Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Three Weeks

Happy Wednesday ladies. I hope that you're having a wonderful week and that you're not floating away yet. I have to admit that I have been loving this spring like weather that we've been having here in Michigan. You can't beat 40-55 degree weather with lots of sunshine. The rain is supposed to be starting today but even that will be welcome here. We didn't get nearly as much snow as you did back in Iowa, so fortunately we don't have to worry about the flooding like you do.

Things have been going really well here in Michigan. I haven't blogged in quite some time so here's what you've missed:

1)I've been spending a lot of time with my friend Chris because she really needs her friends around her right now. She has a doctors appointment this afternoon where she'll be having an endoscopy. This is the test that will determine if her oncologist is going to do any chemo/radiation therapy before surgery to remove her mass or not. The consensus is still that she's at stage I but they want to double check before beginning treatment. She is handling all of this so well, I can't hardly believe it. She has been quite the inspiration.

2)Last weekend I went to see Shutter Island with some friends. It was fantastic. I will be honest when I say that it was not what I thought it would be at all. From the previews that I had seen it looked like it was going to be a scary movie, possibly with ghosts, but it was not. I don't want to give anything away in the event that you might see it but it's set on an island that houses an old school psychiatric hospital for the criminally insane. The basic plot is that a patient has escaped and Leonardo DiCaprio's character is a U.S. Marshal who is called upon to find her. If you enjoy psychological suspense/thrillers then this is a must see movie.

3)I'm going to be taking a class at the church that I've started attending. It's the class that they use as their new member's class and it meets on Sunday's for seven weeks. I don't know that I will formally join the church but the head pastor wrote the book that we will use in the class so I think it's a really great way to become familiar with the beliefs and ideals of this church.

4)Work has kind of blown this week. Some of my co-workers have been seriously slacking and I've had to pick up the extra work. I don't mind helping out if they're busy but when they spend all day playing games and shopping online I feel like they shouldn't be leaving their work for me.

5)My Lenten resolution is going really well. It's been 3 weeks since I've eaten out and I don't really miss is all that much. I've really enjoyed cooking for myself and I love that I'm not spending the extra money. I have had some pop since starting but I've decided that as long as it's in moderation it's ok. I think I've had 3 pop in the last three weeks and half of the last one I had is still sitting in my car because I didn't drink it all.

6)My step-sister's engagement is off again. They had an arguement about a superficial thing and apparently that means he's not proposing now. My mom put her foot down, which is good for her, and told them that she's not doing this any more and that they need to decided if every little squabble is going to send their relationship off the deep end. If it is then maybe they shouldn't be together. I guess we'll see what happens.

7) It's only three weeks until I get to come home for my brother's wedding and I cannot wait!

OK, that's it for now. Good luck getting what you need to get done accomplished this week!


project.100.gone said...

Hello....kudos on blogging! I've been checking the blog every few days to see if you've posted anything new. Each time I've done so I've kicked myself in the ass for not blogging. I'll make a point to create an entry early next week.

I'm pleased that you've been able to devote so much time to Chris. I'm sure she appreciates the companionship during this stressful time.

I admit Shutter Island intrigued me a little...perhaps I'll see it at the dollar theater. I really want to see Alice in Wonderland...might try to see it this weekend when I'm up in NE Iowa.

Work was insane for me. I wasn't picking up the slack for anyone. I have a habit of creating work on my own because of my lesson planning and brainstorming for classes. It's more than easy to work a 12 hour day each day of the week. Thank goodness I don't attempt to do that. I'd lose my mind.

I have to agree with your mom about your sister's situation. It is not healthy to call things off so easily when it comes to trivial or superficial issues. What are they going to do if they get married and incur those minor problems? Consider divorce and separation all the time?

My consumption of pop has slightly increased. I've been drinking a diet ginger ale each day. Well almost every day...I do skip it once in awhile. It's a refreshing treat after a long day.

Keep enjoying that decent Michigan weather...wish we had the same forecast in Iowa! I really miss the sun.

LeAnn said...

I was commenting on this exact blog a couple days ago, but I had to stop due to some chores that had to be completed. I am kicking myself for not finishing it. I am really hoping I can fit in a blog sometime today. Always so much to do and not enough weekend time to do it.
I thought Jason would be in to see Shutter Island, but he's more interested in the new Alice in Wonderland, so I guess I'll have to see that one on DVD. The class at the church should be something new to try.

I am so happy that the weather has changed. Today has probably been the best day (weather-wise) in a long time. It's gives me hope. The snow has almost disappeared. The gravel roads haven't been pleasant to drive on, but I know it means spring is here.

I'm glad your Lenten resolution has been going well. This weekend wasn't the healthiest eating, so I will have to make sure that I stay on a healthy route this week. I was somewhat active this weekend, so I don't feel horribly guilty. I hope the exercising part is going well for you too.

Before I forget, you commented on my side-ache/under the boob problem. I always wears two sports bras when I work out so there is less bouncing and such. I'm sure I need a stronger bra, but two sports bras works for now. I just wanted to make sure I answered your comment.

Sorry to hear about your friend Chris; I agree with Jenny, at least you are there for support. I'm also sorry to hear about your step-sister's engagement troubles. That has to be frustrating and the like.

Sorry, I am so late on commenting, but I honestly tried to do it the day you posted the blog. Life - it just gets in the way. I hope all is well. :)