught three of my ISU classes before so that's comforting. I'm teaching a new class though (HS 110). It's a personal and consumer health class that all Kinesiology majors must take during their program of study. It's essentially the same class I teach at DMACC but different textbooks are utilized (sad). Oh well. I'm happy to say that my syllabi are done and ready for next week but I still need to plan for my first days of class. I also need to do more on the online parts of my class too.

Gavin starts school on Thursday. His bus picks him up at 7:18am each day! I'm wondering if I can utilized this mandatory change in our lives to fix my inability to be a "morning person". If Gavin and I can create a routine that starts at 6:30am each weekday, I could be at work by 7:30am each day and get more done. Or I could exercise in the morning and hopefully boost my energy prior to work. It's going to be tough because I really suck at getting up early. Perhaps I could fix my poor sleeping patterns if I institute this AM change. I could see myself being quite tired by 9pm at night if I start my day at 6:30am.

I'm actually worried about Gavin's start of 6th grade. We had an informational meeting tonight and I was not impressed by the preparedness of the teachers and administration. Questions weren't answered and parents don't seem very confident about the changes that have been made for sixth grade. A lot of responsibility is being placed on those kiddos and I hope the school and I hope the school is prepared to support and help them as the year starts. It seems like teachers are still scrambling to adjust to changes. Gavin better be prepared for his increaed workload.

That's all for now!


LeAnn said...

You're blog reminds me that I need to blog soon. Maybe tonight? I'm feeling tired, so it's a toss-up. Anywho, you seem to have had a very productive week, even though it's not quite done yet. It reminds me that I have a lot to accomplish. I've been focused on cleaning and organizing instead of planning. I need to work on syllabi too.

I can't imagine being Gavin's age and having to be ready to go so early. Thank heavens we were dropped off and/or carpooled. Last year I was up around 6 am, so I think you can handle 6:30 am. My sleeping pattern needs to change soon. Oh boy. I can't believe Gavin's teacher(s) were so unprepared. I wouldn't let myself appear incompetent or unprepared. You'd think they'd have their crap taken care of, but oh well. I hope he has a good year. He better get accustomed to the workload. The Smiths aren't bad students.

Get excited for Czech Days. I'm trying to get Ryan excited.

project.100.gone said...

Yay for Jenny! I'm so glad you took a few minutes for yourself tonight! I miss hearing about your life. I hope we can chat more once the school year is upon us. If not, I might just have to move back home so I can keep up with you!

I do remember training and being slightly overwhelmed. I think part of it had to do with not knowing my way around Ames or campus. It's funny looking back how scared I was of the big city when I moved there. Now, it's not scary at all (except on game day). I also remember think Michael wasn't really on top of things. He was a nice guy but scattered. I know you well enough to know that you bring your A game to everything though so I'm sure your grad students are being put at ease and getting the help they need! The CELT stuff sounds good. It would have been nice to have a more structured intro to some of the technical components of teaching, especially considering I didn't take any ed classes as an undergrad.

I'm glad that you've been so productive. I'm also sure that teaching 3 of the same classes helps with the work load. I remember when teaching the first semester of a new class was always the hardest because it was all fresh. After that, the basics were down, it became more about tweaking. I hope having some repeats helps your workflow this year so you'll have a little more Jenny time. Also, it is too bad that you can't use the same book for your classes. Maybe you should suggest to DMACC that they switch :-)

OK, this is going to make me sound old but I can't believe that Gavin is in 6th grade already. I feel like it was just yesterday that I met him and he was just an itty bitty thing. Granted, I met him 6 years ago so he was a lot ittier and bittier then. I'm sure he'll have no problem getting settled into the 6th grade and the structure of a new school. He's a good kid and a good student from what I remember and I'm sure he'll be great. Good luck with the schedule change. I've found from personal experience, that if you stick to it you'll be able to make it work. I never thought I'd be able to get out of bed, without much fuss no less, at 4:30. And you're right, the earlier you get up the earlier you'll want to go to bed. I'm lucky if I make it to 9:30 most nights. Wow, I am a grandma...

I hope you can find the time for personal health that you'd like too. Too bad you aren't teaching a walking class, that was always a sure fire way to get in some exercise. I hope as you get into your schedule a time presents itself.

Good luck and enjoy Czech days!!