Sunday, January 10, 2010

Live Healthy America

Hey Ladies-

Tiffany will be registering our team for the "Live Healthy 100 Day Wellness Challenge" this week so I wanted to provide the website for the program.

After she provides our individual information, we will have access to the site and all the cool information (exercise tips, recipes, exercise videos, etc.).

Here is what your $15 registration fee includes specifically:

--a t-shirt

--coupon book (for first 30,000 registrants)

--weekly motivational e-mails with tips

--100 days access to "Training Peaks" (not sure what that is)

--a one year subscription to one of these magazines (Fitness, Ladies Home Journal, Family Circle, Midwest Living, Better Homes and Gardens, Heart Healthy Living, Mujer, Parents, Men's Journal, and Diabetic Living)

I have chosen Heart Healthy Living because of the medical and nutritional information it provides. I looked over one at Border's (and bought it) because it's very practical and useful. Just wanted to let you know about this opportunity in case you need to look up the magazines to see what best fits you.

FYI: We have 8 people on our team. (Tiffany, her husband Gregg, Nicole, LeAnn, myself, and 3 of Tiffany's cousins)


LeAnn said...

Good info to know and since it's on your blog, I can come back any time to get the info. Nicely done. This should be an interesting experiement for me. I hope we're all successful. How do we choose which magazine we want? Do we have usernames and passwords or what?

project.100.gone said...

Yes, after Tiffany registers the team as a whole...we will all get information emailed to us at our respective email addresses. Those emails will give us a password so we can access the site and personalize our choices.

Nicole said...

I just got an e-mail from her with my username and all of that fun stuff. I'll have to take a look at the magazines again. I didn't realize we got a years subscription so I'll have to take a look again. I'm very excited for this!

Nicole said...

FYI...I decided to sign up for Fitness Magazine. I was going to go for Heart Healthy as well but I thought it might be a good idea to get soemthing different than you Jenny. That way you can share tips and ideas with us from your magazine and I can share stuff from mine!

LeAnn said...

Oops. I signed up for Fitness Magazine too. I didn't realize Nicole did too. Oh well. It is very exciting. It's nice to have a place and purpose to record my physical activities.