Sunday, January 31, 2010

Who am I doing this for?

Hey Ladies:

So my mind was wandering during church (sorry God) and I was thinking about the challenges I've been facing with my lifestyle change goals. Actually the sermon made me think about these issues so I was paying attention at some points. The pastor asked the question "Who's in charge....your head or your body?" He then went off and spoke about the head and body of the church. I started thinking though....who IS in charge? I obviously want my head to be in charge of things so I'm responding appropriately to hunger (not emotion) and making wise choices in regards to food and exercise. I've been letting my body make most of the decisions though...letting my body tell me that it's too tired to work out. Or I've been using my head the wrong way and letting my emotions direct me in food choices.

My pastor made a good point...if you keep letting your body make choices for you things can get out of hand. In regards to weight loss, an imbalance is going to occur. I obviously have an imbalance of muscle mass and fat mass already. But when are my insulin receptors going to start giving up causing me to be diabetic? When will my blood pressure increase and cause issues? I'm already having some joint discomfort at times. My cholesterol is also elevated too. My body is showing some signs that I need to be using my head more often.

Anyway, I also started thinking about why I'm planning my weight loss. I think I've been prioritizing incorrectly. I seem to be more concerned with how I look to other people rather than my own opinion of myself. I worry about what people think about at work and I wonder about what Jon thinks. I have days when I feel ok about how I look and days when it really bothers me. I know if I'd put my opinions first, rather my perception of others' thoughts, I'd take the process more seriously. One of these days, I'm just going to list why reasoning for losing weight so I can visually see the will probably make its way on here.


LeAnn said...

Good point. I spose if I went to church at all, I might get inspired. However, I feel like I have to remind myself that food isn't going anywhere. So, I can have moderate portions and there will still be more for later. It's hard to explain, but sometimes I feel like when I see a meal, I should just shovel it all in or if I am at a restaurant, I should eat it all, because I don't know when I am going to get a chance to eat that food again. Does that make sense?

I think I am doing this mostly for my me (my self-esteem). However, there is a good load of pressure from Jason (I want to look good for the boyfriend so he's not embarrassed to be with me or seen with me) and I also want to be healthy and fit for my students. I feel as though they will take me more seriously and like me better as a teacher if I am not grotesque. However, I know there are health issues that could be resolved if the weight dropped too.

Anyway, a new week begins today or tomorrow (however you look at it). Let's have a good week.

Nicole said...

That is an excellent point Jenny. I think a big part of overcoming obstacles in this endeavor is figuring out why we're doing it. If we're simply doing all of this work to please others then failure is imminent. If we are doing this for ourselves alone I think success will be more possible. Regardless of how much weight we lose and how we change our lives, we'll never be able to make everybody happy in every was. If we focus on our own happiness it will be a lot more rewarding.

Good luck with getting your head and body to start working together better. We really should be eating with out heads and exercising with our bodies. It's a power struggle that needs to be worked out in order to succeed I think. Best of luck to you and to all of us!