Monday, August 1, 2011

August is Upon Us

A lot has happened so here we go:

- Summer Youth Fitness has finished! Halleuiah! It's been nice to not spend half of each day in the sauna (aka Forker Building). Sadly I thought I'd enjoy that job more. However, in my defense, the pool situation really threw me for a loop. And thanks to its age, I'm going to worry about its dependability next year too. Stupid cement hole filled with water. I had added stress with a few gentlemen should have been fired but I kept trying to fix him. I have this experience behind me though so hopefully I'll be better prepared for next year. There were a couple days that made me not want to direct the program in 2012 but let's face it...I'll need the money.

- Weight Watchers has proven to be difficult. It frustrates me but at the same time the negative feelings are also driving me to persist. I really don't like to track my points for the program. I'm still not a huge fan of the meetings either. I wish I could go to a different meeting so I could see if I jived better with a different leader. Jon and I also spoke about the frequency of our eating out. Not only is it unhealthy but it's costing a fortune. If all three of us eat out, it's typically over $50. Ouch. I have so much to say about my current health and overweight status but it needs to be a blog entry itself.

- I finished my Stephen King book (finally). "The Stand" was a good read. I checked out the extended version...Mr. King added in a ton of content that was removed years ago. I wasn't horribly thrilled by most of the ending but the beginning and the middle of the book were great. It's one of those truly scary books because it really could happen. I'm taking a break from Stephen King for a bit. I've read a lot of his books over the last year and none of his other books are really tripping my trigger at the moment. I started the book you sent with me Nicole ("Goodnight Irene"). It's a nice change a pace and an easy read. After I finish that book, I plan to finish some relgious books I've been working on.

- I bought a car on July 16. It's a metallic dark blue 2008 Ford Fusion. I have loved it so far. The fancy perks have been a treat. When I say fancy perks I mean: a trunk button, a remote, and a spedometer that works. The other actual fancy stuff is OK...not sure when I'll ever have 6 CDs in my CD changer and I rarely use the Sync system. It feels odd to talk on the phone in my car. I feel like I'm yelling and I probably don't need to. It's pretty cool though to have such a clean car. I do sometimes wonder about Bonnie though. I wonder if she's in pieces or being sold as a very used car.

- Mom, Alissa, LeAnn, and Ryan are coming down for a vacation this week. I'm excited to host people in my apartment and do some cooking. I'm trying to avoid eating out a bunch. A) Mom will want to pay all the time and B) it's more convenient to just hang around here and feast together. I'm excited to venture to Adventureland too. However, if it's beastly hot, my motivation and excitement will quickly disappear.

- Gavin started flag football today. Once again I said "no" to the tackle league that is taking place in Ames. I still cannot afford it and the practice schedule would be difficult to manage. Luckily Gavin's friend Thomas is also participating in flag football for one and final year. It was fun to watch them at evaluations today. Gavin's really improved as a player and his athleticism is encouraging.

- I found those veggie straws at Sam's Club Nicole. I had forgotten about them until I was wandering the aisles with Jon. They are a nice salty snack when I'm craving something awful like Cheetos

- I feel like I'm drowning in work again. I tried to work ahead during Summer Youth Fitness. It didn't work. I'm nervous to lead meetings prior to the start of the semester but fortunately I have the agenda created so I know exactly what I need to cover. I just need to create enthralling presentation...I remembered being bored during my orientation and I really want to change that. I want to have discussions and address the trainings in a more meaningful way.

Ok...that's enough for now! More to come...hopefully in a more timely manner.


LeAnn said...

Yay for being done with the Summer Youth Fitness. I think with anything like that you have to know it's not going to be easy or perfect. You survived and learned from it. Onward to the upcoming school year. I have been thinking about joining WW online. I'm curious if I'll have success with it. I don't think I can be diligent about the meetings. I'm not a huge fan of paying for it either. Congrats on finishing The Stand. Maybe some day I'll get into Stephen King books, not today though. Your car sounds nice and needed. I hope it takes a lot of stress off you. Looking forward to the name.

I'm not sure if you'll see Ryan and I on Sunday or Monday. I guess I'll have to figure that out soon. It should be a good time. I'm actually worried about the heat too. It can be so draining and mood-ruining. I'm trying to decide the right outfit that will keep me happy and comfortable at Adventureland. Ryan meeting Mom and Alissa will be interesting too. Gavin seems to have an athletic build about him. I'm sure he'll like the flag football. I'm sure he'll grow even more this year. I need to start drowning myself in work. There's plenty to do. Now that I live in CC, I should probably head to the school and get started. August = the death of summer and birth of school. LoL.

project.100.gone said...

Yay for finishing SYF! I am so happy that you made it through but sorry about the unneccessary stresses that you encountered. I always feel that the first year is the worst because you don't know what to expect so next year will probably be more enjoyable.

I'm sorry that you aren't finding the motivation for WW. I'm sure having a group that you felt more comfortable twith would make it easier but I give you mad props for continuing to attend meetings. I'm glad you and Jon talked about eating out. I sometimes don't think we realize how much we do it until a converstation happens. It's hard at first to cut back because you lose the convenience but if you stick to cooking for even a month you'll find it gets easier and easier to resist the temptation. I'm actually at the point where I have to argue myself into eating out on occasion.

I'm glad you finished your book and are enjoying 'Goodnight Irene.' I just read the latest book in that series and it was so good!

I can't wait to see pictures of your new ride! It sounds beautiful.

I whole heartedly support your decision about football. Flag football is great exercise and you develop many of tackle football skills without the same risk of potentially serious injuries in growing bodies. When will people accept that as kids grow certain injuries are much more serious?!?!

Im sorry you're drowning in work already. Take some time to enjoy your few days of freedom!

And oh yeah, veggie straws rock! I like the cheese ones best I think!