Monday, January 11, 2010

Reality Just Slapped Me in the Face Again

Hey ladies-

I had my annual physical today. I had expected a decent lecture about my weight (it typically happens when I visit the doctor) but I had a really good discussion with my medical provider. She's not actually a doctor, I'm seeing a nurse practitioner. I'm used to most doctors just ordering a blood draw for cholesterol, triglyceride, thyroid screenings and that's about it. They just keep things physiological. She actually probed me for information and asked about emotional and mental ties to my eating and lifestyle habits. I was very surprised but at the same time very embarrassed. It all stems back to my career and the fact that I know everything she told me. I know the risks of being overweight, I know how to combat it, but here I am still overweight and risking my health.

I know my labs are going to come back and be disappointing. Especially my triglycerides. I'm very interested in my thyroid labs...I've never had that checked out before. I've also had issues ever since my gallbladder was removed and she was cool and put me on a medication to help with that. The doctor at ISU Student Health would never prescribe me anything, which drove me nuts. If the meds work, I will have more freedom with what I can eat and when I can eat.

Anyway, even today wasn't the most pleasant day of my life it gave me motivation. I don't want to disappoint my doc further. I want to see significant changes in my lab results over the next several months. I've coasted on the comfort of knowing my health was OK over the past years but I am riding the fence now. I could see more weight gain definitely pushing me over the edge into blood pressure issues, higher cholesterol, or diabetes.

Fact of the matter is....I need to make a big change and I need to make it now.

1 comment:

LeAnn said...

It's hard to find nice doctors or practioners. I usually face a few questions about my weight, but nothing too in depth. I've never had blood work done either.
I think slaps from reality happen once in awhile, but we tend to forget about how passionate we are about weight loss. We need the slap from reality to sting a bit longer than it does. It happens to me all the time. I feel ambitious for a day or so, then I lose steam.
At the same time, it's hard not to face reality every day when you know it's affecting your health. It's harder to ignore. Anyway, let's hope for an awesome year in that department as well as others.