Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Smoother sailing???

Hey all-

I've accomplished quite a bit today at work so I'm taking some time to blog (it also makes me look like I'm still busy at my desk). I sent out a mass email this morning to all the families in the Summer Youth Fitness program and let them know about the pool closure. I've had a mixed reaction. Some parents immediately responded and want their money back. Others have been really understanding and willing to find swimming opportunities elsewhere but still keep their kids in the program. I expect to find more emails in my inbox later today and tomorrow since I've only heard from like 1/5th of the parents. I also broke the news to my boss. I told him that some families are asking for refunds and the budget may get a little funny.

Memorial Day Weekend was very nice. I like not doing much. We went out to eat a few times. I finally went to church (it had been weeks). The church sermon was a ironic. Its focus was happiness and how people attain it. Considering I haven't been especially happy lately, I tried to listen well. One thing I've realized (with the help of Jon) is that I'm still too much of a control freak. I really get stressed and sick when things happen that are out of my control. My mind is almost making me feel like it's my fault the pool is broken. I'm still stressed today but it's a 100 times better than last week. I've even had some less-than-kind people complain to me about it and it didn't get me worked up. Fact of the matter is that I like to do my job well. I want to do an outstanding job this summer since it's my first time directing the program. We can still provide a quality experience to those kiddos even though we don't have a cement hole filled with chlorinated water.

I've been making poor eating choices. You can probably guess that the pool situation led to some emotional eating. I have no idea what my weight is right now. But I do know that I want it to be less. The vicious cycle of poor sleeping and lack of energy is rearing it's ugly face too. I want to get up somewhat early and exercise or do something productive in the morning. Unfortunately, it's all I can do to get my butt out of bed and in the shower. If I slept better, I'd be able to function by 7am. I saw another study on the news the other day that reinforced that good sleep can help weight loss or keep weight in a healthy range. I just cannot fall asleep at night like I want. I even tried to nap this weekend and couldn't fall asleep.

I guess that's all for now. I'm hoping the program starts off without a hitch on Monday. If that's the case, I can start focusing on myself again and strive towards those healthy goals. Hope everyone is doing well!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

It's done!!

Perhaps I should say they're done! Patti came through and Karla's necklace and earrings are done. I am so excited and I think they turned out really well. I'm going to try and load some pictures so you can see them. I hope you enjoy. Also, I'm heading out of town on Friday and will be gone for a while. I hope that you both have a great day Memorial weekend and I'll be back in June!!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

It's time to vent....brace yourself

Hey all:

If you're expecting a chipper entry than look away...most of what I have to say isn't the pinacle of positivity.

First of all, I have to say that something has got to give. I had envisioned my May to be a little more relaxed and carefree. I wanted to have fun. I wanted to spend more time with Gavin and Jon. It's the 24th and I've accomplished none of that. I had intentions to spruce up my apartment and do some major organizing. My apartment looks even worse than it did throughout the spring semester. Sigh.

My main issue is work. I have had so much crap thrown at me lately. I was so stressed out last week that I was getting sick at work. I went to Waukon for the weekend and relaxed and my Monday was a bit better thanks to that break. I can honestly say that I barely thought about work while hanging out with my family. Yesterday wasn't horrible but by 3pm I was feeling the stress again and hating my workplace. Today was awful. I was at work for about an hour and all at once had issues with our pool status, some grad student situations, and the Red Cross. I'm not one to get emotional at work but I ended up crying in my office more than I actually worked. I'm grateful to have my job and typically enjoy it but lately....I'm starting to despise it. The summer camp portion is the worst of it. I have not announced our pool issue yet to the families. I still haven't been given any concrete information from ISU so I don't feel it's professional to give any vague information. All I'll get in return is questions that I cannot answer. The overall response from the families scares me the most. I anticipate most being understanding since it was an unforeseen circumstance. But some will have a fit about it. Sigh.

