Saturday, March 20, 2010

Happy Spring!!!

OK, I know that the weather might not be as springy as it was earlier this week but it's officially SPRING!!! I love the spring so much. It means that the snow is almost all gone until next winter (emphasis on the word almost)and that things are going to start becoming green and wonderful! I've been meaning to blog all week but I haven't had much to blog about so I thought I'd just share some random thoughts about my week...I know, not terribly exciting but it's all I've got for you today :)

1) Kim and Hicham are finally engaged! She spent the night at my parent's place last night and he drove over today and surprised her. She was still in bed when he got there and she was completely surprised. They aren't planning on a big wedding at all and if he gets a job over the summer, he's a grad student at UNI, they will be having a small ceremony at the mosque this May. I wish them the best of luck!

2) My sister Karla has started seeing a guy named Justin and things seem to be going really well. He actually called her last night and asked her if she wanted to meet his family. I was surprised because it seems like it's a little soon to be meeting the family but she said that she could see this being serious with him. I'm so happy for her because she always gets involved with men who I feel are assholes and this guy seems to be the total opposite!

3) My mom has her back surgery on Tuesday. I can't hardly believe that its already seems very fast. She's nervous but I would imagine that that's a fairly normal feeling right before a major procedure. I'm really sad that I can't be there for her but I guess being there a week after isn't too bad.

4) I was terrible in regard to exercise this last week. I didn't get in any real workouts and it made me sad. I think I'm just going to call a mulligan and start over next week. With the weather being nicer out I'm trying to get outside and walk/jog instead of working on the treadmill. I had a lot of running to do after work this week and by the time I got home I just didn't do it. I need to start getting my running done on the weekends so I have nothing to do after work.

5) I stuck to my menu for the week really well. It's been over 4 weeks since I've eaten out and I feel great about sticking to it. I actually made these really great turkey burgers this week. I'll post the recipe in another post. I've always liked the concept of a turkey burger because of the health benefits over ground beef but they are always so dry...I found a way to add more flavor and some moisture!

6) I haven't finished any books recently and that makes me sad. However, I did Netflix a few good movies so I thought I'd share them with you. The Time Traveler's Wife was FANTASTIC. I really enjoyed how well they stuck to the book and I feel like they made really smart choices in regards to what they should cut out. I also watched Whip It. It's the latest Ellen Page movie (she's in Juno) where she joins the roller derby. It was entertaining and worth renting if you like quirky movies. I also have Cirque du Freak: The Vampire's Assistant. I intend to watch it today as the weather blows.

7) I really like all kinds of music. I grew up listening to everything and really enjoy it all. Even though I tend to lean towards the rock and punk end of things I really like country music. I tend to listen to a lot of the country that was popular when I was in middle school and high school but every once in a while I tend to get back into a country phase and I'm in one now. I really like Zac Brown Band. However, it would be a lot easier on me as I go through this phase if Taylor Swift were not taking over the world. I know that she's the golden child right now but I just do not like her music. To be fair there are a few songs that I don't mind but in general I really dislike her sound and her lyrics.

8) My co-worker is leaving for a 7-day cruise today. I'm really jealous of her. I've never been on a cruise but a 7-day sojourn in tropical weather would be amazing right about now!

9) In two weeks my little brother will be getting married! I cannot wait!

10) Despite my hopes and desires there is no such thing as cleaning fairies :( This means that I should wrap up my blog and get my butt to work.

Have a great weekend ladies!


LeAnn said...

Happy Spring to you too. There has been some spring weather lately, which means there is light at the end of the tunnel.
How many brothers and sisters do you have? It seems like they are all getting married or having children! Lol. Poor Jenny and me can't share excitement for those events for awhile. I hope your mom's surgery goes as expected. I would imagine back surgery to be a serious matter.
I have been feeling like foregoing exercising throughout the week, but I know that could led to quitting, so I force myself to go. It sounds like you are eating better than I am. I keep allowing myself to have junk food every day. I am still staying away from pop, but I need to curb my junk food and snacking.
I still need to see the The Time Traveler's Wife. Jason and I saw Alice in Wonderland (3D) today. That was an interesting experience. It was pretty good. I haven't seen Avatar, so I can't say which is better. I really want to read and see Precious. It sounds like quite the story.
Yes, sorry to say, the cleaning fairy does not exist, quite like the Easter bunny. A 7-day cruise does sound ideal. Wishful thinking.

Nicole said...

Hehe...I do have a lot of brother's and sisters. So I have my biological sister Karla and brother Cody. Then I have my stepdad's kids Kim, Dean and Brad but they really aren't like step-siblings they're more like my true brothers and sisters. Then there are my stepmom's kids Crystal, Val and Clyde and they are definitely step-siblings.

In regard to your junk food issues and my lack of exercise I had a thought. Put us together and we'd be a super weight loss entity to be reckoned with :)

You should definitely see the TTW and I really want to see Alice in Wonderland. I feel like it would be really trippy. I'm torn with Precious though because I tend to not like movies that are depressing and that one looks like it could be really, really depressing.

project.100.gone said...

Yippee for Spring! I am so happy to see the sun up when I get home after work. It was so pleasant today. Didn't even need my hoodie when I was outside.

Happy to hear things have progressed with Kim and Hicham. Hopefully things continue down the same path as they prepare for their wedding.

So how long have Karla and Justin been dating?

You'll have to keep me updated about your Mom. Or I'll need to make an effort to keep up with Facebook.

I still don't care for country much but I have to admit that Lady Antebellum has a decent single out that they are playing on pop stations. I'm also not a fan of Taylor Swift.