Friday, January 22, 2010

The Week is Ending on a Good Note

Hey Ladies:

I'm proud to say that I've made some substantial gains in regards to tackling my workload this week. It feels good to not be so overwhelmed. The after school program I coordinate starts on February 2nd so I've had lots of odds and ends to complete for that. I'm also trying to work ahead and create PowerPoint presentations, lecture, worksheets, quizzes, etc. ahead of time to make life easier when it comes to teaching. I also have student teaching supervision duties to stay on track with too.

My main project is to organize a class for undergrads so they can observe PE teachers each week (elementary). I've had to email numerous principals to get permission for our entrance into the buildings and also email the PE teachers to get their permission. The frustrating thing is that many PE teachers aren't great about checking email. Sometimes my messages go into SPAM too so that hinders things. I need to have a nice, organized chart created for students next week so they know where to visit on Friday.

I do have some stress in my life too. Not sure if I mentioned this in December or not. A student teacher from last semester is displeased with his grade. He is going to formally contest it. I have absolutely no idea what the process looks like. I've gone over my grading process with the PE/Student Teaching Coordinator and she agrees the grade I assigned. She even said I was too lenient. However, he's found some information in his student handbook that could alter a couple things. It will be interesting. Some days I feel like "oh well, I'll go through the process and whatever happens, happens." Other days I get all anxious and very worried because I wonder if it will make the chairperson of the department think I'm incompetent. Sigh. I'm doing a cartwheel the day that situation is over.

I'm displeased with my lifestyle change progress this week. I wasn't as hardcore as I wanted to be. I let myself make excuses due to work. Sigh. I really want 2010 to be a year of big change for me. I want to feel better, look better, and set Gavin up for success when it comes to his health too. I'm hoping that some workout sessions with Tiffany will help set me on the right path. I wish it was nicer out so I could use my bike!! Hurry up Spring!

1 comment:

LeAnn said...

I am jealous of your finished work. I really should have some tentative lesson plans created. I ran into another Decorah teacher today and she also told me that the pregnant teacher is ready to pop any second. I was hoping for at least another week, but we'll see. I wish I had the ambition to put together stuff to teach. It's not too late yet, but almost.

I have the same problem with my emails sometimes going into people's SPAM or junk mail. Such a headache. I figured that student of yours would give you grief over his grade. It sounded like you were in the right. I suppose some handbook crap could save him, but it probably wouldn't hurt you. It'll be an interesting (and learning) experience, I'm sure.

I'm a little disappointed in my body. I felt like I have been putting in the time at the work-out center, but my body isn't showing it. Technically I think I gained weight this week. It makes me mad. My jogging/running is going a lot better. I can last longer which is great. I just wish my weight showed it. I should probably re-evaluate what I am eating.

Alright, glad you're week has ended with negative test results, a fixed car, and a dinner with Jon.

P.S. Jason and I made up, for the most part.