The sad thing is that I cannot leave my work woes at work. They are coming home with me and really putting me in a funk. I feel depressed and my energy just sucks. My ambition to do anything diminishes more and more each day. I've had a hard time talking to anyone about things since I get pretty upset. I haven't had a significant conversation with Jon in awhile and that's driving me nuts. I feel very distant from him and it hurts. I've been trying to be supportive of Gavin this week since he's had a lot of transitions. We had his orientation tonight for middle school and I felt so sad that he's old enough to be at that stage of his life. It also bothered me severely to be one of the only single parent families in attendance. I should be used to attending stuff by myself (I've done it for years) but it's getting old. I won't say it's embarassing to be the only parent present...it's hard to attach an emotion to it.

I just need something to click and go my way. I don't do well when things snowball and progressively get more difficult. I don't feel well. I'm not sleeping well. My summer is going to royally suck if something doesn't change. I feel pretty isolated. The sad thing is that I feel like something else is coming my way and it's not good. I hate having that type of gut feeling.

Ok...thanks for readling/listening. Hopefully my next entry is more pleasant.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Recipe: spinach, red onion, bacon and feta frittata

Since I've been trying to lose weight, I've been eating a lot of eggs. For the longest time I've been eating a hard boiled egg every morning (I love them). However, I've been thinking about the cholesterol. Now, I know that with a healthy diet and no major genetic predisposition to hyperlipidemia there isn't a strong correlation between egg consumption and high cholesterol. However, I figure why chance it. So, I've started to use Egg Beaters. I wasn't sure if I would like them or not but I have to say that so far, I've been a fan.

Anyway, I was searching for egg recipes to try with my Egg Beaters and I stumbled across Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution page and I found this recipe. The only changes I made was to use Egg Beaters instead of whole eggs (you could use either)and I added bacon because life is better with bacon. I made this for dinner but it could be used for any meal of the day and served hot or cold.

You will need:
4 eggs or 1 c. Egg Beaters
1/2 medium red onion sliced thin
1 tbs. olive or canola oil
5 oz. frozen spinach thawed and drained
4 pieces bacon cooked and crumbled
1/2 cup feta cheese (you could omit this or substitute a cheese of your choice)

Preheat oven to 350.

In a non-stick, oven safeskillet heat oil over medium heat. Add onion slices and cook until tender (about 5 minutes). Add spinach and cook to heat through. Add bacon and feta cheese, stir quickly. Pour eggs evenly in the pan. Cook until the bottom sets. Move immediately to hot oven and cook uncovered for 10-15 minutes or until eggs are set or to your liking. Remove from oven and flip onto a plate. Makes 4 servings.

The only thing I would/will change when I make this again is that I would either use a different cheese or cut the feta in half. It is such a strong flavor and I found that much feta to be overwhelming in the dish (and I really like feta).

I really, really enjoyed this dish and I have to say that I can't wait to experiment more and more with the frittata concept! The possibilities are endless!!

Monday, May 16, 2011



I am finally home and sitting on my caboose. I started my day with a workshop to learn BlackBoard since ISU is switching to that form of online learning. I tend to use an online component with all my courses at ISU. Unfortunately the new online learning is more complicated...it almost has too many options for course design. I'm grateful I'm starting it now and not in August. I need the summer to create my classes.

When I got to the office, I got some bad news about the pool we have in our building. It has a major leak (a pipe literally burst under the pool in the basement). It was leaking 1500 gallons of water a day. It has not be determined if we can afford to fix it. It it costs too much to fix the pool, we may have to permanently close it. That would severely screw up my summer program since we are supposed to give swimming lessons each day. It would also screw up fall classes since we offer swimming courses. Our after school program also utilizes the pool too. Sigh. I pray it doesn't close...at least not yet. I need more time to mentally prepare for its death.

My other big meeting today was at the Red Cross. Major updates are taking place this year so we had a mandatory meeting. I'm so irritated with the organization. There are mistakes in the new materials. They are removing personnel from the Ames Chapter so I'm going to have to call someone in a different state if I have questions about something. So much is being put online and I'm leery about technical difficulties. Sigh.

I have felt very blah mentally. It's trickling into my physical health too. I don't typically get headaches but I got a doosy today. I'm not sleeping well either. Something has got to give at some point. I want to enjoy my summer and make some healthy changes but I am lacking the energy. It's frustrating.

