Thursday, January 7, 2010


Happy New Years ladies! I know that this sentiment is a bit overdue, however, I have yet to blog this year so it's better late than never! My new year started well, despite having spent yesterday barfing my brains out. I got to ring in the new year with my family and then got to spoil my nieces and nephews all weekend! My trip home and the return trip to Michigan were very pleasant. Little to no traffic and good roads always make for an enjoyable journey. I will note that every time I'm back home it gets harder to come back to Michigan. I can't wait for the day that I don't have to come back :)

Like many, I too have resolutions for the upcoming year. I have only really accomplished one resolution from 2009 (yay for recycling) so I hope to do better this year.

1) Will work towards a healthier lifestyle in an attempt to lose weight. I need to really focus on being physically active and exercising more self-control when it comes to food.

2) Become more organized in my home life. I've become very lax in regards to maintaining my household. I don't live in squalor but sometimes I can't believe how big of a slob I am. I also need to do the detail work more (dusting, window washing etc.). My goal is to create a schedule and stick with it.

3) I need to make some friends in Michigan. I am bored all of the time and I think that has a lot to do with my over eating. My hope is to find an organization or a church to join which would allow me to meet more people. Not to mention it would help me to give back to the community.

OK, I don't really have a lot of time because I need to get back to work. Have a great day ladies and I hope your weeks are going well!


LeAnn said...

Happy New Years to you. Sorry to hear of your recent illness. Anything specific, like the flu, food poisoning, etc.? I hope you do feel better.
It's so good to hear that you were able to make it home for a little bit at least. Your resolutions sound like good goals for the year. Best of luck to all of us.

project.100.gone said...

I had been wondering about the state of your health due to your Facebook postings. Glad you are feeling better.

I also approve of your goals. I also should be cleaning better in my home considering things like dust irritate Gavin and his allergies. I just wish I didn't have so much to dust!

Finding a good church will certainly help with the social situation in MI. It's too bad you can't find a book club or something there either.

Nicole said...

I think it was food poisoning...I had the dry heaves all day (I know, how horrible) but no fever, body aches, chills etc.

I'm feeling really great today except for the fact at when I throw up the blood vessels around my eyes and mouth burst. I seriously look like I have 2 black eyes and there are big purple burises on either side of my mouth. I'm feeling a bit self conscious but other than that I'm good :)