Sunday, February 28, 2010

In like a Lion?!?!

Who can believe that March is already here?!?!? I certainly can't. I feel like February was a blur and I don't even remember how I spent the month :) I am really looking forward to March. The days are getting longer, spring is getting closer and my trip home is less than a month away! I always feel like the weeks leading up to a trip back to Iowa fly by and I'm hoping that this time isn't any different. I cannot wait to see how much my newest niece has grown. I cannot wait to give Hailee her birthday present. I cannot wait to see Kim (whose engagement that was put on hold is now on again) and congratulate her on finding someone to share her life with and I am so excited for Dean and Alecia's wedding! I'd probably be more excited if I could actually find something to wear but I'm not going to let my wardrobe drama take away from the excitement of a wedding.

I've been meaning to blog for a few days now but I haven't really had much to write about. I did decided to start taking daily vitamins/supplements. I talked to one of the nurse practitioners at work and after discussing things with her I have decided to continue with my daily calcium supplement and to add a multivitamin, iron pill and a single fish oil. I'm really glad that I talked to someone before choosing what type of supplements to take and feel really confident that I'm not under or overdoing the supplement thing. I personally would never have thought to take a fish oil. However, due to my murmur I am at an increased risk of developing clots, which could lead to stroke, and fish oil decreases the stickiness of platelets and helps reduce that risk. I'll be honest, it was a bit of a financial investment to get everything that I needed but everything will last at least three months which isn't that bad over time.

Chris and I went to church again today. There is a new member's dinner next Sunday that she and I are going to attend. I'm really excited about that and hope to get a chance to meet some of the other new attendees. I have really been impressed with my experience at Vineyard so far and hope to become more involved. There are a lot of small groups, several of which focus on young adults and it would be nice to meet some more people my own age.

Well, I don't really know much else. I hope you ladies had an enjoyable and relaxing weekend. Good luck in the week to come on whatever you set out to accomplish!


project.100.gone said...

I agree...despite all the craptastic weather in Iowa, February did go by fast. I'm also excited about March though because of the longer days and chance that spring may actually start to show itself. It is so nice to see a little sun when I return home around 6pm in the evenings. I cannot wait until I can sit on my balcony into the evening and enjoy sun.

Happy to hear you figured out the vitamin stuff. I didn't know you had a murmur (or I had forgotten). The fish oil is definitely a great addition then.

It was tough to roll out of bed today but I did get my caboose to church. Despite being tired, it's nice to have a Sunday routine that starts with church. I haven't decided it I will become a member yet. They have periodic meetings for non-members so we can start the membership process. I'm also going to attend church with Jon once a month or so. --Jenny

LeAnn said...

Well, judging by the weather forecast, I would have to say March is coming in like a lamb. The weather was so nice yesterday. I have been cooped up grading papers for a few weekends now, so I am eager to enjoy the fresh, spring air. However, as you know, I flew the coop yesterday to do some shopping. I knew I should stay home to work on the many things I have to do, but I took a risk. Jason and I traveled to La Crosse with a certain list of items. I was half successful. I found awesome pants, but I was unsuccessful in finding some new flats to wear to work. I may order those online. Jason was also half successful. He didn't find new running shoes, but he got the video game he wanted.
Due to the La Crosse excursion, I was up rather late finishing stuff for today. I didn't get my lesson plans done, but those should be completed tonight.
Yay, for getting the vitamins/minerals figured out. I should probably take a vitamin, but it'll be a bit before I get around to that.
I am WAY behind on blogging. I have a ton of stuff I want to share, but rarely have the time to share it. Hopefully, today or tomorrow there will be time to post something.
Alrighty, Happy March!