Jon and I found some amazing hummus the other day. It's by a brand called Sabra. I got the spinach artichoke flavor. Jon got the salsa flavor. He's flavor is better I must admit. It was a fantastic snack to put that on little toast slices or crackers. We've also been grilling a lot at his place. I've been impressed with the steak we've purchased and grilled. Lean steaks rule.

Well that's all I have to report or vent about. I vote for no more stress this week.

Cleaning out the closet

Happy Monday ladies! I hope that you had a great weekend and start to the week. The weekend here was sort of cold, dreary and miserable, however, that lead to a lot of productivity on my end.

I've been meaning to get into my closet and sort things out for a while. I have so many clothes and I don't wear half of what's living in there. I decided that this weekend was the time to tackle that problem. After my workout and errand running on Saturday morning I cranked the tunes and dug in. I couldn't believe how many clothes I have. There were things that I've never even worn (mostly given to me as gifts). By the end of the day, and I'm not going to lie it took me the greater part of Saturday to do the closet and my room I had managed to weed out 4.5 garbage bags full of clothes. I pitched 1 and half bags, things that were old or stained or ripped and have 3 full bags to take to Good Will. The feeling of accomplishment I had after completing this task was amazing. Not to mention, my closet and bedroom look fantastic!! And there's another bonus, I found a brand new pair of work pants (tags still on) that fit like a dream...yay!

Sunday was not nearly as productive for me. I was wide awake at 5:30, which is horrible, and got my workout in early. I pretty much spent the rest of the day doing laundry, watching movies and working on a blanket that I started back in December and haven't touched since Christmas. It was very relaxing and I have to say that I enjoyed it thoroughly. I liked it especially because next weekend is going to be busy busy as I pack and get everything ready to head back to Iowa. I can't believe my trip is coming up that fast. The girl who is making the cake e-mailed me today and she can't make it anymore so I have to figure somethings out now but it shouldn't be an issue. She's one of the bridesmaids and I think she's having health issues so I hope she's feeling well enough to at least come to the shower.

OK, I have phone calls to make. Have a great week and I hope the weather becomes a bit more spring like for all of us.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Yoga in the morning

Happy Wednesday ladies! What an absolutely gorgeous day! We have been really lucky here in southern Michigan these last five days. The weather has been perfect: warm, sunny, breezy...simply amazing. I have to say, I'm actually really glad that we've had our weather and not yours. Don't get me wrong, I want warm weather but I don't think I'm quite ready for 90 degrees yet. I'll keep the milder temperatures as long as I can. God bless the great lakes and their climate controlling properties!

It's been kind of a crazy week so far. I got out of work half an hour late on Monday and last night I didn't' get out of work until almost 6. Many of our doctors were gone last week for conferences so I think they're trying to make up for it now. Too bad that means I have to get overtime. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind the time and a half pay but taking OT is highly frowned upon. Because I have direct patient care it's inevitable at times but it's still never a good thing. Working late last night also lead me to a desperate measures situation for dinner.

I've been planning on making this new macaroni dish and I was going to make it last night. By the time I got home (after visiting the bead store with Patti) it was almost 8 and I was starving, there was no way I was going to cook. Fortunately I had a really good workout yesterday morning because I ordered Jimmy John's and managed to stay within my budget...yay! Oh yeah, I should also mention it was delicious! I don't hardly eat out anymore so I really find it to be a treat when I do. I'm hoping to get out of here on time tonight so I can go home and whip up my old fashioned macaroni with ham and peas...I can't wait!!

Patti and I had success at the bead store last night. I ended up picking up the clasp for Karla's necklace, posts for the earrings and the crystal beads that we're going to use. The metal is all copper and the beads are a rose color. I think it will all look beautiful together when the jewelry is finished. I can't hardly wait for them to get done. I'll post pictures when the project is complete!

I have recently made some changes to my morning routine and I have to say I like it. I've never been the kind of person who can wake up easily during the week. It's especially bad in the winter. However, as the spring progresses, I notice that it's getting easier for me to drag myself out of bed earlier and earlier. Because this is getting easier I've decided that I'm going to try and get up every morning at 4:40-well, during the week that is. I already get up this early on Tuesday and Thursday mornings to do cardio but I'm going to try my hardest to do get up on M-W-F mornings and do yoga. Today is the first morning that I tried and I loved it. By the time I got done with my 50 minute DVD I had plenty of time to make an omlet, eat breakfast, watch some news, shower and get ready for work. I think what I love the most is that I finally have the energy to do something like this. I can't believe how big of a difference losing 50 pounds has made.

