Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Hey Ladies:

I've been meaning to blog since yesterday....well actually I should have blogged last week. I wasn't very exciting last week though so there's my excuse. I spent Spring Break doing some extra work with the Red Cross but didn't make as much progress as I wanted with some ISU duties. I'll have to work on Saturday to help pick up the slack with ISU work. I did get to spend some substantial time with Jon so that was great. He had Wednesday off so we attended the St. Patrick's Day parade in Des Moines. His father joined us so that was interesting. His father is 70 so the age difference between his parents and mine is amusing. I guess that can happen when the youngest child in one family dates the oldest child in another. I was very happy to get Gavin back though on Sunday. It was bizarre not being in "mom mode" all week.

I had a revelation on Monday. I had to dress-up for work because I was conducting meetings with student teachers and their cooperating teachers. I put on one of my button down shirts from Lane Bryant and did not like how it looked on me. I have figured lately that I'm probably at my heaviest weight ever. Hadn't taken the initiative to actually step on a scale or anything but I can tell by how I look and feel. When driving back to Ames on Monday afternoon I decided that I HAD to do something. I went to a Weight Watcher meeting that evening. I need accountability. For months I've been contemplating change, making some preparations (mostly mental), but I needed to take some action. The big news I received at the meeting is that my weight wasn't as high as I assumed. I made them weigh me three times because I was surprised. I'm looking forward to journaling my eating and activity. Gavin and I will be participating in a research study in April too which will require journaling and tracking. Might as well start those habits now.

I'm really excited about the change of season because I think it will boost changes in my lifestyle. I want to be outside and I cannot wait to go biking, walking, and even jogging (if my shins can tolerate it). I want to start losing inches so I can enjoy the clothes I own. I want to improve my endurance and overall health too. I had a nasty backache/shoulder pain last week and I doubt it would have been so bad if I were a healthier weight. I've also had some pain in my left knee (off and on) and I know that joint is not happy about the weight it must support.

I do plan to start posting my weight loss and actual weight but I want to get a good start first. I'm really not pleased with my current weight even though it was less than I expected.

Happy Hump Day!


LeAnn said...

Hello. I wasn't sure if you were going to get a blog up last night since you said you were tired. I miss the whole week-long Spring Break that happens in college. My Spring Break, if you can call it that, is no school on Good Friday. Not much to look forward to.
It's funny how your extra time got shortened due to a relationship. We're all guilty of it.
It's good you make a immediate choice/decision to stop at Weight Watchers. I'm getting mad at my tummy. It doesn't seem to be going anywhere. I can tell my legs and arms are toning somewhat, but the good ol' belly is hanging in there. The Spring-like weather also warns us that more skin will be showing in the upcoming months. Stressful! I like a good hooded sweatshirt to hide my gut.
Unfortunately, I have found myself to be tired almost everyday. It's quite frustrating. I'm pretty sure I am getting good sleep, but it's getting harder and harder to find and emit energy. Hope it's only temporary. Yawning during class doesn't look too professional.
Anyways, it's about time that you blogged. Good luck getting your grading done. I can sympathize on that one.

Nicole said...

First of all I am so glad that you blogged! I know we talk about things when we chat online but it's different to read about certain things in the blog. I agree with LeAnn that immediately attending a WW meeting was a great idea. I also think that it will be a really great starting point for you as you get serious about your weight loss attempt. I'm happy that you didn't weigh as much as you thought and I love that you made them weight you 3 times. Good luck with the journaling and tracking. I know you can do it!