Monday, August 29, 2011

50010 Update

Howdy all:

Well I got one line written last night before I lost my uumph and retired for the night. Hopefully I can include more info tonight or actually finish the blog entry.

I'm pleased to say that the semester has started nicely. I've settled into my schedule. It's stressful teaching all my classes in one day but at the same token it's nice to have a lot of freedom on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. I'm getting so much prep work done on those days and have been steadily working through my tasks on my whiteboard. Swim & Gym starts on September 13 so that will make Tuesdays and Thursdays busier but I've gotten a lot of the "before" work done. My employees are hired (background checks currently taking place) and plenty of advertising was initated weeks ago. I've also decided to promote a really strong PE major to be my "assistant" for the program. She's competent and I'll more comfortable leaving the gym if I know she's got everything under control.

I've slipped back into the groove and I'm not prioritizing my physical activity. I'm sitting on my butt a lot in my office at work. We actually have a treadmill set up in the mailroom if you want to walk while checking emails and working on a computer. I've signed up for it but haven't used it yet. I'm hoping I can sneak away and use it tomorrow. I've also been more impulsive with my eating too. I get a food in my head toward the end of the day and fixate on eating for a meal. It's typically not a healthy food either. I'm also snacking late at night too. Bleh. So many bad habits to fix! I really desire to start planning out menus for the week so my dinners (or even lunches) are pre-planned and more nutritous.

I'm hopeful for a doctor appointment I have on Friday for my back. I went in earlier this week and my back was fine that day. I had no pain and passed the movement tests with flying colors. I'm seeing a different doctor and sadly I hope I have a little pain on Friday so the doc can see my movement issues. I'm also hoping for some x-rays because I'm curious to see what's going on with my discs.

The first weeks of 6th grade have been interesting for Gavin and me. He's gotten a rude awakening in regards to homework and expectations. I've been frustrated because I want him taking his time and doing his work well. In my opinion, he rushes to get his work done. We had a unpleasant experience last night because I checked Gavin's math homework and found every problem to be done incorrectly. He's often reluctant to let me look things over and he gave that same attitude last night. I'm glad I was forceful because I'm sure it would shock him when he got his grade. He's going to quickly realize that doing things too quickly is going to affect his letter grade in math. The grading in 5th grade was pretty gentle and the transition to regular grading has been fast and furious. I'm also learning a lot about 6th grade math...years of statistics and a semester of college alegebra and I felt stupid when reviewing prime numbers and factors.

The upcoming months are busier than I'd like at times and my weekends are especially hectic. We are going to Illinois on September 16 to camp and attend a basset hound rescue fundraiser. They have a parade on the 18th that features over 1000 basset hounds. It will be fun to walk in with Jon's dog Memphis (she's a rescue basset hound).

I have professional development the first weekend of October (blah) in Cedar Rapids and we are going to Chicago for a hockey game on the 15th of October. I was telling LeAnn that I miss having consistent low key weekends but at the same time it's nice to get out and about to have fun.

It's been easier on some days to wake up early. Gavin is waking up at 6:45am to get ready for the bus and leaves the apartment at 7:15am. Around that time I'm finally stumbling around and getting my day started. It's been nice leaving the apartment before 8am because I'm getting errands done and more accomplished at work. I've actually been staying later at work too. Most days have been 8am-4pm if not 5pm. I know this shouldn't be a shocking announcement but I used to come to work late or leave early and try to do work at home. Bring work home sucks. I'm really trying to avoid it. I barely have my computer on at home and I love it. It's been nice to relax, help Gavin with homework, clean, etc. I should be exercising too.

Okay, that's enough for now!


LeAnn said...

My commenting might be blah as I am really tired right now. You sound so busy. I'm sure that's good overall. I guess I feel pretty busy too. However, I don't have an eleven-year-old kid to worry about too. I've noticed that 90% of students rush through homework just to get it done. They don't think about the grade they'll get or what they should be learning. Hopefully, this year will help Gavin learn a good work ethic and how to time manage.

Maybe as the semester/year flows you'll develop some time to exercise. If and when you're hungry at night, drink a lot of water. See if that helps. I guess I'm surprised that you're that hungry at night. I'm usually too busy to be hungry OR too tired to eat. LoL. Good luck at your doctor's appt. I want to visit a chiropractor. My back can hurt some days. Ryan's too weak to crack it.

It's too bad your weekends are full. You should have some down time to rest and relax a bit. I'd go crazy if I had to go, go, go. I'm learning that bringing work home is pointless. Once I get home, I'm in tired/rest mode. The tough part is that I am always eager to get home to see Ryan. I need to discipline myself to get work done at school.

The basset hound stuff sounds kind've funny, no offense. Have fun, lol. Ok, I have to stop. I'm yawning and thirsty! I'm glad you blogged though.

project.100.gone said...

Wow, you do sound really, really busy. I'm glad that you've decided to have an assistant in the S&G program. I think it will be a big relief for you and great experience for the study. I hope the program goes well for you this semester.

It's so hard to prioritize exercise when you're so crazy busy. Once you get settled into your schedule I'm sure you'll be able to find some time that works for you.

I hate the late night cravings as well. It wouldn't be so bad but I don't generally have a hankering for broccoli or carrots at 9:00 at night, it's always for something sweet or salty. I'm really good at telling myself 'NO!' right up until Sunday night, that's when I struggle. I like LeAnn's idea of lots of water at those times. It's really helped me curb the snacking. I don't want to eat when I'm sloshing full of water.

Good luck with your appointment and all of your busy weekends coming up. It's nice having stuff to do but it sure doesn't make for the most relaxing weekends. Make sure you take care of yourself lady!