Anyway, I should stop writing. Have a great day week!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

The semester is done....Halleluiah!!!!

Greetings all-

It is so nice not to have to prep for any classes this week! I turned my final grades in for ISU and DMACC on Monday morning. My grade distributions had a wider variety this semester. I still have one task left to complete....have to complete a form for some of the PE majors for their files. It takes some time since I have to reflect on their performance all semester and complete a rubric. It helps to determine if they should be in the Teacher Education Program.

We have a new professor for the fall for the PE program. Thanks to his arrival my workload is changing. I'm actually surprised by how they changed my load but shouldn't be. I am no longer teaching the 400-level classes. I honestly don't mind handing that off. But on the other hand, it's tough to let those classes go since I've put so much time and energy into my presentations and projects. I'll be teaching 200 level classes each semester. Those classes are the fundamental courses PE majors teach so they are competent in all the areas of PE (team sport, aquatics, racquet sports, etc.). I will also be supervising student teachers again. I don't thoroughly enjoy that part of my job since it can be difficult to honestly critique senior PE students. I sometimes have critique the cooperating PE teachers too and that can be awkward too. And on top of that I'm teaching Health Studies 110 (Personal Wellness). It's essentially the same class I teach at DMACC but a different book. And I'm still the Physical Activity Coordinator for the department. They are not giving me as much hours per week to complete that part of my job though....that should be interesting.

I've been working on the summer camp a lot this week. Families are starting to submit their registration packets and pay their fees. It's amazing how paperwork can eat up hours of time. I had my first meeting for the employees too.

I'm seriously considering the idea of riding my bike to work this summer. I still need to get my bike serviced though. I live so close to campus so what the heck? I guess I'm a little paranoid about the security of my bike. I'm probably going to keep it inside our building during the day. I'm also happy about my summer schedule. In theory, I don't have to be to work until 12:30pm so I have my mornings to myself. I would love to get my exercise in each morning so I don't need to worry about it at the end of the day when I'm bushed.

I realize that I suck when it comes to loseit.com. Now that life is less hectic, I hope to make time to document important parts of my weight loss. I'm excited to cook meals and try new recipes. And don't forget about grilling! I've found an amazing cut of meat at Hyvee and am proud to say that I'm eating grilled steak. They provide perfectly portioned filets that are $2.00 and very lean. Our next challenge is to grill fish and grill it well.

I think that's all I have for now. I plan to catch up with some reading soon since I haven't touched any of the magazines in my apartment for months. Maybe I'll have some tidbits to share from my periodicals soon.

Recipe: chicken Marsala

As I try new chicken dishes I've started to notice that a lot of them are very similar. Maybe it's just me but I sometimes think that all of my fun new chicken recipes are slight variations of the same basic recipe. Regardless, I love chicken and even slight variations keep me from feeling like I'm eating the same thing every week. So, without further rambling here are the directions for chicken Marsala.

You will need:
1 large or 2 medium chicken breasts (mine came to about 14 oz. for 3 servings)
1/3 c. flour
2 tbs. lemon pepper
1/2 tsp. salt
1 tbs. garlic powder
2 c. fresh sliced baby bella mushrooms
3/4 c. slightly sweet white wine*
2 tbs. butter
2 tbs. canola oil
1 tbs. oregano

Slice the chicken breasts into thin slices. If the chicken is half frozen this job is a lot easier.

Mix the flour, lemon pepper, salt and garlic powder in a bowl. Lightly coat the chicken in flour mixture, shake off excess flour. Add canola oil to a skillet over medium high heat. Cook chicken until lightly browned on each side. Remove from skillet and place in a greased baking dish.

Add the butter to the skillet and melt. Add the mushrooms and oregano and cook until lightly browned. Add the wine and keep cooking until the mushrooms are tender, about 5 more minutes. Pour over chicken and bake at 375 degrees for about 20 minutes or until the chicken is done.

