Sunday, January 24, 2010


So, I went and saw Avatar this weekend with my friend Chris. We were going to attempt to see it in the IMAX but she was too busy chatting with a friend and we missed the start of the show and ended up seeing it in the digital 3D and it was phenomenal! The movie is sublime! The cinematography is absolutely breathtaking and the score is enchanting. It's not hard to see why the is the most expensive movie that was ever made. I'm sure you've heard the reviews and all that so I won't got into gushing adulation but I just want to recommend that you see it. Now yes, some say that the story line is somewhat predictable and they complain about that. However, they're the same people who complain when the story line isn't predictable but then becomes unbelievable. Some people just refuse to be entertained, and they're boring, boring people and I have no time for them :) I found the story engaging and it was good enough to make me forget that I left my chapstick in the car (which would normally drive me crazy...I can barely go 30 minutes without chapstick, let alone 3 hours).

Besides seeing Avatar yesterday, Chris and I went out to lunch with some friends at a pita place called Olga's. It was quite excellent. I had a turkey club pita which was great. However, it was overshadowed by the zucchini fries...that's right, zucchini fries. Move over green bean fries (which I never really cared for but everyone else seems to love) there is a new veggie fry in town and I love it!

Well, I did my grocery shopping today and I got a nice variety of veggies to eat with my meals for the week. I did make a compromise with my salad ingredients. Because I like iceberg lettuce I decided to stay with that but I got cherry tomatoes, cucumbers and carrots to cut up in them. I was also a little daring and grabbed an avocado. I've never managed to get a good avocado so I'm hoping that I did well. I also got frozen peas and broccoli with carrots. I'm really hoping to improve my overall diet this week. I'm also going to start working out on the treadmill at work again this week. I do much better if I do my workouts at work as there are no distractions. If I wait until I come home then I start thinking about the stuff I could/should be doing and my workout becomes less of a priority. That needs to change. I'm going to start out slow and then work my way up. I think that's the only way I'll really stick with it.

Well I think that's it for now. Have a great rest of the weekend ladies and a very successful start to your week!


project.100.gone said...

Well I must admit your discussion about Avatar did slightly raise my interest in seeing the movie. The way I see it, that director likes to make predictable and point Titantic. Maybe Gavin and I will see it at the dollar theater.

I'm quite excited to make up our grocery list for this week and make some purchases in the produce section. I love avocado. I agree, they are tricky to pick out. Did you know that you should keep the pit and place that with left over avocado so it doesn't brown?

Great job on working out. I just can't get into the groove. Sigh. So why isn't weight loss and exercise easy? Hehe

LeAnn said...

Avatar is on my list of movies to eventually see. Jason and I haven't been to a movie at the theaters in a long time. Zucchini fries sound interesting. I do like green bean fries; sorry but they are scandalously delicious. However, I've never been a big fan of pita.
I don't honestly know if I am a fan of avocado. We went grocery shopping. I am just trying to make sure I eat fruits and veggies. I also got a bottle of Diet V8 Splash. A little fruit juice doesn't hurt.
Yea, good luck with the treadmill. It sounds obvious, but start with a decent goal. I started with the goal that I would jog at least ten minutes straight. It sounds silly, but it works. Now even though my goal is at least 10 minutes of straight jogging, I always try to exceed the goal. Last week I was able to jog 20 minutes straight, it was awesome. So I suggest giving yourself a goal that's attainable, but still a challenge. :)

Nicole said...

I did not know that about avacado and the pit. I usally just get a lime and throw some on there to keep it a less than disgusting shade of greenish-brown.