*I used half white wine and half chicken broth for this. If you don't like wine or don't have any feel free to use all chicken broth.

I served this with potatoes boiled in chicken broth and mashed with some green onion tops and black pepper (yum) and a dinner salad. It was very good and I will definitely be adding this to the make again list!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

It's a beautiful morning...

The sun is shining, the birds are chirping and I've lost 51.3 pounds!!!

OK, off to workout now!

Friday, May 6, 2011

Bittersweet celebrations

Happy Friday ladies! Once again the week has come and gone and we're so close to a wonderful two-day respite from the hustle and bustle of our busy, weekday work lives. This week is a good week. First and foremost, my amazing sister-in-law graduates from nursing school today!! She has worked so hard these last two years, raising 4 children and going to school is no easy task, especially considering she's a single parent Monday-Friday half of the year. Her accomplishment is even more amazing when you take in to account the fact that Tasha is a high school drop out with a very rough past. However, through hard work, dedication and an immense amount of will power she has turned her life around 180 degrees over the last 7 years! It's an amazing inspiration to think of how far she has come in this life.

Everybody is so proud of Tasha and we are all in a celebratory mood but there is a bittersweet feel to the happiness. I have had many calls from Tasha in the last few weeks as her graduation, Mother's Day and Karla's bridal shower have been approaching, where one of us or both of us end up in tears (it's usually both). Do you think the sadness that my mom isn't here for these types of events will ever go away? Everyday life has been getting easier but every time these big events roll around it's like we're going through losing her all over again. I literally woke up in tears this morning. Who does that?!?! Anyway, we're trying really hard to focus on the happy and once we get through Karla's wedding, where we'll be needing lots and lots of waterproof make-up, we should be good on big events for a while.

Speaking of happier thoughts, I have started to move in the right direction with my weight loss again! I stepped on the scale this morning, a little apprehensively because our going out for margaritas last night turned into margaritas and dinner, and I've officially lost 49.8 pounds...so close! I was hoping to hit the 50 pound mark before I head back to Iowa and I will certainly accomplish that goal! Bonus, my 50 pound earrings are in the process of being made as we speak!!

When my mom passed away Karla inherited the pearls we bought her: a very long strand of ivory pearls. Karla is going to wear them for her wedding but I'm having a woman I work with restring them into a double strand. I'm taking the leftover pearls and having wedding earrings made for Karla (which she doesn't know about!) but I'm also having a pair made for myself. Patti is going to make me white gold hoops with the pearls stringed on the hoops! I am really excited and I think it will be really nice to be able to use my mom's pearls in a way that works for me...I love hoop earrings! Patti just started the work on the necklace and earrings so I don't know if mine will be done by the time I head home, Karla's getting done are the priority as that's my shower gift to her, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed!

OK, I think that's all I have for now. Have a wonderful weekend ladies! Enjoy mother's day and I hope your weather is lovely!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Recipe: blueberry crumb bars

OK, here's the deal. These bars are delicious in all ways imaginable, however, they are not what we would call a healthy 'everyday' treat. I promise to return to sharing healthier recipes after this one.

You will need:

3 c. flour
1 c. sugar
1 tsp. baking powder
2 sticks cold butter
zest of 1 lemon
1 egg

4 c. fresh blueberries*
4 tsp. cornstarch
1/2 c. sugar
juice from 1 lemon

* I used frozen

In a large bowl combine flour, 1 c. sugar, baking powder and lemon zest. Using a fork or pastry knife, cut egg and butter into dry ingredients. This dough will be crumbly. Pat half of the dough into a greased 9x13 pan.

In another bowl combine blueberries (thawed and with juice if from frozen), cornstarch, 1/2 c. sugar and lemon juice. Mix well and pour over crust. Top with the remaining crust.

Bake at 375 degrees for 45 minutes or until the top is slightly browned. Cool thoroughly before cutting. I cut them into 35 squares and they came out to just over 150 per bar.

I can't wait to make these bars for Karla's shower! I've been toying with the idea of doing half the pan with blueberries and half with raspberries...I think any berry would be delicious with this crust! Anyway, just another fun and easy recipe in case you need ideas for something down the road!